This means that they'll have to be 'redesigned to the field',
I don’t think so. He is staying in Bethel but anything can happen.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
This means that they'll have to be 'redesigned to the field',
I don’t think so. He is staying in Bethel but anything can happen.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
History in the making.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I think that besides the religious facet of this man, people don’t appreciate that he served in Vietnam and if he was in the battlefield that would explain if the man drank to k1ll then hurt and the pain and the horror and the shock. If you were there you know how many US soldiers were on d7rgs just to cope with the unbearable and if they came back alive to the US after a couple of tours, they became alc0h01ics or d7ug abusers. Anyway if the booze is true, being in the battlefield may explain and mitigate.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
There is never a need to resign due to ill health.
You mean step down from being the FDS?? Is that at all Scripturally possible?
—Unless, there are new ways being adopted.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Magnum has been here many years and is worthy of some esteem.
Respect. Speaks from the heart.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
It's pretty standard protocol in most congregations with a decent Body of Elders that when a Ministerial Servant or Elder in good standing need to step down
People in the cong already know there is a problem and a prayer at the end doesn’t fool them. The prayer at the end is to soften the blow on the deleted and his family but he is nonetheless viewed with less respect. —-Or as the Bible puts it, hated or disrespected. Now he has to try to measure up again while going to meetings, give parts, run up and down with mikes, etc same as he did before but now without authority or the title of elder. Never saw anybody deleted for health reasons but only as a pretext for concurrent qualifications issue.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
I have vastly more interest in what happens to Tony Morris than what you have to say.
So do majority. It is not commonplace. It may be nothing but there could be more to this.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
When I saw 2 new members adopted, it indicated to me that it was to replace some1 not some2 but doesn’t rule out more than one. AM was down to earth. I liked his sincerity. His directness in his lectures stood out from the indirectness of the others which caught my attention. But I didn’t suspect they were going to remove him.
breaking news!
every jehovah’s witness elder in the 67 counties of pennsylvania are being given notice by state attorney's office to turn over any & all documents relating to child sex abuse cases!
watch attached video beginning at time-stamp particular attention to what is said after 103:00.this is wild!.
They could always violate the law in the interests of doing what is right
Anybody can. But that is not the legal point here. The issue here is law. That is why everyone is in Court.