wasn’t a sin or that the fruit in itself had properties. Likewise David simply ordered the death of Bathsheba’s husband,
Fruit from a poisonous tree.
Sin should not produce good things but that is not the case. The wife of Uriah married David ( David killed her husband and produced Solomon) and produced Jesus. The argument could be made that Jesus would have been born anyway from another woman. Also there were severe consequences for David’s sin.
Systematically, though aborted fetuses and blood is a commodity that does good to humanity by saving lives and protecting health. It seems that sin is good in these cases. If blood transfusions are sinful, they are also good when they save a human life? Is saving a human life by sinning a sin?
I had a very expensive medical book many years ago before the net with photos and drawings of cutouts of human tissue. The photos I read were very important to medical science although produced (I didn’t know at the time) from unwilling victims by the german gov. Also, the medical experiments on victims made up of Jews and others by the German gov, for example of those human guinea pigs used for hypothermia experiments, is very helpful to medical science and humanity has benefited from these cruel experiments.