I think there comes a time when we should stop with the debate and talk about reality.
In MY reality 90% of the borthers and sisters I know believe that if you aren't in the organization you will die at the big "A". Now they learned this from where?
And 90% of the brothers and siters I know believe that if you leave the organization, walk away, stop going to meetings, or DA you will also die at the big "A". Once again where did they learn this?
I don't think they came up with these thing all on their own, do you Friend?
Now we can argue the points form society literature til we are blue in the face. There are articles that will prove both sides of the debate. Again why is that? How can we fine the quotes to back up both sides if the society is remaining steadfast in their beliefs?
Sometimes we have to rely on our own experiences to answer the questions. Many times it will vary from congregation to congreagation. Now that also brings up the question of WHY?
All this makes me thing that the society has some real problems, and we can't get the answers from the literature, we have to go to the bible to understand what God wants from us.
Great Idea .
Just my 2 cents worth here.