I think lots of things have changed over the years as to what they do and don't believe, but like you said they keep it very hush hush and don't let anyone else know what they think for "fear" of being caught and going before the elders.
I too remember the JW's who clearly knew that if you were not a babtized JW, active of course, and the big "A" came you were pretty much dead meat. When I left several JW's told me that not only would I die, but my whole family, wife and kids.
Now on boards you hear JW's say that they don't judge that is for Jehovah to do. Of course some of this talk is just for the ears of the non-JW's who they think they are fooling, but some of them really do believe that it is up to God to decide who lives and who dies.
As for the 1914 teaching, well again I think there are many JW's who don't buy it, but refuse to admit it because of fear. Nobody wants to lose their family and friends and many stay JW's for reason. Of course if they were really your friends, well they wouldn't dump you now would they?
I have seen some huge change in JW's in my area. I used to hear "we can wait until the new system" so much when talking about health problems, new homes, marriage, children, etc. Now I see JW's investing heavy into the stock market, I see them spending thousands of dollars on their health, new homes are being built, kids are going to college and trade schools, more babies are being born, young ones are getting married instead of "waiting" for the new system. MONEY is a big issue now and saving is even bigger. Now do you think these people are really buying all that JW propoganda or are they just giving lip service and doing their own thing to make sure they aren't going to be left out in the cold if the "end" isn't just around the corner?
Of course there are others I see that still buy all the "cliams" and lies and have nothing and will have nothing the rest of thier lives. They have credit cards maxed out, bad credit, live from day to day praying that the end will come "soon"! Those are the ones I feel sorry for. They have put all their hope in a manmade organization and they have no future except the one the society paints for them.
I really wonder how many JW's would leave if they did away with the "shunning" policy and they could leave and still associate with friends and family?
Take care.