Onacruse, are you really from Afghanistan?
Also, what is a cajone? Is it testicles?
hey watchtoer dubbies!
i dare you to disfellowship me at the meeting!
my parents are david & patricia bush.
Onacruse, are you really from Afghanistan?
Also, what is a cajone? Is it testicles?
you know, the last little thing that blew your patience out of the water and forced you to face up to the fact that you were in a cult that doesn't believe in the bible so much as it believes in it's own power structure?.
for me it was beards.
stupid i know and possibly the most trivial of things to be 'stumbled' over but to me it was the epitomy of what was wrong with the witnesses - arbitrary rules poking their noses into the lives of people where they had no business.
exactly what does it mean to have "an elder mentality"?
i'm curious.
elders didn't exist when i left the jw's.
Last year, before I left, I noticed our congo had 9 ex-elders - all good, mature family men as far as I could tell - but worn down by the quick-build hall preparations. The remainnig elders either really old, or young ministerial-school trained single pioneering replacement elders.
The elders who are really caring give it up, or suffer a breakdown. I feel sorry for the ones who care, weighed down with administrative work and talks, when they would rather be helping the flock in practical ways. No glory for the latter things though in the org.
you know, the last little thing that blew your patience out of the water and forced you to face up to the fact that you were in a cult that doesn't believe in the bible so much as it believes in it's own power structure?.
for me it was beards.
stupid i know and possibly the most trivial of things to be 'stumbled' over but to me it was the epitomy of what was wrong with the witnesses - arbitrary rules poking their noses into the lives of people where they had no business.
When i started parttime university I cottoned on that you can't say you know what's true till you've considered the counter-argument, which we weren't allowed to do because that was apostate territory. At the same time a close relative got DF'd and I realised how cultish the DF policy was. These insights helped me take the step to go on internet when a close relative sent me a link to ewatchman. Internet confirmed my doubts, along with Ray Franz' books.
After learning all the hypocrisy and untruth of the GB, I thought of staying on to the odd meeting for some social and spiritual fellowship, but realised that I would eventually talk, be labelled and possibly DF'd. So my efforts to build friendships were hollow. So stopped attending.
what do you find yourself doing differently?.
do you ever feel a little shocked when your opinions on certain things have changed?
things that you were once so adamantly against?.
Deep down, tho being brought up in truth, i've always been a feminist, non-judgmental, non-black-and-white, a bit risque on the joke side. But then there was the JW side ... A colleague once said I was an enigma. Now there's no JW side, I'm just ME, what a relief!
And I now say "I believe.." not "We believe..".
i'm in bkk thailand and i have some question for ask you here.
- why you leave from wtc.
- if you 're ex-jw and already leave from wtc ... where you go.
By blog do you mean ewatchman? He has some intriguing theories about Bible prophecies to be sure, I keep up with that. He is useful because JWs may read his site because it opens JWs eyes to the problems in the org and doctrinal failings, while still encouraging JWs to stay in the org. That is how I became inactive, thru being intro'd to ewatchman and then progressed to other sites.
The problem with ewatchman is that he still thinks JWs are 'God's visible organisation' despite the evidence against this. The WTS is shit-scared of him because he demolishes 1914 in a way that JWs can understand, and some of his fans are staying in the org on the quiet. This is why the WT lately has focusing a lot on 1914, also featuring warnings about apostates. Funny thing is that ewatchman launched a personal attack on Ray Franz, calling him apostate etc, but ewatchman is viewed the same way by WTS!
Oh and welcome by the way!
my heart is palpitating even as i write this.
it was only recently that i was introduced to this site.
i had long had doubts but could never bring myself to peer over the wall built in my head about the evils of apostates.
What a great thread! I wish you all the best. I have been reading "Stop Thinking Start Living" by Richard Carlson. I recommend it for you too, it has helped me to not get overwhelmed by the thoughts, and sleep better.
Before I faded I had impending feelings of doom (tho I didn't get panic attacks) and nightmares re armageddon, because I hated the thought of all those people being killed simply for not being a JW, yet deep down I didn't want to start any bible studies or bring anyone to the meetings because I was embarrassed by my religion! What a confused state.
It is good that you're reading the history book - after no doubt feeling guilty for reading worldly stuff rather than boring WTs, an intelligent person like yourself will want to soak up new knowledge like a sponge. As people have pointed out, remember that you don't need to decide what's what, I have retained my 'faith' in certain things, discarded others and yet a lot of beliefs are in the 'tentative' basket!
i recently talked to a jw ?elder?
friend of mine, who said that they just received a letter (us) from the society, stating that they should ?da?
anyone who takes a blood transfusion.
I don't know much about this. Wondering, why would automatically DA-ing not attract a law suite whereas a judicial committee case would?
who is ?the man of lawlessness??.
note: i?d like to ask that only those who have an interest in the bible, it?s interpretation, and believe it is at least partially inspired of god respond to this:.
i?ve always been interested in this scripture in 2 thessalonians 2:3-12 (niv): .
I have wondered about this too. I think atheists don't fit the picture. When you consider that the 'great apostasy' happened after the apostles died out, leading to the institution of the catholic church with the Pope as the infallible 'word of God' - I think the man of lawlessness, who sits down in the 'temple of God', must mean religious people who gain such control as if they are Godlike - also antichrist in the sense of replacing Christ.
THe crusaders and inquisitor who committed terrible atrocities in the name of God, were told by the Pope that killing muslims was good, in complete reverse of conscience and the Bible, but because the Pope was speaking supposedly on God's authority, any kind of twisted rationalisations were acceptable . It is the same process that happens, albeit not so atrocious, when a group of men set themselves up as the GB and F&D slave - normal conscientious principles go out the window and hypocrisy is allowed - in other words 'lawlessness'. There are many examples in history of this type of thing. I think the 'man of lawlessness' could mean these sorts of people, which christians should avoid (ie in the form of leaving controling organised religions), in favour of true christian freedom, principles and personal integrity - following Jesus ways, not those of men. Alternatively, there could be an ultimate 'man of lawlessness' - collective or singular - in the last days (ie the end of this system of things, not the WT's interpretation of 'last days').
Ewatchman has an interesting take on man of L and antichrist, which I have borrowed from but dont completely agree with him because he still thinks JWs are special.
Interesting topic, Picard dude.
there seems to be a problem with incense burning now!
this is from the watchtower website: http://www.watchtower.org/library/w/2003/6/1/article_01.htm.
a) they are running out of crap to publish.
Cyber-Sista! Your experience at the assembly was so similar to mine it's freaky! The assembly programmes became so obnoxious for all the reasons you stated and plus some. At the last circuit assembly in our area, there was zero baptismal candidates.
The last assembly I went too last year, I went to half a morning session (and I was late) with my daughter (who didn't want to come). I think it was a special assembly day (as opposed to a normal assembly day). There were lots of experiences - people getting on stage and blowing their own trumpet. It was announced that after the song, we were going to hear from some youths who were doing well. I knew I was going to feel if I stayed any longer, so I whispered to my daughter "let's go ay?". She didn't argue. We walked to the car giggling our heads off. I knew that was the last one I would attend.