The posts have some great leads for me to investigate. Here is my response to some -
Abaddon - THanks for all the links. You know, schools don't need to teach all the mythical accounts, just need to mention that there are some serious objections to evo.
Sirona - If evolution is the 'most likely' theory about the origin of life, why bother with God?
Hooberus - I am familiar with Occams razor, but on this subject I don't think it applies, because organic life is so complex humans don't even fully understand how it works, so how could the origin of life be uncomplicated?
Max Divergent - I would like to see that line by line critique of Creation book.
Seattleniceguy - thanks for the compliment! I will definitely get that book by M Denton.
Zen nudist - not sure what to say about your post! My mind can't think about pantheism right now.
ThiChi - I agree on your point re Occams razor - maybe evolution is less complicated because it relieves us of any requirement to think about spiritual things.
JWBot - You're right, but of course it's more satisfying to think that there HAS to be a God, to have faith in a necessity, not just a wishful-thinking, "I would like there to be a God, therefore I believe".
Ohio cowboy - LOL proof of Devolution!
Logansrun - yes exactly, and who wants to believe in a superfluous God? You always have a short but punchy post!
PHil - But doesn't Evolution spawn new "belief systems"? - sorry, you're just talking semantics.
Zen nudist - We don't know anything about God's form (if God exists that is), so 'spirit' must be in another dimension surely? and we can't theorise about that. It would be like an ant trying to theorise about humans. All we can find out about is in the physical universe, and if the evidence shows that organic life couldn't have arisen by chance, then surely the logical conclusion is that 'something' or 'someone' intelligent had a hand?
Xander - It's great that an atomic particle came about by chance - now show how it could have come together with other bits and pieces to make a living cell.
Kenneson - "Big banger" I like that!
Oroborus21 - You really like that JW submission policy for women don't you? Your post started out well until you started on about the male/female God debate. Women initiate reproduction just the same as men, you know, PLUS, we nurture life for 9 months then give birth to it. Your anti-feminist argument doesn't stand up.