JoinedPosts by Love_Truth
JW Parodies - Give it your best shot....
by Frannie Banannie in.
here's one to get yall started:.
jdub eagerly anticipating the proper food at the proper time......
"The Apostates Are Infiltrating The Congregations Now"
by minimus inat the circuit assembly, my mother mentioned to me that the society is warning of a new danger.
there are witnesses that are on the internet reading apostate things but are still members of the congregation.
they are slowly being infiltrated by the 'apostates' and are still amongst us.
Too funny!! Sounds like my Mom. I tell her it's too late- Rutherford was the first Apostate, and it's been downhill ever since. 2 Thes 2:3-5, which speaks of the sign of apostacy and the man of lawlessness, defines these as the one(s) who sits himself in the seat of God. I can think of no better definition to describe ALL religions, which require putting one's faith in a man made organiztion, and its doctrines, interpretations, and opinions, rather than putting one's faith in God.
Did Jesus pray to himself ?
by hooberus inwhile trinitarians believe that the father, son, and the holy spirit, are god, they also believe that they are distinct persons within the one god.
thus they are able to speak to one another.
so jesus (one person) speaking to the father (another person) in prayer is not a problem.
I concur. The Holy Spirit is a real stretch to include in a "trinity" God-head.
One more reason I believe in YHWH as God, the creator, the Father of all things,
and Jesus, his first born creation, through whom all things were created, our mediator, savior, and redeemer.
Does your past define you?
by Princess inthey were discussing this on the radio this morning.
are you defined by what you have done in your past, or is it the present experiences that define you?.
the dj and tracey lawrence (country singer) were trying to emphasize that we are defined by what we do now as opposed to our past.. are we as a group here an exception?
Well, thank you. It's good to share thoughts with others who have a similar background- have a good workout!!
I think Bush will win in a landslide, and that's a good thing.
Bush- lowering taxes
Bush- Takin' the war to the Middle East, instead of on our shores
Bush- the lesser evil.
You'd better informally witness, or you're bloodguilty!
by Gopher inas a jw, we were taught that almost any conversation could/should be twisted adapted into a witnessing situation.
we were continually urged to watch for "witnessing opportunities".. someone says, "i wonder if we'll ever get out of iraq", and you were supposed to say "that situation shows man's inability to rule.
do you think god will act to rescue mankind and assure good rulership?".
I always felt much more natural informal witnessing, myself. The door-to-door stuff, although it was the majority of what I turned in on my reports, was usually a real drag.
Nowadays, I still talk Christian spirituality with folks I meet, when appropriate, but I know longer feel the need to twist the discussion into a recruitment seminar. I've come to the conclusion that ALL religion is false, as it requires purtting one's faith in the teachings, doctrines, and leaders of the religion(read-organized group of humans) in the place of faith in God and his son..
Did Jesus pray to himself ?
by hooberus inwhile trinitarians believe that the father, son, and the holy spirit, are god, they also believe that they are distinct persons within the one god.
thus they are able to speak to one another.
so jesus (one person) speaking to the father (another person) in prayer is not a problem.
I can't rationalize the Trinitarian thing. Going beyond your subject of was Jesus praying to "himself, I think the Trinity falls apart in two ways (at least). No one can, it's a matter of faith not reason.
Yes, but one must be careful to put their faith in those things that have a firm foundation, as Jesus illustrated with his parable about building on the "rock mass". So, I think it makes sense to put one's faith in what seems most likely. Again, God's "friend" Abraham, believed in a monotheistic God, and the majority of Scripture supports this belief rather than trinitarianism.
1)- It was necessary for Jesus to die (be truly dead)ummm, so ya buy into this whole no immortal soul issue?
I buy into the interpretation that the soul is the human, and so, dies with the human.
in order to attone for Adam's sin. Someone other than he, then,, had to raise him from the dead. Scripture is pretty clear in John, where Jesus says he lays his life down and takes it up again. As a human, Jesus died, his imortal soul went to the abode of the dead and freed the those who died before his coming...the righteous dead (see 2 Peter)
Not sure what you are alluding to here (second coming obviously, but I fail to find text to support your assertion). Please cite the specific references you are using to subsytantiate your viewpoint.
JW cannots........
by Nan ini couldn't believe this list of cannots that jws have to adhere to!
i already knew about the holidays, blood tranfusions, the pledge, etc.
there's maybe one or two that i would agree are for your own good, but the rest are ridiculous!!
That's not entirely true, but it it is mostly true. Officailly, perhaps, your list covers the stance of the WTO, with the exception of Jesus being our personal savior and redeemer. And the rest of the list, while perhaps "officially" off-limits, still has many secret practioners, like eating Thanksgiving Dinner on T-Day, as long as you call it a coincidence, going to the Prom as long as you don't "push it" on others, etc.
Still, it's a wacky, mixed-up, man-made organization that puts the "organization" in the seat of God and mediator. Just a nother false religion.
Did Jesus pray to himself ?
by hooberus inwhile trinitarians believe that the father, son, and the holy spirit, are god, they also believe that they are distinct persons within the one god.
thus they are able to speak to one another.
so jesus (one person) speaking to the father (another person) in prayer is not a problem.
I can't rationalize the Trinitarian thing. Going beyond your subject of was Jesus praying to "himself, I think the Trinity falls apart in two ways (at least).
1)- It was necessary for Jesus to die (be truly dead) in order to attone for Adam's sin. Someone other than he, then,, had to raise him from the dead.
2)- The Israelites, Go's origianl chosen people, were pure monotheists, there was never any belief in any but truly one God, not three in one, or any other such number.
I've had many a discussion on this subject since leving the jaydubs, and I still believe they are correct on this one. So I see no support for a belief that Jesus prayed to anyone other than his Creator, and Father, God, YHWH.
Does your past define you?
by Princess inthey were discussing this on the radio this morning.
are you defined by what you have done in your past, or is it the present experiences that define you?.
the dj and tracey lawrence (country singer) were trying to emphasize that we are defined by what we do now as opposed to our past.. are we as a group here an exception?
Certainly. Yesterday was the "past", this morning was, and everything since we took our firts breath (even before that, really) is our "past". I think anyone who disregards or minimizes the influence of their past is in denial. To understand who we are means understanding where we came from, and how are past experiences have defined who we are today.
I, on the one hand, am glad for the love of the Bible and the desire to please God that was brought about by my time(s) as a Jaydubyuh. On the other hand, many of my years were wasted going to meetings to hear human's views and opinions taught as if they were God's.
I am glad I left the "organization", just another false religion, IMHO, and have come to believe that ALL religions are false, and that the only way to please God is by putting faith in him and his son's sacrifice, to do our best to live the Fruitages of the Spirit, to love and help one another, and to do our best to help others to do the same and come to know him.
It's been working for me so far- I left for good about four years ago, after leaving once before as a teenager (disfellowshipped), only to come back in, raise a family, and realize it for the "emperor's clothes" organization that it is.
Always look on the briiiiiiihght side of life, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo...................