JoinedPosts by Love_Truth
Ok...Valis won't answer my question so please...Texans help!
by shotgun inthinking of taking a vacation but i can't go to bethel and i was wondering about gilgal?
hosea 4:15
"you've ruined your own life, israel-- but don't drag judah down with you!
"The Wine has not been Spiced........" ?????
by RubaDub inin view of the upcoming holiday season for us jw's (well, sort of holiday i guess), every year in the talk, they make a big point out of the fact that the wine has not been "spiced.".
when i asked this question several times to those in the borg, they simply say that it means "no additives.".
my question is, is there such a thing as "spiced wine?
Yes- Sangria or Santgria- Spanish spiced wine.
Probably others as well.
Minimus: In his real life.
by Country Girl ini can finally put a name to a face.
That was very nice Michael.
Weird, but funny.
What's your status....relationship wise?
by Maverick inone of the down sides of the web is not knowing the various posters status; married, involved, looking, and lost...suspect a lot of those here!
my status is complicated...mostly by me!
i have a couple of admirers that would like to lock me down but i keep dancing around the whole issue.
Divorced, two daughters (one in College, one in High School) living with my wonderful Girlfriend about three and a half years now.
Ralph Nader Running?
by patio34 in.
why does ralph nader want to give another term to president bush (what other reason can he have for running and dividing the voters as he may have done in 2000)?
i just don't understand.
GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!! GO Nader!!
Run, Ralph, run!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS- Vote Republican. Because it's just not safe to vote Democrat.
I'd buy lottery tickets in front of anyone.
Is it really "Bible based"?
by ozziepost inso often the wts makes the claim that its teachings are ?bible based?
and so are worthy of following, but are they?
true, the wts?
I think all "Christian" religions have the right to claim that they are "Bible-based", much as a movie is "Based on a true story". In that sense, they are "Bible-based".
NEW-- Parables of Discreet Virgins & The Talents Refers To ALL Christians!!
by minimus inaccording to the march 1, 2004 wt., the 2 parables "shed light on events in 1919 or thereabouts, they apply in principle to all true christians throughout the last days.
in this way, while the exhortation that jesus gave at the end of the parable of the ten virgins applies in the first place to anointed christians before 1919, in principle, it still appliesc to every christian.
".......i capitalized that quote to show that the watchtower is eroding the fds and the parables that have always applied to them by including the "great crowd".
That's one of the many issues I always objected to as a witness. I vocally pushed that issue, and they finally are starting to come around, it looks like, although they're still way off base on so many other countless Scriptural issues, IMHO.
What next? Will they ever realize that ALL Christians are to partake of the Bread and Wine?
The "class" stuff is simply an Apostate sham, we're ALL either Christians, or not.
Who loves wine...and which kind?
by codeblue inok...time for some's friday for god
i love merlot's and chardonnays...of course i love champagne!!!
Code blue,
Actually, by no means is that "all the wines", those are just off the top of my head, the ones that really stand out. There are thousands of different wines, many of which I have tried, but those ones really make an impression.
I've seen some other good choices I would second here, as well, like Valpolicella (red), or a good French Burgundy, and Liebfraumilch (Mother's milk, a German White wine variant of Reisling).
Keep It Zipped
by onacruse inendorsement
s omeone writes an anonymous letter to the watchtower as follows: ?
the golden age recently published an article entitled ?that delusion called ?love?
I'm speechless. Who in the world could possibly turn down God's second greatest gift to mankind, Sex?