Looks like tons of pedophilia cases are all over the United States. The article mentions this one in Utah:
In another instance, Sabrina Montgomery, a 37-year-old former Witness in Brigham City, Utah, alleges that her father, John Bohman, sexually abused her from when she was 14 until she was 19. When Witness elders found out, she says, Bohman simply resigned his position as an elder, and no further action was taken. Montgomery has asked local authorities to prevent any contact between her three daughters and Bohman. Montgomery's former husband is still a Witness, and maintains regular contact with Bohman. Bohman did not respond to CT's requests for an interview
Call them Confidential Files as the article does or call them Secret Sin Files, they are "Dirt Files." If the Watchtower Society thinks they must keep mud on people then the least they could do is let the rank-and-file see what the mud is so that it can be challenged and cleared away where it proves false. Currently these sin or dirt files are kept in hall and copies sent to Bethel branches and Brooklyn's Bethel down in the basement. They are full of distortions and lies harming not only child victims but adults. The U.S. Government should regulate such record-keeping for fairness as the European Union does.
Dateline NBC, other media, U.S. Govt., are you listening?!