Okidok; You posted a URL when I last replied to a post of yours (another crop circle picture).
Have you actually been to that web site?
Do you believe what the person writes?
So there's the greys, and they're short, bad, consume liquidised flesh, and are in cohoots with the CIA/NSA (which are both Nazi organisations).
They are the bad guys, as they want our planet, or our genes. A bit like the Soviets in the Cold War, except they wanted our jeans.
Then there are the Swedes, or the blondes, who are good guys and between six and six and a half feet tall, and can drop in and out of space time, but their planet was taken over by the greys and the few that escaped are trying to help humanity falling victim to the same fate.
However, you have to be careful as the greys make clones of the Swedes, but you can tell when you look in their eyes that they're clones, as there is no intelligence there.
That's the gist of what I read; admittedly (sorry if this sounds harsh and like I've already formed an opinion) I only sped-read various extracts, but I have never, even including WT literature, ever, ever ever ever, read such a humungous load of balls in my entire life.
Do you believe in that stuff??
Oh, be careful, you're being watched by the greys...