My daughter attended meetings with me while she was growing up, but drifted away in her teen years, but would attend occasionally. My husband was never a witness, but a really nice guy who i dearly love. our daughter also grew up to be a really nice person and a loving daughter. When she started to date a "worldly man" even though she was not a witness herself the elders gave me a serious talking to. One of them told me the story of PHineous and how he drove the tent peg throught the groin of the man and the woman and that is how Jehovah felt about my daughter (that God wanted to drive a tent peg through her groin). It put me into a state of shock that lasted for a very long time--even today it makes my skin crawl to think about him saying that horrible thing to me about my kind and loving daughter. I tried to get things straightened out in regards to the elders attitude toward the situation and talked with a circuit overseer about it. He was very unsympathetic when he told me what he has had to do is emotionally separate from his family so he won't feel so bad when they die at the big A. He also told me that he and the elders were concerned that if I ever had Grandchildren from this marriage I may become attached to them (as if that was a wrong thing for me to do). This is only a small part of this awful story but it continued on in this same mode until I almost lost my mind. I wrote a 12 page letter to the society about many of the things said and could've written more, but they never answered my letter even though I had written PLEASE HELP ME at the top of the page. They WT leaders killed God for me as they painted such a cruel picture of him. They were trying to get me to stop loving my family and made it appear that my love for them was a weakness on my part--that was the worst injustice and lack of love anyone could have shown me.
the story ends well though with me out of the JWs (in therapy and recovering), my relationship with husband and daughter intact and a wonderful new son-in-law (not a JW). AND I still love them all...