huh? what? oh yah, back to the subject. ADD runs in my family...We were always all spaced out and running like chickens with our heads cut off. the good news is ADD people are good at multitasking, the bad news is it is hard to finish a project. Heard that biofeedback program can actually cure ADD. they hook you up to a machine and you play a video game on the screen moving stuff around, without touching anything--but just using your brain. I think this sounds very cool, but can't find anybody around here that does biofeedback. I knew a kid once who was on riddlin for years and when he got off he was so drug hungry he went out on the street in search of illegal drugs. seems like a lot of those meds are addicting. I would suggest some books on controlling it without drugs or check into the biofeedback thing. get lots of exercise to get your mind and body working at the same speed. It was really hard for me to sit so long at all those boring JW meetings--pure torture it is for the ADD person. We are much better off flying a jet plane or driving a race car--or doing something that requires some speedy brain activity.
JoinedPosts by cyber-sista
Anyone been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder?
by YellowLab ini was recently diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and depression at 32 years old.
i also have obsessive/compulsive tendencies (ocd), as well as mild motor and vocal tics since i was very young (characteristic of tourette's syndrome).
i'm currently on medication.
Why did you choose your avatar?
by FMZ ini have seen many threads about avatars, here is another one:.
i have had this avatar for some time on another board.
i was going to put a picture of myself in there, but decided against it, as i realized this picture has some symbolism to me.
I think mine is something exploding out in space somewhere. I guess with my exiting JWs something in my inner space exploded out into my outterspace. Or maybe it is the tremendous force or blast of me breaking on through to the other side. I have been looking for a superwoman type of figure to put into the center of it so cyber-sista can come flying through the wormhole and out into another universe--far far awhile from JW Org-land....or something like that...
PS...FMZ...I think you need a shave
by drnewson inyou all don't sound like friends of mine.
nor ones i want to be friends with.
you sound like feinds not friends.
I think that the majority of people on this site are honest about who they are. The vast majority have suffered under the dictatorship of the WTBTS and have now escaped. We have come here for a bit of group support and understanding, which can only be offered by others who have experinced a similiar plight. We toss our ideas around--agree most of the time, but not always--but that is OK too. Sometimes we argue and can even get into heated debates, but that is OK too because the majority here now believe in unconditional love... REMEMBER being a friend of the WT Org is only base on your service to the Organization (condtional love)--if the WT can't use you enough they toss you away like rubbish...If those are the kind of friends you want then I pity you.
Just wait until they find out the elders won't let them have a KH Funeral..
by Elsewhere inonly baptised jws in good standing can do that.... kills off-road racer .
mom says he was near lead, may have pushed too hard .
I agree sad elder funerals are for the living. I always attended funerals even of non-witnesses even if they were in a church--though some have told me you could get in serious trouble for that. When I was a witness I figured it was a good witness to be there to comfort others no matter what their beliefs and that maybe they would be more willing to talk to me later about spiritual things.
I remember an question in the WT not too long ago about a woman who might be asked to attend by her non-beliving husband to attend a funeral with him."suggested" that she talk to her husband and reason with him why this would be difficult for her to do and maybe the non-believing husband would understand. Well, if you ask me that is a lot to ask--Sorry dear I can't attend your mother's funeral. How insensitive--I imagine that little "suggestion" caused a lot of heartache and damage to some marriages.
No sex or marriage for Great Crowd
by cherjcd inhello folks,.
the watchtower has promised a special group of people that they will have sex, marriage and children in the new earth.
no resurrected person will have these privileges because you have to live through armageddon to get the privilege to procreate.
Remember the other old scripture that was brought out about "let those who have wives live as if they have none? Anyway, it went something like that and would be brought out to impress the point on us that if you are married your main focus should not be on you marriage or family, but on serving the Org...Sounds like a great recipe for a marriage disaster to me.
No sex or marriage for Great Crowd
by cherjcd inhello folks,.
the watchtower has promised a special group of people that they will have sex, marriage and children in the new earth.
no resurrected person will have these privileges because you have to live through armageddon to get the privilege to procreate.
Just wait until they find out the elders won't let them have a KH Funeral..
by Elsewhere inonly baptised jws in good standing can do that.... kills off-road racer .
mom says he was near lead, may have pushed too hard .
From what I have seen ones who are just associationg or not baptized do not have funerals at the KH, but sometimes a brother will give a brief talk at a funeral home if the relatives are witnesses of the person. I did one time years ago see a congregation give a funeral for a non-baptized son who was not living a JW lifestyle. His parents and family were all hard core JWs. I saw the same situation in another congo in the past couple of years and the funeral was not allowed. (Has the society changed their view on this one too?) That rather upset me and does even more so now. My God, what kind of a church does not sympathize with their own members when their child or dear loved one has died? And if your relative is DFd forget it--no witnesses will come to comfort you or your family. The more I think of it the more PO'd I get. WHERE IS THE LOVE?
let the dead bury the dead
by galaxy7 insomeone in our community died and i asked the people that study with me if they were going to go.. they said no and quoted a scripture about jesus saying "let the dead bury the dead".
so i took this to mean anyone who is not a witness is considered "dead".
however they said they would attend the tea after the funeral service.. this didnt make any sense to me, why would they eat their food but not pay their respects at the funeral?
As faithful JW dieing is like cheating the system for everyone else is suck with the drudgery of life and you will pop up fresh as a daisy in paradise.
XQ...Remember the old saying it is easier to die for Jehovah than to live for Jehovah? Another one of those cheery little JW quotes that used to make me feel like jumping off a cliff.
JWs can be so insensitive when it involves death. Over the years I had many experiences with this, such as when a close relative dies and somebody just says" well at least now they have a the hope of the ressurection." and act like your greiving is a unwarranted.
After a very dear and close relative of mine (not a JW) died I spent time with my family in another state. It was a very emotional time for all of us and when I returned a month later an elder came up to me and just said laughingly as if it was a big joke "Ya got the old lady buried, huh? That is all he said and it hurt my feelings to say the least and I didn't have any respect for him after that. This callousness is something I noticed among many JWs in regards to the death of those outside and even inside the group at times.
How do they know?
by desib77 inthis kind of goes along with all of the posts recently about the memorial.
when my mother explained the annointed to me when i was young i asked how someone would know if they were part of the annointed.
she told me, "they just know.
In my old congo there were 3 women who claimed ot be of the annointed--also a couple of men I knew over the years. These ones were all in their 40s. I know that two of the women had bad marriages and one sister pointed out to me she had known other sisters like this in previous congos--her thought were they wanted to go to heaven to escape their husbands. These ones who claimed to be of the annointed were on some strange mental trips and were not living very balanced lives either. I think that knowing you are one of the annointed is no other than a strange form of mental illness.
by jst2laws init has been difficult getting my old database to accept new info and then there was no way to edit the old thread so this is it on a new thread.
this is a follow up from the older: .
yrs bethel
Hmmm--is this the same thread? I left for a couple of hours and when I returned everyone was annointing themselves with hair gel. Guess this thread is starting to lose steam. That is OK....
hugs all around,