new light.....I (mostly) get your point and (mostly) agree with it.....
I personally avoid the word 'proof' and instead use 'evidence' since proof is so final.
The wife and I were discussing just similar thoughts today on what 'reality' is since its essentially subjective to our senses and cognitive abilities. Thus, its hard to judge anyones 'reality' whether they believe in Jehovah or are complete atheists.
Right now I see evidence that supports a creator of all things and I see evidence of evolution but no real proof either way.
If there is a creator as described in the Bible, I don't believe it described him giving total and absolute free will to humans. Your definition of free will at the start is lacking in detail and biblical support, thus, your conclusion that is stated as 'Proof there is No Jehovah' isn't supported yet for me to better understsand what your saying.
So my agreement with you as I said at the start is all your other statements about prayer, emotionalism, people perhaps only fooling themselves with religion, good or bad feelings coming from within and this statement:
I'm not saying there is no creator, as I truthfully have no idea. What I do know is that I have not experienced Jehovah since I took off the blinders. In spite of countless pleas for even the slightest sign, god is no where to be found. All I wanted was a reason to believe that went beyond simple emotion, and it has been denied. Sorry, but I need more than blind faith on which to base a belief. Surely, the almighty of the universe, our creator and the source of love and wisdom would understand that.
really is what I feel especially since taking off the blinders.