Elder Explains NGO Issue...Now It Is Clear!

by exjdub 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • exjdub

    Quite a while ago an older sister stopped by my door, and stupid me, I let her know my life story in a nutshell. faded for 7 years, former ministerial servant, blah blah blah. I think the reason I did it is that she reminded me of my mom and she caught me at a weak moment. What a mistake! I am still kicking myself over that stupidity because I am in an area far away from where I faded from and I had anonymity. By the way, let this be a warning to anyone else that has faded and has the urge to talk to a JW, I have now been introduced to every elder and Ministerial servant in the local congregation and I have now become someone's "project" Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhh!!!!!


    Fast forward to a the visit I received from an elder and his wife during Saturday field service. Coincidentally... I happened to have a copy of the UN NGO information available that I had recently recieved, courtesy of the fine people on this board. I debated whether or not to bring it up, knowing that I was about to tread on dangerous ground, but finally decided to bring it up and voice my deep concern. After a brief uncomfortable silence on his part, the elder finally admitted that he was aware of the NGO issue. I asked him if it bothered him at all. He said: "Not at all". I repeated in a shocked and very dismayed tone: "This does not bother you at all, how could it not???????" He again repeated that it did not because he "trusted that the Society would not be involved unless they had a good reason." I was flabergasted and said that a library card was not a good enough reason for me after being taught that we were supposed to not be "part of the nations" and that the UN was the wild beast. As an afterthought I also added that this also really offended me because I could not even play basketball in a YMCA when I was a kid because of the religious affiliation and that at the very least it was extremely hypocritical on the part of the Org.

    Interestingly, I could see out of the corner of my eye that the elder's wife was nodding her head in understanding at each point I made. So then he explains that it was necesarry for the Society to be an NGO so that they "could be on the inside when the cry of peace and security happened". I don't know why, or how it happened, but for once I was quick on my feet and I said: "But that doesn't make sense. The Society has made it clear that the cry for peace and security is to be so clear and evident that the whole world will know that it has been declared, so why would the Society need to be on the inside if it is to be that clear???????????? Silence...more silence...mouth opens...shuts..."well we have people waiting in the car for us, gotta go, nice to see you again, the yard looks really good", blargety blargety blarg, blah blah blah.

    I feel relieved now because now I know that the Org had a very good reason to be an NGO. They are looking out for everyone so they can hear the cry of peace and security first and then let everyone else know that it is the real deal. I wish you had all been honest and told me that at the outset. I think it would have altered my feelings on the matter. By the way, I don't think I can post here anymore...I am on the way to the meeting tomorrow night...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! God, I want to hurl. Can you believe that crap? The good part about it is that I don't think I am anyones project anymore.


  • Sassy

    That sure doesn't make sense at all... but once you are out, do very many of their reasonings makes sense??

  • exjdub


  • Leolaia

    Looks like he's trying to rationalize it to himself, for he wants to believe they have a good reason, and you're helping him realize that maybe they don't. BTW, when a woman nods like that during a conversation, she is not necessarily indicating that she AGREES with what you are saying (which is what men usually mean when they nod), but that she understands what you are saying (which is how you described it).

  • shamus

    Sounds like they're spaced.

  • Gopher

    I'm so glad I'm out of that organization. That way, I will never have to be in an awkward position like that elder was, trying to explain away the inconsistencies of the WT Society's actions versus its own doctrines.

    You have to admit, though, that the idea of the WTS gaining access to the UN as a "mole" was a pretty creative (but still self-deceiving) explanation. It differs from the WTS' official explanation that they needed a library card, but it's far more interesting.

  • exjdub

    That's funny that you would say that Leolaia, I had the same thought that you mentioned, that she understood the feelings and the frustration, but not necessarily agreed with what I was saying. Still, you never know what comes of it I guess.

  • Elsewhere
    feel relieved now because now I know that the Org had a very good reason to be an NGO. They are looking out for everyone so they can hear the cry of peace and security first and then let everyone else know that it is the real deal. I wish you had all been honest and told me that at the outset.

    Damnit! You busted us!!! We're found out!!!

  • Sirona

    HAHA HA!!!!

    NOW I know what to say when they ask me why I'm a member of a Wiccan Coven! LOL "Oh well you see, I heard about how the society joined the UN so that they were aware of current activity in light of Armageddon. Therefore I thought I'd join so that I've got inside information about what Satan is up to nowadays. "




  • exjdub


    The elder is not the sharpest tack in the desk, but he has always been nice to me and respectful, which is more than I can say for most of the dubs.


    I too am glad that I don't have to explain the unexplainable. It was always very awkward.

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