awesome to hear hawk!
btw, i'm a 4X4 er from waaaayyyy back - it was probably the most fun I always found some way to do through most of my reg. pioneering days!
boa loves mud...
awesome to hear hawk!
btw, i'm a 4X4 er from waaaayyyy back - it was probably the most fun I always found some way to do through most of my reg. pioneering days!
boa loves mud...
i started doing karate a few months ago.
today, an old memory came flooding back - i remember my mother telling me when i was a child and asked how people could punch through piles of wood, and breeze-blocks and suchlike, she told me it was because they were helped by the demons.
for years i thought karate was a satanistic activity (no, really!)...
bandersnatch...i can only remember this word (bandersnatch) used in Larry Niven novels....but maybe its elsewhere as well.....awesome sci fi btw.....
anywho....i have long wanted to get involved in a martial art - their kewl....their about fitness....their about confidence imo....NOT simply about 'false' religion and violence!
this situation concerning the watchtower and hitler got me into a train of thought that i wanted to share here....
when we think about it, this antisemetic behavior of wts foreshadowed a full-blown pattern of narrow-minded views of others, and how it has escalated into what we see in this hatefilled and controlling organization today.
hi sunspot....i thought i could just leave a lot of this crap behind from this org....but tis not to be.....i can only guess its because i was born into it and indoctrinated for 30 yrs...sheesh
i hear yah, and i feel with yah..... your avatar a character from peter rabbit?....cuz if it son loves that show!
what is really the most disturbing thing to me is that i really do feel that i was brainwashed in those 20 + years in the org--i mean seriously brainwashed.
i am not an idiot, but there were times that i look back on now where i was a radical jw, though this is not really my personality to be such.
i remember after assemblies (while greatly relieved it was over with aching back and all) i would feel different--sometimes i would start donating more money to the wt and at one point i seriously thought of puttingthe wt in my will.
cyber, great question and i've wondered that myself recently....
my conclusion is heading towards the idea that the majority of the guys at the top are not knowingly reading 'how to brainwash people for idiots'. The control tactics come naturally if legalese, tradition, and a myopic viewpoint rule the day imo....also, the glorification of man comes into play imo....
the best satisfaction i get from realizing all this is that it is nothing 'new'. People have been controlling others, including high control, for eons, and it comes naturally to some on HOW to do it... What you and I have been through, and done, in the name of an 'organization' is repeated now and throughout history with many other groups...
not much to make yah feel better maybe....but it is how I view it and am coping...somewhat....
whether you're a doubter or another agitator, just look at what the bible says: .
1- jesus started one true christian religion.
after the christian arrangement had been established for some time, the apostle paul under inspiration further showed at ephesians 4:4, 5 that there must be just one body, or group, of true worshipers of god.
well well well.....seem ol' Theo has gotten lost or maybe he's done the good ol' 'start a controversial thread in seeming good faith, though 'e just needed to take a jw-apologist-cyber-dump' and leave trick - sheesh.
and I suppose theocrikey is off laughing somewhere about it all, or maybe tisk tisking to himself (herself?) about what pride-filled, hateful, demonic, apostate, self-important spiritual losers we all are - double sheesh!
XQ you said this about God's name....
Maybe thats why you can't pronouce it he sent in a well built muscular, but gereatric angel to find his name change it, and fake its death. "You have been erased." Remember all "By preaching we can save our selves, and others."and I had to read it a coupla times and am still LOL! Thanks for that - you're a gem, honest. boa.....
it has been announced that two forthcoming volumes examing the secular and biblical ecidence for bible chronology are due for publication in the spring, 2003. rolf furuli a semitic language scholar provides a new approach to the many problems associated with current chronology.
it should be interesting to see how this book will be reviewed in the scholarly literature and compare this material with jonsson's gentile times reconsidered.
to date i am unaware of any scholarly review of the jonsson hypothesis.
I certainly am NOT a scholar.....nor do I feel I should have to be to understand 'truth'.
Yet, apparently, the Society would have me believe that we are living in the 'last days' since 1914, supported by a 2-fold 'evidence' package. One is claimed to be 'Bible chronology' and the other being the 'composite' sign apparently given by Jesus to keep us awake to his 'presence'. And so here I am being told this is God's organization, which is entirely based upon a 'foundation' of the above beliefs having to be true since the organization was also 'examined' a few years after 1914, some sifting done, and then 'approval' as God's One True Channel was bestowed upon the bros of early last century.
This complex, detailed, not easily supported Scripturally or Historically, 'foundation', is supposed to be SO sure, and EVIDENCE that its the simple 'truth'? I did indeed read Carl Jonsson's Gentile Times Reconsidered book and found it had the ring of 'truth' more than anything the Watchtower Society has ever written about the subject. Forget this Furuli for a minute - Why the Hell has the SOCIETY not come back with a reasoned, scholarly, truthful reply to Jonsson's argumentation which is now almost 30 yrs old??? Why did they treat him the way they did at the time, including essentially 'shelving' his information instead of discussing it at length and with research and prayer?
Better yet, why does the Society virtually NEVER answer its critics in a scholarly, reasoning and public forum??? Hmmmmm seems to be a picture forming here.....something about cultlike organizations...
Appendix 14 of the 'Kingdom Come' book is a shameful example of jounalistic and intellectual dishonesty imo! There is testimony that the driving force behind supporting the claimed 607 date was to discredit the means used to arrive at the 587/586 date! Shame! and a pitiful testimony indeed of the so-call 'truth' to support its 1914/607 cornerstone doctrine, without belief in, or support of, the whole card house comes crashing down imo. (has already many years ago)
I suspect you will never address any of the facts that Jonsson refers too since that is not the way of jw apologists. I've never seen them do so anyway. What I have seen them do is be all of what the Society claims 'apostates' do, namely , resort to deceptions, half-truths, and outright falsehoods -shame! They'll do the usual 'bait and switch', 'red herrings', 'circular reasoning', and other tactics to avoid directly confronting the issues.
Starting on Page 308 of Jonsson's book regarding Gentile Times, there is a very good section commenting on this Furuli, hmmmmmm, wonder if Furuli would care to simply refute Jonsson's assertions about his evident lacklustre performance in even addressing this subject from the very get-go?
boa.....who in the end is just another Parrot.....
staind - outside, the original version, i am currently stuck in a hotel room in northern paris
Nowwwwwww......I'm listening to The Cottars - Scarlet Ribbons....great Nova Scotia group....
i've been that disturbed jw waiting to see if this was gonna be the strike that took me out for being a thinner, for jeece sake....
sad and pitiful now i know.....anyway, when we first moved to our latest residence last year, there was a lightening strike right out of the blue around 50' away from me. No previous strikes and very little after - scare the living bejeezus out of me (now of the non-bejeezus class). Guess it was just a warning heh heh.
Now, we just went through windstorm that cut the power for 19hrs (dropped me outta chat dammit) - had to get a genset to make sure we didn't lose our meat....
boa.....who also thinks wild thunder and lightening storms are invigorating......(most of the time)
after much deliberation, i decided to go "out" at the end of a public talk.
it didn't go down too well, but at least i was able to give some of my reasons for leaving.. i've put some of the details on my homepage.
i'll update it more when i get the time and the strength.
hi LT,
i've feel for you in your story and could only repeat what others have said about your courage - kudos!
you've been true to yourself and that is a reward without compare
boa.....(been too damn inactive of late to get to the platform lol)
have a look in the isaihh"s prophecy voll 2 page 323, not seen this on any site [ hi all]
the 'artist' for the 'grand climax' (lol) book appears to prefer fairly flat-chested women....hmmmm
boa (who likes all kinds but sorta prefers a full 'b' cup)