What does the word "immature" mean to a dub?
1. Not baptised. Depends on for how long. Non-baptized spouses that sorta support the baptized member for decades probably would get a 'yes' (to me they're probly the smartest pre-ex-jws around)
2. An irregular publisher. Probably 'yes', although 'weak one' might fit even better.
3. A dub who makes his/her own decisions. Yes, if immature includes 'full of pride'.
4. Late to the meetings. Again, immature could include 'shows lack of appreciation' (yuck)
5. Less than 10 hours a month in field service. Hah hah, possibly immature, or a FADER! LOL
6. No placements. Nah, this is either an honest fader, or a really honest territory of 'householders'.
7. A dub who goes to see a football game. Yup, football is violent which is baaaaad, and Jehovah hates violence, thus, Jehovah hates the 'spiritually immature' one....
8. Posting on JWD. LOL, if so, my name is boa 'immature' boy! - sheesh
9. Someone who doesn't have "privileges". Quite possibly an 'immature' one or....see 'fader'...
10. Someone who doesn't know how to explain "the generation". Well, if we're talking, explain to reasonable and provable satisfaction in all honesty, my guess is the whole darn shooterie of 6mill dubs is 'immature'.
11. Someone who can explain how the WTS/F&DS was chosen by God. (OK, make that "can't"!!!) LOL
12. A brother who has a beard. Unless he has a really good reason like fire damage on the face or some other deformity, in my part of the world, this is a pretty big no-no - so Yes for the immaturity vote on this.....sheesh.
13. Other (please detail) Going to rock concerts......Arriving late and leaving early from meetings......Possibly not closing ones eyes and bowing head during prayer (I stopped doing this some time before quitting meetings).......Chewing gum at meetings.........Not singing during kingdum songs (done this several times as well before quitting meetings......probly appreciated by some : > )........Taking kids out of the hall if they were rambunctious (Yup, again thats me...hell I looked forward to it near the end!).........Walking around during the sessions at assemblies........Buying ice cream from 'off-site' bicycle vendors.......Using binoculars during the sessions to check out chicks da 'friends'.....