It must of been opposite day when they wrote those paragraphs....
On just such a day last week I went around telling my wife 'I HATE SEX' dear!
She didn't fall for it and as regards the above.....neither will I
just one quote from the brochure which appears on the 2001 cd watchtower library, what do you notice...?.
jehovah?s witnesses are interested in you and your welfare.
they want to be your friends and to tell you more about themselves, their beliefs, their organization, and how they feel about people and the world in which all of us live.
It must of been opposite day when they wrote those paragraphs....
On just such a day last week I went around telling my wife 'I HATE SEX' dear!
She didn't fall for it and as regards the above.....neither will I
*** w86 3/15 pp.
19-20 allow no place for the devil!
14 finally, we might consider what the society has published in the past on chronology.
I bought into it (actually born into it heh heh)
I saw how the market for it no longer exists, so...
I sold all my shares in it...
so, who's going to the convention this year?
are you going to attend all of it?
the last year i went to the convention, i only went for one day.
So, who's going to the Convention this year?
Not me - public puking is not polite or pleasant.
Are you going to attend all of it?
Not me - public puking is not polite or pleasant, even a little bit.
Some of it?
See above.
What are you going to do there?
Wellllll, k, I work not far from where it will take place, so I may do a drive-by on the friday sessions just to remind myself of all the good reasons why I'm not going. Like, a day off of work for instance lol.
The last year I went to the convention, I only went for one day.
Last year I skipped a shyteload of talks by lunch-naps in the camper, and driving around town with the lil' one who was restless. Went to a workmates place and had ice tea as well. Now if they had these darn things in a theatre with soft, reclining seats, I might just find some time to go and 'catch up'.....heh heh...on some beauty sleep. boa
as i mentioned last night at our mini-apostafest supper, my posting rate is like my car mileage - i've had the car 4 years and don't even have 30,000 kilometres on it yet.. now i have 1,000 posts and it took ages to get here!
i don't know how some of you do it, i mean, 10,000 posts is like trying to reach the end of the universe without warp speed!.
another of life's goals reached
congrats ascot on your graduation to jedeye mister!
boa....of the jealous of 1000-poster klass
sincere pardons if this is posted here elsewhere and previously.. i received a copy of "jehovah in the new testament" from the booklet's argument is that whereas "yahweh" or "jehovah" belongs in the old testament, because it is clearly there in the ancient texts, it does not belong in the new testament.. because there is not one ancient greek new testament manuscript that has "jehovah" in the text, only "lord.".
this is so obvious and irrefutable that it is silly for the new world translation to continue on with this theological mistake.
besides, in many passages where "jehovah" appears in the nwt new testament, it is simply jarring, out of place, and/or misleading.. actually, use of "jehovah" in the new testament distorts the meaning of the words of the apostles, and confuses the fact that "men ought to honor the son as they do the father.
Farkel said:
One will not begin to understand the dub religion until one finally figures out this religion is an Old Testament religion, with a little New Testament tossed in for credibility.
As I have learned at this late date, the assumption one bases one's belief system on will colour and distort 'truth'.
Thus, get to the point where you assume something is the 'truth', and you will do anything to make it keep that label.
On the other hand, let the so-called truth stand or fall on its own ....heh heh 'merits'....and it is so much more like the quote above.
The translator(s) (Fred Franz) and publishers of the NWT might want to hope that the bible is just another human creation rather than actually God's Word cuz he might not like the changes they've done to it!
in an effort to show that they had put on a 'new' personality, many who joined the wtbts would adjust their speech patterns to avoid common expressions of cursing or profanity.
yet there would still arise times when they would become frustrated, angry or disgusted at someone or at a situation, and wish to express their feelings.
here are a couple of substitutes for cursing heard among jws ...... forget you.
rats! was the big one in our house.
even a non-swear word like penis was called 'thing'
I also remember the thrill of legitimately getting to say a word like 'cock' when referring to a rooster lol, or reading 'ass' in the bible heh heh
we all know the big problems with the wts, but what was the first thing that made you realise there were problems with the organisation ?
with me it was realitivly small stuff like an 8 year old getting baptised and a comment my best mates made about another of our friends asking if we should be hanging round with her as she might be bad assciation (she had just been reproved, but they had been mates 20 years).. .
how ever the first time i ever thought something was really wrong was when i was about 11 and my grand farther died, and mu mum wouldn't go to the funeral, i remeber thinking that surely it was better to say good bye properly than worry about if the service was in a church.. .
being born in a borg family....the doubts came slowly but thankfully eventually....
The earliest doubts I remember are about the rules against 'apostate' literature. This prohibition didn't seem to line up with the power of the truth to conquer all - I still avoided it (until the last few months - muhahahaha )
Also, I remember reading an article in Reader's Digest about the healing effect of prayer and how it seemed to help so many people who were not witnesses (duh)
and one other early doubt was that essentially ALL strange, weird, alien events in the world are basically all done by da Debbil to mislead us just got too stretched to believe
All this BEFORE going to Bethel, but that place is another story
whether you have been disfellowshipped, or disasociated yourself or just slowly are fading or inactive... .
or even are still there at the hall attending due to family.. .
do you think that when you were at your 'strongest as a believer' that anyone would have guessed how you feel about the wts now?.
I'm mostly fading, so I haven't heard much reaction yet to anything, though one friend said he wasn't really that surprised.
I've received more 'surprise' from most of my non-jw relatives who thought I'd never leave the org behind since I was such a seemingly devoted dogmatic dub.....sheesh
basically I still have many more 'reactions' to go through on this whole crappy deal
if you believe in jehovah as portrayed in the bible, you believe that you are a creature possessing free will.
you don't believe in fate or predestination.
you believe that jehovah selectively answers prayers.
Additional thoughts on 'free will' (not free willy k lol) regarding that oh so egocentric desire of humans to be the masters of their own destinies.
I've always had a hard time understanding free will without accurately knowing the nature of time and God's possible omniscience. I don't believe for a second the wts 'selective' omniscience as described in the Insight books under Foreknowledge (?). Too complicated and too full of holes you could drive a truck through.
It is difficult to believe that God is confined to a linear timeline with all us earthlings and the whole universe as we apparently see it now.
If God has omniscience, and, we are in a linear time line, the whole free will arguement would seem moot, and in the end I really couldn't care less if all my life and future decisions are already mapped out... the bottom line for me is that the illusion of free will is darn good enough.
boa's briefest .02
well..............i have had my hair many my friends can attest.. today i went black...dark.. so.. what do you all think of the phases of juls.. which color works best on her???
here i am from black.. to blonde and brunettte to auburn.. .
sass, yer great anyway, however, since you asked, the jet black seems very suitable with you......
(ps, any other opinions you'd like from us? hmmmmmm? just put up a pic eh )