In addition to Oubliette's suggestion, I would also remind them that any action against you or your wife, places your JW employees incuding Sister Ex-Bethelite in a difficult situation. They wouldn't wish to do that now would they?
JoinedPosts by Incognito
Another story... possibly final story
by confusedandalone inthis is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
Another story... possibly final story
by confusedandalone inthis is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
Another story... possibly final story
by confusedandalone inthis is the exchange of text messages i had with my super spiritual brother.
it is sad... it is pathetic... it has helped me realize that i have no connection to these people anymore.
i feel free today.
It sounds as though you are not currently being persued by your elders but that your brother is taking steps to ensure you are Df'd.
As you have bailed your parents-out before, I would be tempted to layback and not be too quick to bail them out again. I know due to YOUR conscience and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, it's easier said than done especially if you can afford to do so.
As your father said he would pay you back at $100/mo, how does he expect on doing that especially considering he and your mother have limited income? As I assume the debt they already couldn't pay for was for necessities, I think he is not realistic and will likely soon again amass additional dept which he again will expect you to pay. Easy come, easy go!
I suspect that if you were to be df'd, he will feel that he does not need to pay you back as paying a df'd person would affect his conscience and relationship with Jehovah.
As your parents have already demonstrated that their love relationship with you is conditional and as you are already considered to be mentally diseased, I suggest to not provide them any money. You could give the reason that you wouldn't want them to do anything that would affect their relationship with Jah by temping them with money as the fact that you are currently not df'd is only a technicallity as you have unofficially disassociated yourself.
I realy think it's time for your brother to step-up to some family responsibility. He wants to appear so righteous to others but as he is unwilling to assist in the care of his elderly parents, how can he in clear conscience assist the 'flock', many of whom are strangers to him. It could be thrown back at him that as an Elder, his responsibilities begin at home including with his own parents so by not assisting with their needs, he is no longer qualified to be an Elder.
Fading ... Do You Owe Witness Friends An Explanation?
by What Now? ini'm curious about what you all think on this subject.
when my husband and i became irregular about a year ago, and then inactive around 5 months ago, i felt that it would be hypocritical to take advantage of the social side of the witness community if we weren`t going to meetings or in service.
we stopped entertaining (which we did quite regularly - theme parties, card parties, movie nights, big turkey dinners, breakfasts on holidays etc), and i slowly stopped accepting invitations for get togethers, playdates etc.
If your intention is to fade, you're best not to offer explainations.
As I suspect that those inviting you to dinner and other social functions are from your own congregation, they would likely already know that you have been abscent or 'inactive' so no further explaination should be necessary. If they still invite you, attend if you want but offer no excuses to permit them to back-out from their invitation.
You may consider JWs to be friends but WT indoctrination will have most beleive they have nothing incommon with you if you stop attending and are a risk to their faith if you develop views not in-line with the WT organization.
As you found out, whatever expaination you provide will be used against you. Most JWs really don't want to know why you're not attending as any explaination you offer will never provide a valid reason. They usually demand an explaination or action as they like to pigeon hole everyone with a label: Publisher, Elder, Pioneer, Associate, Marked, Disfellowshipped, Apostate, Wordly, Demonized, etc.
Of course, many witness love to gossip so any info you do provide will spread like wild fire along with whatever else they care to make-up about you or 'speculate' about why you've stopped attending.
As you provided a written response to one person already, there is no telling how many others that text was shown to. Written texts, emails, notes and conversations with more than one person really need to be discontinued as written responses maybe collected and retained for use against you while conversations which canbe overheard may have additional witnesses to what was said, even if what was heard is out of context.
You owe me a cup of coffee! Said the elder who caught me in my pajamas just now.
by Julia Orwell insaid the elder who came to our door this morning.
last time he came we weren't in a position to give him one because we were doing a big cleanup.
today- well, i was in my pyjamas!.
I agree with leaving_quietly. Many JW's have no natural affection or human emotions and their priorities are all out of whack.
My BiL, a JW elder, went out d2d and then to an elders meeting the morning after his mother died. He said nothing about his mother until someone mentioned that he seemed kind of down.
His non-elder JW Dad, was appalled and kept asking why his son wasn't there with his other JW children.
"Are the Jehovahs Witnesses onto something?" - re: blood transfusions - Montreal Gazette
by Incognito ini haven't seen anything posted about this but here is a link to a july 12/13 montreal gazette article entitled: .
too much blood: researchers fear the gift of life may sometimes endanger itthe title of this thread was taken directly from the article..
I haven't seen anything posted about this but here is a link to a July 12/13 Montreal Gazette article entitled:
Too much blood: Researchers fear the ‘gift of life’ may sometimes endanger it
The title of this thread was taken directly from the article.
A new lesson from Caleb's mom...
by cedars in...totally freak out and drop something if your child fails to say "please.".
the woman is clearly a nervous wreck, and very easily offended.. if this is her reaction to caleb forgetting his manners, i shudder to think how she will cope if she ever finds him doing drugs.. .
ADCMS said: At least WT was able to resurrect Ricardo Montalban to do the narration.
I was thinking more Antinio Banderes as - 'Puss...'N Boots'
That video frame of Caleb that Oubliette posted reminds me of how Puss...'N Boots is shown when he is suckering in Shrek.
My first talk with JWs at the door while on vacation
by troubled mind inthis was the first time in almost eight years i have had a conversation with a jw .
we were on vacation last week at my son and daughter in laws home .
one morning the doorbell rang and as i went to answer it my daughter in law said she thought it was witnesses .
Nugget said: Isn't it interesting that witnesses do not know what their current beliefs are.
I often say that JW's don't actually have beliefs.
As JW's must change whatever was held as a belief whenever the WT changes its view on a matter, any "belief" is not truly personal but is dictated by a corporation which demands compliance and loyalty to itself under the quise of loyalty to God.
The only true belief that JW's hold to is that the WT is always right no matter what and JW's must remain loyal to whatever the WT Society demands.
Any fellow writer's or copyright lawyer's on here?
by Newly Enlightened ini've run into a problem and have some questions..... i'm sure most of you have seen the video on jwstruggle's youtube channel regarding my book i wrote in 2002 and the problem with the elders on getting it published.
well after my contract ran out in 2003, i retained all the rights and they told me that all left over copies would be destroyed except the few legal copies being sold on amazon, barnes & noble, alibris, etc.. so, because of the video someone asked about my book and i said that it was no longer available, they wrote back and told me it's all over the internet.. come to find out, a large canadian publisher bought out my original publisher in 2007 and 'accidently' downloaded the original file onto their computers and started selling my book [hard copies & digital] without a contract.. my question is, anyone know what the going asking price for a quiet settlement is for this type of thing?.
i know i'm not dan brown or clive cussler and probably won't get millions, but i don't want to get short-changed either.. thanks.
How many copies were sold by the Canadian publisher? The wide range you were quoted suggestes that a fine maybe based on the number sold or profits from the sale of the book.
As your Attorney is not suggesting a settlement amount leads me to wonder if he/she wants the other side to first suggest an offer.
Remember that the fines you were quoted is the outcome of litigation between the parties. Litigation usually consumes considerable time and substantial monitary resources.
Any offer or counter-offer should take into consideration the time and monitary cost the other side would need to spend in fighting a settlement.
Any fellow writer's or copyright lawyer's on here?
by Newly Enlightened ini've run into a problem and have some questions..... i'm sure most of you have seen the video on jwstruggle's youtube channel regarding my book i wrote in 2002 and the problem with the elders on getting it published.
well after my contract ran out in 2003, i retained all the rights and they told me that all left over copies would be destroyed except the few legal copies being sold on amazon, barnes & noble, alibris, etc.. so, because of the video someone asked about my book and i said that it was no longer available, they wrote back and told me it's all over the internet.. come to find out, a large canadian publisher bought out my original publisher in 2007 and 'accidently' downloaded the original file onto their computers and started selling my book [hard copies & digital] without a contract.. my question is, anyone know what the going asking price for a quiet settlement is for this type of thing?.
i know i'm not dan brown or clive cussler and probably won't get millions, but i don't want to get short-changed either.. thanks.
You need a Literary Lawyer! Not only are you dealing with your creative rights within your own country but also your rights internationally.
The best time to have retained a Literary Lawyer was prior to signing a contract with your publisher. Now that is in the past so you need a properly trained specialist to act for you in the aftermath.
Here is a link to an article from Huffington Post