"Special..." meeting/assembly/talk
"the Society"
"the Committee"
"on re-proof"
"Evil Slave"
"Real/True Christian"
"Convention Delegate"
i read steve hassan's book and he mentioned about buzz words or triggers that call out the cult personality of a victim of mind controlling cult.
when you were in, what triggered you?.
"Special..." meeting/assembly/talk
"the Society"
"the Committee"
"on re-proof"
"Evil Slave"
"Real/True Christian"
"Convention Delegate"
can anyone point me in the direction of pms?
the little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.. thanks..
Thank you Xanthippe for the instructions.
I also see my icon has returned. Thanks Simon!
Fading it when no new messages or changing its colour is probably a great solution.
can anyone point me in the direction of pms?
the little envelope icon in the top right corner has gone.. thanks..
The PM envelope icon will now show beside your name IF you have a PM waiting as I just learned.
I'm not sure however how to access already viewed ones as I can't seem to locate any means to do so. I have looked at the options when clicking on my screen name but I don't see anything except a method to send a PM to myself.
the word out of bethel is of a mass purge the likes of the 1980's.. there's also possible public reproofs handed out for irregular ones.. .
the scriptures they are using to support this:.
the very ones keeping away from you will perish.
With so many children of long term JWs walking away, disfellowshipping inactives may raise concerns with some JW parental units who would otherwise happily adhere to and never question WT rules and proclaimations.
Some JW's find some comfort that their children even though not attending and have rejected the "faith", trust that their children will still have some measure of Jah's favour even if their children just do even the smallest of tasks favourable to the organization.
One couple who we know told us that they stress to their adult child who years ago walked away and was then 'living in sin', to at least attend the memorial each year so as to stay in association with the organization. They also regularly tell their 'child' to do exactly what they tell him/her to do without question, even if what they say seems unreasonable or strange as following their direction may save the childs life at armageddon.
While some are relying on technicalities with the hope that their children are saved, others have and will continue to shun their children that have walked away even if the WT says little more than what has already been said over the years.
If the WT were to do anything, I doubt they would disfellowship walkaways but instead, do similar to those JWs who accept a blood transfussion; ie: proclaim that they themselves have disassociated themselves by not attending the feast at Jehovah's table as they are rejecting to the authority of the GB who are put inplace by Jehovah to oversee his earthly organization.
I think that by claiming that inactive have disassociated themselves, the concept would likely be more accepted as the parents could feel that their child made the decision themselves. Those treating the inactive as not to be associated with would continue to do so just as they have.
it was announed at the sunday meeting 9/1/13 that all congregationswill be hearing the same local needs talk this week as sent by the wbts.. i would like to know if anyone has had their service meeting yet and what it was about..
jgnat said: I am reminded of the Devil's Lake assembly hall here in Alberta.
Is that the actual name of the assembly hall?
ruderedhead said: I am wondering how the U.S. one is a "local need"?
Local to the U.S. perhaps?
Xanthippe, Finally-Free and snare& racket:
After you paste the link, hit enter which will move the curser from just after the link address, to a new line below the link. The link should then be clickable or the video will show in your dialogue box after you submit your message.
a good friend of mine invited me to a party after her meeting on sunday.
i told her i was not going any longer and she doesn't care.
she also let us know that no other witnesses would be there.
C&A said: I told the girl who invited us we would leave because I didn't want to mess things up...
As you were specifically invited by the host of the party, you should have stayed. That 'holier than thou loving brother' had not been invited by the host so if he had an issue with some of the properly invited guests, he ought to have been the one to leave.
this morning i get a frantic call from my sister (who has been baptized 1 year and one month and never attends meetings anymore).
in tears she tells me that this morning my father picked her up in the car and told her that i was am apostate.
that i no longer loved jehovah and that i was going to be disfellowshipped.
Congratulations on your decision.
What impact will this have on your wife & children? Will the elders now go after your wife?
i work with the school overseer so he'll be with me all day before the meeting...so being 'sick' isn't an option.
this really isn't like me to weasel my way out of something....but i've been ridiculously depressed lately and honestly i just don't have it in me to do anything let alone put a talk together.
everytime i do one it takes allot out of me and let's just say the well is pretty dry.
Excuses after not showing-up at the meeting:
Family Emergency
Sudden Migraine
Ate something that didn't agree with you
Long phone call and time got away
Household emergency (ie: broken water pipe)
You were exhausted and fell asleep when you sat down for 5 minutes after dinner
You had forgotten you were assigned a talk.
or how about the truth?: I didn't feel up to giving the talk/attending the meeting. You could let him know in advance to have someone else give the talk. Whether he likes it or not should not be your concern.
You would benefit from changing your thought process. Best not to use the words 'weasel out' or other derogitory terms about yourself.
Although you are likely responsible, conscientious and reliable, sometimes you need to place your needs first. The fact is, your body is telling you not to do something, pay attention! This is not a weakness but maybe for your own good.
Even though you may have committed to doing something for someone else, what good are you to anyone if you don't take-care of your own needs and become worn-out and incompacitated as a result.
You are an adult and can make your own decisions whether anyone else likes it or not. No excuses are really required.
i figured he was going to arrange the committee and try to get me kicked out after the whole "big pile of books" labelled "take this shit".. well his call made me realize that more and more people ... elders included no longer take this religion seriously.
after he told me he heard what happened he actually laughed and said i would never expect that.
he then told me that it is apparent that i no longer want to be connected to the organization.
confusedandalone said: WTF is this about??
I think that this elder and possibly the other elders maybe a little afraid of you. You have demonstrated that they have no control over you.
The only power they hold is that which any of us allow them so in your actions when they came to your home, removed any authority they had. They did not fulfill their original purpose of their visit. They had to leave your home with their tail between their legs and probably pouting.
As you took an aggressive stance and have demonstrated you have nothing to lose, they could be afraid that you may take legal action against them personally if they pursue a course of action against you which is not to your liking - therefore the question: what do you want to occur? Alternatively, do you know anything about them or a congregation situation over the years that they are afraid you might reveal?
As far as the fishing trip, he could be taking the stance of keeping his enemy close, this way, he will get to learn what your intentions are. Then again, he could be trying to look favourable to you so any action you may take will not include him as your buddy.