When does the WT do anything for the benefit of the members?
I recall some years ago, although there was a multiple week DC venue only a few hours away, our congregation was asigned to an alternate location almost 8 hours away. Being good little JWs, we adhered to the principal of attending where we were assigned instead of going where it was easiest for us even though we had an 11 month old child.
For this same DC, by the time we received our list of 'approved' accomodations, there were vitrually no vacancies remaining so we booked one of the few remaining facilities which ended-up being at least 30 minutes farther past the DC stadium location. When we finally arrived to check-in, the dumpy/dirty rooms were above a noisey country bar (tavern) and were not equipped with their own bathroom facilities. I think the rooms were normally rented by the hour.
We called other facilities and located another room for one night and then needed to find other accomodations. I think we stayed at 3 places while attending that DC.
With a young child, there are many items that are required throughout a whole day so we took a small foldable stoller which we only used for transporting supplies and for the baby to sleep in while in larger areas, never blocking aisles or pathways. Of course, we received nothing but hassles regarding the stroller from the Attendants.
Although we continued as JWs for numerous years following, I think that DC among other reasons, was the begining of the end for us.
Edited to add: I think the other rooms we stayed-in, were not on the "approved" list, not that we cared. I also seem to recall, we did not contribute $ to that DC.