JoinedPosts by Incognito
If they're just going to emulate Jimmy Swaggart and the like (e.g.: JW Broadcasting), why do they need such a massive compound in Warwick?
by Calebs Airplane inthey're obviously getting rid of the rags, drastically reducing printing of books in general, eliminating special pioneers, etc., etc.. ... what could they possibly need a 1.6 million square feet compound for (not including outside space) in the middle of nowhere?.
just to put things into perspective, 1.6 million square feet is equal to the square footage of roughly twelve (12) costco warehouse clubs.
While CA posted 12 photos of one Costco store, is anyone able to post photos of the actual Warwick buildings being constructed? -
Forgiving Loans the Watchtower Way
by cofty inbank - thank you for maintaining your loan repayments for the past 3 years.
to show our appreciation we are forgiving the balance of your loan.
borrower - yeah!.
While it is true that the org could tell them that they needed to sell or not, they local body had a lot of input as to what they wanted to do.
While true in theory, most body's would do whatever the org told them to do, without question.
One congregation I attended, although the RBC dictated that a new KH was to be built, many in the cong were openly against building a new one when the existing building wasn't overly old and could be updated at far less cost. This was a cong which frequently had difficulty paying the monthly utility expenses, never mind a large WT mortgage.
While there was a vote with a small majority favouring renovating the existing, the elders wouldn't pay heed but instead stated that as the RBC said a new one was to be built, that was how the matter was to proceed. Virtually all of those elders moved away to other areas soon after construction so they didn't contribute for long financially, if at all.
Special Pioneer Couple Living at a Kingdom Hall In Miami FL, get the dreaded Letter
by James Jack injust got a phone call from an older sister saying that a couple that got re-assigned from bethel 4 years ago to live at their kh apartment as special pioneers, just received a letter saying "as of january 2016, your special pioneer assignment will be discontinued".. they live in a south miami kh(snapper creek congregation).. this couple had only served in bethel for 15 years before they were sent out into the special pioneer work.
they are now in their mid 50's and the sister said that they have to find part time jobs to support themselves.. the older sister (does not have a pc or internet), says that the couple are just devastated!
For the last 15 years, many Kingdom Halls and Assembly Halls in the States that were built included Apartments.
This raises a question: Since the KH properties are zoned for religious use, would zoning bylaws permit full time living accommodation? Perhaps the apartment is designated as a 'Rectory' for a Pastor, Priest, Vicar, etc, to reside in.
I'm Catholic and madly in love with a Jehovah Witness...
by Luge62 inwe are madly in love with each other and she is in the process of being divorced.
let me make one thing clear i'm not the reason for the divorce.
she attempted to reconcile with him but to no avail.
The comments here are mostly from once active JWs. Well they maybe hard to accept, the comments are honest and are based upon knowledge and experience in JW doctrine and practices.
While some have advocated assisting your girlfriend to escape the JW religion, in all actuality, unless she realizes for herself that the JW religion is not "The Truth", there will always be potential that she will return to it even if she does not practice for some time.
While you or anyone else could present endless evidence proving the religion to be wrong, most JWs will only ignore the information and will resent the presenter for attempting to offer it.
With regard to JWs being married to 'non-believers', there have been endless WT/Awake articles and sermons on the topic of marriage, particularly regarding not to even consider dating a non-believer. One statement made at a circuit assembly, compared a JW kissing a non-JW spouse to kissing a 'corpse' since JWs believe that non-JWs will be exterminated at armageddon.
While there can always be examples presented where a JW & non-JW marriage was successful, those are uncommon. While a mixed religion marriage may always present a challenge, the JW religion is most often assured to create a problem for reasons already mentioned.
While you may hope that it won't be, I think in the background, you realize your girlfriend's religion will be a problem in your relationship otherwise, you wouldn't be here asking for input and support.
What would you do if the Society Declares Bankruptcy
by Quarterback inspecial pioneers let go.
bethel workers laid off.
construction halts, what's next?
DOC asked"
Did the WTS really "take ownership" of all Kingdom Halls?
That is something I had asked about previously but didn't receive a response.
If WT has not taken ownership, is it possible that it could in the future?
As I believe any existing loans were set-up as a mortgage, was that mortgage set-up so that the real property asset is indicated on a contract as security for that mortgage and is the mortgage listed on-title?
Edited to add: Since loans were 'forgiven', if a mortgage is on-title for a KH property, was that mortgage considered paid and removed from the title registry or is a mortgage still considered outstanding and could be used to take ownership?
What would you do if the Society Declares Bankruptcy
by Quarterback inspecial pioneers let go.
bethel workers laid off.
construction halts, what's next?
The thought had long crossed my mind in agreement with those who posted mentioning stockpiling and hiding money while claiming lack of funds.
Consider the income alone from the NY real estate. With the sell off of those prime properties, wouldn't it be a great time to take the money and run? Added to that is the income from the sale of other branches around the world.
Of course, taking that money by those at the top would be illegal, but what if matters could be arranged so as to appear that WT is insolvent and no longer has enough followers to support an existence?
The various changes recently being made seem to be intended to anger the R&F, possibly hoping many will leave as a result.
The current claim of 8 million JWs I suspect is inflated.
While it is unlikely that all R&F will leave, the numbers could become so small so as to support a claim of insufficient donations to support printing anything or to justify KHs, AHs or branches.
With 'forgiving' KH loans and then taking ownership, sizeable additional income could be realized from the sale of those properties and no one would oppose if there are no longer enough JWs to justify owning or maintaining those properties. A pretence could then be made that any remaining JWs can 'associate' through attendance in on-line meetings which could be streamed in various languages from central locations. Of course, many JWs left on their own will not bother or only do so sporadically.
While WT did buy Walkill, the land is apparently contaminated which was very likely known prior to purchase. Although construction of a building was started, it could be a pretence of progress as it could be claimed that it can't be finished due to site contamination. WT could profess a major financial loss even if not much was actually expended.
With the current claims of insufficient donations, it could then be professed that there is not enough money for another site for a World Headquarters so it appears that it is 'Jehovah's will' that it not be built. Of course with no headquarters and a pretence of insufficient donations, the online meetings could no longer be afforded so they too would stop.
As WT is a corporation, it would no doubt have Directors identified as shareholders. Since WT is a worldwide organization, if it were to claim insolvency or arrange matters so as to appear as so, but if all debts were paid, what would occur with any money that was remaining at the time of shut down?
Is Watchtower beginning to buckle
by Truthexplorer inis wt beginning to buckle under the weight of everything that is happening?
heavy criticism from the media and the plethora of websites and youtube videos popping up; and now the obvious issues with finances clearly evident.
the pressure for change must be immense and therefore necessary!
the Borg is entirely TAX FREE, an enormous monitory saving.
I had previously read various newspaper articles of complaints with WT not paying taxes in Brooklyn.
It's one thing for a place of worship not being required to pay property tax.
It was becoming recognised that substantial tax was lost from increasing numbers of massive properties used for printing facilities, office space, warehouse, equipment fabrication, vehicle maintenance and living accommodations, just because those properties are operated by a religious entity.
Perhaps the tax situation was making Brooklyn a hostile environment for WT, with a fear of the tax situation turning against them.
Reasons for leak and building stop story
by Gorbatchov ini have some feeling about the am2015 leak and the recent building stop story going arround.. it wouldn't surprise me that the information is a calculated leak.. - jw's are informal informed about the changes and adopt them informal.. - the building stop influences the concience of jw's for donating more money.. at the other hand, maybe there has occured a financial disaster for example they invested bilions in volkswagen.. gorby.
Although this will be limited to Australian nationals, it will still run into the millions I suspect!
While it maybe limited to Australia initially, I suspect other countries will be watching and may use the ARC as an example to follow.
Fading policies and doctrines
by Saltheart Foamfollower infirst a clarification - this is not about policies on faders etc.
it is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes.
here are two examples of what i mean:.
It is about how the borg allow policies and doctrines to fade rather than correct them and apologise for mistakes.
Since they claim God guides and directs their actions and provides nu-lite as he sees fit, any policy or doctrine changes, are attributed to God's will. The GB feel they have made no mistakes or errors as they are only following God's direction. Nothing to apologize for.
Where have all the spiritual men gone?
by ToesUp inthis photo was on jw-archive.. sisters are now passing microphones due to a lack of qualified brothers.
this was in a english speaking group in slovenia .
i feel sorry for the guy in the blue shirt!
You now have to meet or exceed the national avg. or in our hall over 10 hours a month.
It's funny, for as long as I can recall, the National average has been 10 hours although JWs in the 70s & 80s seemed to be more gungho at going d2d than they are now.
I can recall when midweek evening witnessing was practiced. Although not many actually participated in that, there was generally one or two from each bookstudy group. I also recall going d2d into the early afternoon, not worrying about coffee breaks or stopping at noon.
I suspect, similar to the expenses reported at a Circuit Assembly do not reflect the true costs, the 10 hour N average is not the true average, but is a means to get the rank and file to do a little more. Most r&f witnesses are probably doing 4-8 hours/month, assuming they actually get out for 2 hours - 2X to 4X each month. I think in actuality, the hours reported involve 'creative' time keeping.