Anyone can post anything in cyberspace and be relatively incognito. - Thisismein1972
There is only one, and I had nothing to do with it.
i've been on this board for years.
99% of the posters here i do not personally know.
a few, maybe not so do posters here get you upset to the point that you really don't like them?
Anyone can post anything in cyberspace and be relatively incognito. - Thisismein1972
There is only one, and I had nothing to do with it.
hello everyone, it's been a while since i've posted anything on here so i thought i might give an update.
next month i turn 18 and my mom is constantly berating me about getting baptized, so much so that my siblings have even told her to stop.
ive just been flat out telling her no which i know is irritating her.
If he hadn't 'studied' with the entire family on a regular basis previously, I doubt he stopped your study because he considers you to be a lost cause.
If he conducts a study not because he wants to but only because that is what is expected of him, then the study is doomed to fail from the very start because his heart isn't into it. I understand you didn't want the study anyway, but don't take the fact that it fizzled-out as something against you personally.
hello everyone, it's been a while since i've posted anything on here so i thought i might give an update.
next month i turn 18 and my mom is constantly berating me about getting baptized, so much so that my siblings have even told her to stop.
ive just been flat out telling her no which i know is irritating her.
Great that you posted with an update. I've often wondered how your study with your father was going? Since you didn't mention it today, I expect the study eventually fizzled out.
Glad to hear that you're sticking to your resolve in not being forced into baptism. It's always baffling how JWs teach Jehovah wants humans who only worship him voluntarily, but then turn around and justify forcing their children to become JWs under threat of expulsion from the home and from the family.
Happy also to learn you've been saving money and are looking at options in-case you are forced from your parent's home. You appear to be a strong woman who is approaching this in a reasonable and balanced manner.
had lunch with some friends during today's waste of time convention.
they spoke of the rumor floating around that the jws will move away from these big regional conventions and have them at assembly halls and tie them in to kingdom halls.. they seemed to believe it was a pretty reliable source.. i think it would be too good to be true but who knows?.
anyone else heard this rumor?.
In its heyday, big conventions were not only big money makers for WT, conventions also raised the 'we are different/better than everyone else' hype. It plainly demonstrated member growth year to year and it as was only an annual event, it gave JWs something different from the usual routine to look forward to, as difficult as that may now be for most of us here to believe. They were also typically mentioned in newspapers and local TV news, but less so now.
In addition, it was a method for R&F witnesses to demonstrate loyalty by attending an event, sometimes a few hundred miles/kms away, for up to 8 consecutive days, from 9am to 9pm.
Now that growth is minimal, stalled or declining, the income received will be also declining and it will be increasingly more difficult to 'visibly' fill big venues.
As more JWs are waking-up to TTATT, it will also be more difficult to disguise JWs that were commonly recognized at every convention, are no longer in attendance. Disguising this is more easily accomplished in smaller venues, by simply reassigning which congregations are to meet together whereas with larger venues, it is generally the same districts and congregations year after year.
As Assembly and KHs are already owned by WT, there would be little additional expense incurred in using those facilities as RC venues. Although contributions maybe less, a higher percentage would be retained.
Since JWs are already expected to take time away from work to attend a 3 day event, I expect some RCs will not only be held from Friday to Sunday, but could also be held during weekdays such as Monday to Wednesday.
the lot video shows what most elder’s offices are like.
actually it a pretty well-equipped one and with the video context is, without a doubt, org-approved.
but let’s face it.
If the photos in the OP are from the actual Lot video, notice how it is depicted females will 'snoop' as to what is being said behind closed doors. It is implied that males would not do such things.
i am getting new appliances.
i have decided on black stainless for the finish.
the house is stubbed for gas and electric for the range.
If being usable in a power outage is a concern, I don't believe standing pilots are permitted any longer so almost all now are equipped with electric spark ignition. Check the various models to see if it is possible to override the spark igniter, so as to manually light burners with a match or BBQ lighter.
yesterday i had my weekly "mandatory" study with an elder, and i brought up child abuse and the whole issue with reporting it to the police.
he told me that they are required to report to the police immediately, and that they never deter people from reporting anything.
may i remind you that i am from denmark.. i find this interesting, as everything i find elsewhere states quite the opposite, or atleast provides statements that does not agree with his statements.
so......1006 cases they failed to report to the Authorities over 50 years. - smiddy
I don't wish to derail the thread but it's my understanding that in Australia, it was actually over 1700 cases involving 1006 perpetrators.
As Australia does have a few mandatory reporting states, it would not be unreasonable to assume at least one case occurred in one of those mandatory reporting states, yet there were 0 cases reported to authorities by JW elders.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania also has mandatory reporting laws, yet in the Fessler case, that matter wasn't reported by JW elders either.
While JWs may claim that authorities are notified where required by law, it seems there hasn't been much evidence supplied to support that claim.
It's the Arndale Centre. Today. Nothing to do with last night's location.
Thank you!
I wasn't aware of the Arndale Centre evacuation. Even looking at online news, everything was about Manchester Arena until I searched for Arndale specifically.
I understand the explosion occurred at 10:30 pm while attendees were departing from the concert.
Unless Manchester JWs attend late night events with carts which depending on light conditions, likely would not be easily seen, I doubt the cart was present when the explosion occurred.
i looked up that watch and see it for $399. if the original gold cost a lot more or not, but if told somebody that rose watch is 17,000 and they see it's $399, it'll look like an 'apostate lie'.
Although the linked article is talking specifically about the 18 ca Gold edition, it states this: "These types of items are never purchased for practical reasons. They are bought for a very specific purpose: to display the wealth of the owner. It’s all about status."
Even if GJ's watch is the less expensive version, it still portrays an illusion that it is an expensive version and the status elevating device, otherwise, why else would we be discussing this in these threads?
Since WT continually tell JWs to lead a simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, why then is GJ not leading by example but is instead wearing a premium device intended to elevate his status?