Of course they have a right to hate an attorney.
Thanks for re-posting these on this forum.
ex-circuit overseer here, ama.
Of course they have a right to hate an attorney.
Thanks for re-posting these on this forum.
have the bethelites started cooking and doing their own washing yet?
how are they coping?.
Listener:. In the video above, he seems to describe an honour system whereby they indicate their bethel ID number for the items to be charged to.
I think I would be tempted to indicate a new bethel ID. Starts with F and ends with YOU. 😁
have the bethelites started cooking and doing their own washing yet?
how are they coping?.
I think this is the second video where he posted as Marcus Vaughn. Part 1 first describes the circumstances to his leaving and in part 2, he describes obtaining food from the commesary and charging it to his bethel ID as he wasn't invited to stay for dinner before being unexpectantly sent on his way.that day.
i had some witness that posted these.
Many JWs have a very pessimistic outlook on life. They seem to only focus on negative events and hardly mention or have enjoyment when things are good. Both my long term JW family and LT JW in-laws display the same views.
When we had announced we are having a baby, my family's reaction was "Oh NO!" This is the typical reaction with any good news.
All the in-laws talk about is how 'bad' everything is. They are terrified of going anywhere much beyond d2d and attempt to transfer that outlook on us. We suggest they stop watching the news since it affects them so negatively.
Being a JW is not about enjoying life now. Life can only truly be enjoyed in the 'New System', after the cleanup work is completed. The time now is more something that must be endured, so they can do what is needed to prove their faith and earn god's favor to make it through into the 'New System'.
When things are going well, it seems they experience too much cognitive dissonance, thereby opening doubt that Armageddon will ever come. They are told the world is a rotten place and will not improve until god takes control. When seeing disasters and negative events, that seems to boost their hope that will be the start to God's rule.
While JWs claim they don't believe in hell after death, their approach to life is somewhat as if hell is what is endured now, with every disaster and negative event only serving to enforce that approach to life.
my parents are forcing me to be reinstated as a member again.
Are they holding a gun to your head?
Right now, you are no longer a member and not under authority of the Watchtower Society. To become reinstated, would be equivalent to a 'worldly' person becoming baptized as a JW.
JWs claim that baptism is an external display of a person's personal dedication to Jehovah and promise to fulfill his requirements as defined by the bible (as interrupted by his spirit directed earthly organization).
In reasoning with your parents, by being 'forced' to be a member only to satisfy them or another 'man' (wrong motives), that would not be to fulfill a dedication to god and would therefore be useless and unacceptable in god's eyes.
in the past, i have known many brothers that had trekked down to the southern us to perform relief work on behalf of the wtbt$.
they return as heros.
they shared the repairing and rebuilding of kh and the property of fellow believers.
Would they break even by getting some insurance payouts to supplement the cost of materials for all and the abundance of free labor? - exjwlemming
Does WT actually purchase building materials for relief projects, or are materials donated by JWs and suppliers from other areas? Even if materials had to be trucked-in, I suspect the majority of shipping expenses including fuel, is paid by 'brothers' who own or may have access to trucking equipment.
warning - vent ahead....... so, my father (still very much in jw but who has at least had the decency to still keep in contact with me and hubby and to show interest in why we aren't attending and respect where we are at) is in intensive care at a local hospital and is intubated and sedated with some serious health issues.
i'm next of kin so i get all the phone calls from the hospital.. so, the rest of the "family" has cut me off because we are inactive and because the ever-active jw gossip grapevine has rumoured with a sibilant slithy hissy voice: "apossstassssy" is the cause of our inactivity.. whatever.. but now i've had to contact said "family" with the news about my father and what is going on....... so, dad's sisters answer my calls and manage to act and conduct themselves with a degree of decorum.. my sister on the other hand - well, she doesn't deign to answer my calls and texts for most of the day.
i push the issue tonight and insist on speaking to her when my brother-in-law answers the call.
I'm relieved that you're more at ease in your position and the responsibility your dad appointed you to and which you agree'd to accept.
While you may consider you are taking on an unfair portion of responsibility, I suggest not being too quick to suggest your sister be involved.
Often, parents think that appointing their children as co-workers (example: Co-Power of Attorney, Co-Estate Executors etc) is a method to treat their children equally. In actuality, as none can act without consent of the other(s), there are often delays or little is accomplished or, one person does the bulk of the work even though they are all appointed equally. Typically fighting results, sometimes resulting in hard feelings for the remainder of their lives.
It's always best to have one clearly defined person responsible who can act quickly if necessary. As he has already appointed you, it appears your father has already recognized you to be reliable and level headed, and trusts you will act in his best interests.
on my way into town from my office.
two carts set up a few feet from each other.
one manned by a man and woman (i assume they're a couple) in their late 30s.. the guys walks off to the other cart as im walking by, i wasn't going to approach but the woman holding the awake!
As i walked away i heard him say to the woman "that's an example of what i mean, i was talking and you..."
How very kind and loving of him, to chastise her, especially as it seems he interrupted her right before.
Even if compelled to comment on being interrupted, not very discreet as this was within hearing range of the person they were trying to convert, and probably other bystanders.
no doubt this point has been made before but i see no harm in emphasising it.
my family heard on the grapevine that "the society" had people who used to animate for disney.
well , if that is true , it certainly shows.
As with technology advancements for many creative industries, I anticipate animation creation is mainly becoming a digital process.
Perhaps the creation of an animated character might involve choosing from a library of predefined styles of eyes, mouths, noses, hair, etc. If that is so, it could explain why there are close similarities to various characters, regardless of the animator or the intended purpose for the animation.
With regard to various images and clipart used in WT publications, I expect many of those are purchased from image and clipart banks. With so much digital content available to purchase and download, anything a publisher might require is probably already available, thereby reducing the number of staff artists and photographers needed.
so, so much has happened in my life over the years and continues to happen, but i won't go into the details as it would take a long time.. i don't really know why, but i returned to "the truth" 15 years ago.
in 2012 when the tv broadcasting station launched, i started to develop doubts.
the australian royal commission and other scandals made me angrier, and i now don't believe most of the core teachings.. the only reason i show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.. but it's killing me, literally.
The only reason I show up at 5 or 6 meetings each month is to keep in contact with my parents and a few other family members.
Attending 5 or 6 meetings/month, is too often. As you are experiencing depression and hopelessness which is worsened by meeting attendance, continue to reduce attendance for your own benefit. You will likely see little difference in the treatment you receive whether you attend once per month or 6 times/month. Eventually, you will likely realize there is little benefit to attending whatsoever.
JWs typically focus on what you haven't done, not what you did do. Even in attending 6, you missed some so therefore, you will be looked down upon regardless.
Losing my parents is holding me back,
How your parents will react, is entirely their choice.
You are not responsible for your parent's happiness, 'feelings' or acceptance. While we all understand the control the JW religion attempts to exert over it's members, the decision to accept and comply with that level of control, is your parent's choice. Although they may have stated what they would do if you stopped practising, what they will actually do cannot be proven until tested.
When a person becomes an adult, they usually break free from their parent's control, to make decisions for their own benefit and the family they create with their partner.
You are no longer a child who should require continual parental approval so perhaps this needs to be something discussed with a therapist. I also recommend reading Susan Forward's book, 'Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life'. The suggestions presented by both, often can be also applied to other relationships, not just parents.
Your mind is a part of you, which is influenced and adaptable to conditions experienced throughout life. Some of the reactive adaptations are not always the most healthy or beneficial, but are only a method of survival. Just as if you had a physical condition (ex: broken leg, sore back) which required outside assistance and treatment to restore full and healthy operation, sometimes, a person needs help to realize there maybe other, better and more healthy methods to deal with other people and the stresses of life.
In addition to considering consulting an experienced therapist, you need to also accept that modifying your mental outlook is necessary and a priority. It is not selfish to put yourself first in this regard.
I guess my husband and I being blackmailed by his parents (not J.W's) doesn't help
I don't know what this is in regards to, but please consider, it takes participation by you and your husband for this control to be successful. Perhaps if you both sit down and discuss the matter with his parents, the matter can be dealt with and the threat eliminated.
If the above is less than 100% successful, maybe a proactive response by you and your husband is needed, so his parents no longer have this tool of control at their disposal.