The physical address indicated for the 'How' law firm as per their web site, is the same address for WT Canada bethel.
JoinedPosts by Incognito
W. Glen How & Associates LLP - who are they?
by George One Time in
this law firm seems to exit for the sole purpose of defending the jw organisation.
am i correct?.
Non JW wife/JW husband Christmas tree debate
by spacegirl443 infirst post here and looking for advice and help.
sorry in advance for it being so long :(.
i'm a happily married woman (no kids) who is a non-jw, presbyterian to be precise.
Another big Welcome Spacegirl,
Marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership. It appears you may need to force him to sit down to discuss your expectations and requirements for the marriage including how various celebrations are to be celebrated. Hopefully, a compromise can be reached by both of you.
JWs are trained they are the only true religion acceptable to God. There is little tolerance for other religions and beliefs, regardless if they are Christian or not.
JW men are lead to believe they are the head over the woman, so what he decides is how it is to be. This is now 2017 and those sexest views are ancient history to almost anyone except JWs.
He probably expected you would give-in to his every desire, including you becoming a JW. One problem is, you have already compromised your wishes in regards to other holidays you celebrated. He now expects you to give-in to everything he says.
Why the move to Warwick?
by optimisticskeptic ini've seen a lot of posts around and about warwick and the goings on there but was curious as to people's theories on why the move to warwick?
granted there's the obvious point about all of the money from the sale of properties in brooklyn but for as massive as warwick is, the purchase of an apartment complex there, multiple sites and buildings i would be surprised if they had much left from all of the profits.
so beyond a financial incentive why move?
All any of us can do is speculate since WT is not transparent when it comes to its finances or reasons for doing things.
The Warwick land was a vacant contaminated property which they were likely able to buy cheap. Cleanup is normally costly but there are many JWs willing to volunteer labor so the costs may not be all that high compared to hiring a specialized contractor. Perhaps there are government grants available to offset some of the cleanup costs.
Although the new buildings cover a large area, again, they were built primarily with 'slave' labor. Building costs at least in this area, often equate to 50% labor, 50% materials.
New buildings are typically more energy efficient so it is likely WT's ongoing energy costs will be substantially reduced.
With regard to 9/11, WT may have received some bad press for locking their doors and not assisting evacuees on Sept 11.
I understand Brooklyn property owners were increasingly complaining over WT owning so much tax exempt property. Other property owners are then forced to pay more than their fair share of property taxes to offset those not paid by WT. I think the most complaints were not regarding places of worship, but more due to non-worship properties such as those used for printing, warehousing, equipment maintenance, parking facilities and residences for WT 'staff'.
Since I assume many of these complaints were made to the city, perhaps the city exerted some pressure or provided some incentive for WT to relocate. If the city didn't place pressure on them, perhaps it had become an expectation.
With WT cutting back on printing and in reducing staff, the buildings in Brooklyn would likely have required extensive alterations. They also would no longer require easy access for receiving paper or for shipping physical literature since the shift to electronic publications can be sent over a digital pipeline from virtually anywhere in the world.
Should I stay or should I go?
by BlackWolf inhello everyone, i haven't posted anything on here for a while and today i just really felt like i needed to get my thoughts together.
(if you don't know me please read some of my previous posts).
so pretty much not much has changed in my life, i'm still living with my parents and going to all the meetings and service.
we're doing him a disservice
BlackWolf is an 18 yo female.
Iamallcool :
Pete Zahut: I see it that way also.
Work Christmas functions: Being a Bible Student (unbaptized)
by rulehayl inhi all,i have been studying with the witnesses for more than 6 months and regularly attend both midweek & weekend meetings, and i am nearly at the end of the "bible teach" book.
my boss is adamant i attend team christmas functions.
she knows about my studying and potential baptism next year, and has suggested that i attend and just not participate in activities like kris kringle.
You will make a great J.W. - Annon
While I initially took her at her word that she is a fairly new study, from her last few comments, I suspect she has been associated with JWs or has been a JW for numerous years.
JWs often begin posting here while claiming they are not JWs. Their attitude and word choices eventually reveal who they really are, some more quickly than others.
Should I stay or should I go?
by BlackWolf inhello everyone, i haven't posted anything on here for a while and today i just really felt like i needed to get my thoughts together.
(if you don't know me please read some of my previous posts).
so pretty much not much has changed in my life, i'm still living with my parents and going to all the meetings and service.
As Steve said, without money, you have few options. Staying with an Aunt while you have little money may create a financial burden for her.
A car is often a money pit, but it also gives you the ability to expand the area in which to find a job. Make finding a job, a full time job for yourself. Once you are working and are able to save some money, you will then find yourself in better control of how to proceed. I can't recall where your Aunt lives but perhaps look for a job if possible within commuting distance to where your Aunt lives.
Don't rush to become involved with a guy as a boyfriend now would only act to distract you from your main goal.
Start to consider being forced to attend meetings, etc, as a temporary situation which is providing an incentive to push you forward to making necessary changes to better your life.
Work Christmas functions: Being a Bible Student (unbaptized)
by rulehayl inhi all,i have been studying with the witnesses for more than 6 months and regularly attend both midweek & weekend meetings, and i am nearly at the end of the "bible teach" book.
my boss is adamant i attend team christmas functions.
she knows about my studying and potential baptism next year, and has suggested that i attend and just not participate in activities like kris kringle.
Rulehayl:. Welcome to the discussion forum.
Try not to take offense at what is said. While you might think what is said is critical or negative, consider that many of us are attempting to help you to assess the religion with open eyes.
Most here have been JWs, some for many decades. Many have been shocked to learn that the religion is not all as it is claimed. You are relatively new to it and so in the 'romance' stage so in your experience, what is said on this forum may not seem true to you.
Since you are new, JWs will treat you very kindly and will 'love bomb' you as you are a potential convert. Some here have already implied that that treatment is temporary as experience has proven that treatment will quickly stop once you are baptised and are considered a full member who no longer needs to be convinced or seduced.
Some rules and practices mentioned here, you may not yet be aware of. Your study conductor will typically treat the 'study' (you) as a baby, feeding information you can easily digest, for fear you would choke if she/he should give you too much, too fast. Some practices such as disfellowshipping, often are never fully explained but a new JW associate will be expected to catch-on when a congregation member is announced as no longer a Jehovah's Witness.
As you are studying, you can research and ask all the questions you want with no reprecussions. Once you are baptised, those actions will not be tolerated within the congregation. Suggest researching and having your questions answered now before proceeding too far.
While you should discuss questions and concerns with your study conductor, you can verify on this forum and others, if the answers you receive are entirely transparent and truthful. If you are interested, many here can assist with questions to ask or subjects to discuss.
Remember, it is better to have unanswered questions than answers you can't question.
Although we are strangers, most participants on this forum only want what is best for you, for you to be happy and not make a mistake you may regret for the rest of your life. If after learning what you should know while studying and you still decide to become a JW, you will at least have open eyes and better understanding than most new converts.
why won't legal department simply release all the secret pedophile files?
by poopie inwhat do you think there hiding?.
I see this as a problem that WT created for itself, and must now deal with the consequences.
While true that they don't need to create and keep files on members, the fact is, they did. Since those files exist and the court is aware they exist, the court demands the files are to be turned over to the appropriate authority.
I don't recall Catholic Church needing to hand over files on abusive members, or being held liable for the actions of congregants. I seem to recall the church being only held liable for it's 'employees'.
As far as most elders not dealing with abuse, it may not be that it wasn't occuring, but they may not (yet) be aware. A congregation we had moved from had multiple incidents, with different abusers and victims. There were no warnings to the congregation, but there were more than the usual CO/DO visits as well as odd behaviour and statements made during meetings. While there was plenty of speculation among average congregants, those elders and MS's "in the know", including their friends, knew everything, and each were able to take protective actions for their family, unlike the more lowly members outside of their clique.
It seems WT are similar to Scientology as children are considered to be small adults and are expected to act as such. Not only are children expected to dress up and sit and pay attention for long periods during meetings, assemblies, and conventions, they are also expected to prepare and participate in answering during WT Study, Daily Text and Family Study as well as the preaching work including D2D and at school.
When it comes to reported sexual abuse, there has been instances a minor child is questioned by elders to determine what they were wearing or how they interacted with the abuser, thereby placing blame on the child for "asking for" or allowing the abuse to occur.
WT are treating child abuse as a sin, not a crime. Sins are within religious jurisdiction whereas crimes are beyond a religeous matter and authority.
There are those that make the excuse that laws need to be amended to be more consistent. Consider WT's claim that beliefs and treatment for all of Jah's people is consistent everywhere on Earth and that Jah takes notice even when a Sparrow falls from the sky.
If JW's truly believe WT is Jah's organization, it shouldn't matter what man's secular laws require for JWs to consistently do the right thing in reporting abuse of those that can't defend themselves. When an incident of abuse is reported to the appropriate secular authorities whether required or not, then accountability to God is transferred to the authority for how the matter is handled.
why won't legal department simply release all the secret pedophile files?
by poopie inwhat do you think there hiding?.
The question is what right does the public have to these names?
Define public. Would 'public' include a Court of Law?