Leah Remini is very familiar with the tactics used by Scientology to defame anyone who speak out against the 'church'.
Here's a link to a National Post article regarding the accusations against Paul Haggis:
i was wondering what people think of leah remini's comments on the paul higgins accusations.
she has said that the 5 women that have accused him of rape and sexual harassment are not to be trusted.
she says that because 3 of them want to stay anonymous that must mean that they are not accurate statements.
Leah Remini is very familiar with the tactics used by Scientology to defame anyone who speak out against the 'church'.
Here's a link to a National Post article regarding the accusations against Paul Haggis:
i have the 2015 watchtower library working fine and have started to enter some book marks.. i have the library program on a flash drive to pass around to some other folks so they can show .
witnesses at their door what they are supposed to believe.
getting the book marks transferred is .
Instead of running the library program from the DVD (or ?), are you able to run it from the flash drive version, and then create new bookmarks to save to a path on the flash drive?
What would happen if you copied the entire bookmark path to the flash drive?
As I was never able to obtain a copy of the WT library when I requested it as an active JW, I cannot verify if these suggestions would work.
did anyone have other jws try to guilt trip them when they were leaving or if you were making a decision which jws felt was wrong but wasn't unscriptural?
i'm getting people guilt tripping me to eventually get back with my emotionally, spiritually and mentally abusive husband who i'm separated from.
i feel sick at the thought of getting back together and putting myself through that nightmare again but i'm being told its what jehovah wants coz he doesn't want families to be apart.
Being a JW is an all or nothing proposition.
If a person attempts to straddle the fence, maintaining JW association but not fulfilling all of the requirements dictated, JWs will usually try to push the person off the fence to one side, and if that fails, they will push in the opposite direction. One side = Fully In, the other side = Fully Out.
As stated previously, since you have no JW family to maintain relationships with, there is little benefit or point to fading. By attempting to keep your Kingdom Hall friends but not fulfilling all of the religion requirements, will result in pressure on you to get off the fence. If you made a decision to leave the religion as you appear to have done, then why subject yourself to needless pressure and stress?
I feel sick at the thought of getting back together and putting myself through that nightmare again
You already know what you want and what is likely best, but are allowing 'strangers' to influence and question your thoughts and beliefs as to what is best for you and your children. Remember, those strangers (including us) will not be dealing with the consequences if you choose to follow their advice, but you will.
"what kind of example are you setting your daughter with regards to the truth and with regards to Jehovah's stance on marriage?"
It sounds to me as setting an example to your daughter that it's proper to stand-up for herself and her children, not accepting being abused or treated badly, regardless of who it is that is inflicting the abuse.
JWs give the reason not to divorce because Jehovah hates divorce, which is the dissolution of a marriage which is a vow between two people. They typically ignore the reasons divorce may be necessary, appropriate or healthy. A person could reason, even if Jehovah hates divorce, that doesn't imply he doesn't understand or agree that it may sometimes be necessary.
JWs routinely disfellowship a JW who is seen smoking a cigarette, or whose car is observed parked overnight outside the residence of a member of the opposite sex, or for not unreservedly accepting the GB are chosen by God. In disfellowshipping and announcing the person as no longer a JW, isn't that forcing the dissolution (divorce) of the person's vow to Jehovah?
in the movie the wizard of oz, while the whole yellow brick road gang was being addressed by the great and powerful wizard of oz, the dog toto ran off to the side, pulled back on a curtain, and showed that a normal-looking humbug of a person was operating cranks and levers.
for a short while, the normal-looking man kept yanking levers and cranking cranks, and said into the microphone (which made the great and powerful wizard speak the same words) "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
i am the great and powerful wiz .
Although JWs claim they do not worship mere mortals, the GB knew, JWs around the world would worship and revere them. If JWs didn't recognize who the GB members are, JWs would be less likely to put them up on the highest pedestal.
i was talking to someone a few years ago and he said in his congregation they have a rail of white shirts prepared in the cloakroom for if a speaker doesn't have a white shirt on.
it was a rule in their hall that all brothers in the platform must wear white shirts when going talks and if the speaker won't comply when asked to change into the shirt they provide an elder in the congregation will do the talk instead.
i have never known any other halls do it so it must be a rule the elders have made up without gb input.
at the time the national average was 10 hours a month. I have no idea what it is now. Less I would imagine.
It would be likely the national average is truly less than 10 hrs, IF that number was really the NA. The claimed NA has been 10 hrs in Canada for as long as I remember.
I tend to believe WT continually states 10 hrs since 10 is a reasonably attainable goal at only 2.5 hrs/week. If most publishers actually did 10/month, then I expect WT would raise the number to 12 then 15.
We had attended a study group where the conductor openly stated his goal (requirement) that every member of his group is to report the NA of 10 hrs/month. At the time, my SO and I may have been regularly reporting 5 or 6 each. Upon learning the conductor's requirement, we each immediately decided to reduce our time in FS.
from http://www.salon.com/tech/wire/2002/07/26/overweight/index.html.
obese man sues fast food restaurants.
a man sued four leading fast food chains, claiming he became obese and suffered from other serious health problems from eating their fatty cuisine.
Caesar Barber, 56,
He said he started eating fast food in the 1950s
I guess he should sue his mother, for forcing him to eat FF before he was even born.
i thought of successfully fading out, but suffered a miscarriage last week.
i gradually decreased the number of meetings i attended.
in the latter half of the year it became once a month, then once in two months, once in three months ….. last week, two elders who visited me, after their bla..bla..asked: “where will you go leaving the motherly organization—the only truth now available on earth?”.
Welcome Ireneus,
If you have no family or serious girlfriend/boyfriend who is a JW, then there is little benefit or point to fading.
You might reason that if you fade, you can maintain relationships with those you consider as 'friends' at the kingdom hall. Unfortunately, JWs who fade, often find those who they thought were 'friends', will no longer have much to do with them once they stop attending meetings on a regular basis.
Even if you are disfellowshipped, that is only a label JWs place on you, which means nothing to anyone other than JWs, depending how YOU feel about it.
it`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .. the wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when i noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a se/nw (?
) direction { i hope that`s right }.
anyhow i thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the iss from time to time.. by the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg c.
Using IFTTT, you can add an applet to your phone that will notify every time the ISS passes over your home.
for the second month no jw.org tv show, but the annual meeting this time... .
If you watch the first 1:30 of the December broadcast, it specified Annual Meeting and Gilead content will be presented for December and subsequent monthly broadcasts.
back again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
If you are an adult, you don't need to provide answers or excuses to those outside of your household if you so choose. You are responsible for yourself.
As you continue to live with your mother and because you are currently under medical care, you could tell her that for the sake of your health, both you and your doctor feel a break from stressful activities is needed.