Aunt Connie said:
Two years ago we had a bus from the retirement (death home) pull into the Kingdom Hall, ...
I almost crapped my pants...
If you keep that up, you might soon need to be cared for at the same retirement (death home). LOL!
i am very angry, pent-up rage call it!
so you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your christmas time jitters!
anxiety, stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our service groups!
Aunt Connie said:
Two years ago we had a bus from the retirement (death home) pull into the Kingdom Hall, ...
I almost crapped my pants...
If you keep that up, you might soon need to be cared for at the same retirement (death home). LOL!
i googled it and i cannot find the answer to my question.
i have also looked at my phone to find the password feature to secure my phone.
as i stated in my last post, my son, age 21 visited his jw grandparents and aunt and uncle in another state.
when he left, about 2 months ago, he wasn't sure if he wanted to come back at all or just stay and live with them.
right before leaving, he quit his part time job, dropped out of school, mid quarter and left to go to a comic book convention with his jw uncle.
Ruderedhead had some valid and useful points, especially for you to change your focus to do something you enjoy and regularly look forward to.
If you were to 'cave' as you put it, would you be at peace with yourself? Doing the wrong things, even for the right reasons, could place you in a position where you are in conflict with yourself.
I didn't see anyone mention you obtaining support for you. There is no shame in this and doesn't mean anything negative about you. Sometimes a person needs someone with no emotional attachement to listen and to acknowledge the person's situation.
Often, a few unjudgmental questions asked by a therapist can prompt the person to think about matters in a differnent way which may reduce some of the tension being experinced. A therapist can often recomend books or excercises which may further help the person to look at matters from a different perspective.
Edit: I now see that happytobefree has also suggested counceling, in the time I was thinking about what to say.
2012 memorial partakers total 12,604.....atlantis
a cool 184 million in operating expenses for the full time servants who work for next to nothing...interesting.
184 million annually? The rest is dedicated to the temple!!
Notice that it says 'Jehovah's Witnesses' spent over $184 million - it doesn't say 'Watchtower' spent.
Since Watchtower and adherants often rely on technicalities in their wording, any green handshakes provided by r&f JWs to COs, DOs, Pioneers etc, could be considered part of that $184 million+.
With regard to the 'Worldwide Order of Special Full-Time Servant's of Jehovah's Witnesses', it is likely difficult to determine how many Orders and subcorporations the Watchtower has created worldwide over the past few decades.
i was commenting in another thread this morning and saw speculation that the conti verdict will hasten the wts' decline, beyond just the money they may have to pay in that case itself.
i have seen this mentioned a number of times and it got me thinking and doing a bit of research.
i think the speculation and hope is that it will give rise to similar lawsuits which will meet with similar success.
To my understanding by what has been posted on this forum by persons claiming experience, actual reporting (when advised to by legal) has in the past been accomplished by an elder making an anonymous call to authorities from a payphone or communicated by other unidentified and untraceable means. I have not seen any indication that this 'procedure' has been changed to identify the person doing the reporting.
I have read of a case where Elders came to an agreement with an admitted abuser whereby the abuser would report him-self to authorities. Since the abuser could easily claim to have followed through with this, the elders conceivably would only be relying on the person's word that he/she did so.
JW's praise the WT's policies as being top notch, of the highest moral quality, designed for the benefit of the person(s) abused and a means to keep the congregation clean. In actual fact, those policies are primarily designed to protect the organization from legal liability. It appears that any benefit provided to the abused, the elders or the congregation, is only coincidental.
my middle schooler came home to tell me that the police officer assigned to the school arrested a 6th grade girl.
the rumors (from those who knew her and were in the bathroom with her) were that she was cutting herself and said that her family didn't love her.
she had drugs and birth control.
Actually I hate to tell you this, but when it comes to teens and cutting it is not abnormal behavior.
... I had learned that there are a lot of teens who do this every year.
Just because something such as this has now become common, does not signify that it is normal behavior. This is an abnormal means of seeking assistance or attention, assistance or attention that can be gained through more positive and less harmfull methods.
for any old-school ex-jws here that remember my many posts about my abusive jw mother and my sister committing suicide because of it...she passed away this morning because she began to bleed out and refused a transfusion.
she had been in the hospital for a month.
it appears she suffered a stroke and wasn't found by the brothers & sisters for three days (they missed her at the meetings).
My condolences to you and your family!
It is difficult when a close relative dies, even when you haven't seen or interacted with them for many years. In some ways, it is harder as there were so many missed opportunities that can never be realized now.
Things will get better over time especially if you reflect on good memories and push the negatives away.
Although her possessions and money may not be something you wish to deal with right now, it is an important aspect of your mother's life that needs to be settled sooner than later.
I don't know about your state but here, if a person dies 'intestate' (without a Will) the rules of succession are Spouse - Children - Parents - Siblings - Neices/Nephews.
As you are your mother's only surviving child, you have priority to receive your mother's estate over your uncle. If your father remains living and they were not legally separated or divorced, he would have priority over you. If no Will is in-place, there would be a need for a court proceeding to assign an Executor to handle the settlement of the estate including submitting her income tax and determining a value of the entire estate for tax purposes.
If she did have a Will in place, the Will would first need to be Probated (legally recognized and notorized as "THE" official Will). This would be handled by the Executor that she should have named within her Will. The Executor is the only person that legally can deal with the estate and can gain access to bank accounts, sell property, submit insurance claims and the like.
If your mother had any life insurance policies, she would have named someone as a recipient and each policy would payout to the person named regardless of the terms of the Will.
Until these matters are addressed, property and assets should not be touched or given away as there is no clearly identified beneficiary(s). As your Uncle has already interferred with matters, he may be legally liable for the value of the items if it turns out that he was not entitled to act as Executor or was not to receive the items, even if he gave them away and didn't profit from them.
As you are an interested party and likely your mother's legal next-of-kin, you have legal right to know and pursue all the particulars of her estate regardless if you are or are not to receive a portion.
today i was looking for my copy of coc, and unfortunately it has come up missing in action.
perhaps i lent it to someone and forgot to whom.
whatever the reason, i began an online search for a copy to replace mine - and lo and behold, the copies i found available were priced from $35 or higher, and those places that advertised it at a lesser cost had it marked 'unavailable'.. i am not worried about replacing my copy - i have read it several times.
Commentary Press website indicates that:
Update: Due to the recent passing of Commentary Press founder Raymond Franz, the Commentary Press eStore is temporarily suspending shipments of hardbound and softbound publications as we go through a restructuring. In the meantime, downloadable PDF versions of select titles remain available for purchase through the eStore. Hardbound and softbound editions of many Commentary Press titles may continue to be purchased from a retailer such as
Some PDF's are listed for sale here:
apologies if there is another recent thread on this, but i have heard from 4 different people in 3 different geographic areas (including someone who does advance work for the dcs), that beginning in 2013 the three day dc program will be replaced by a second two-day circuit assembly.
some people were passing the info along like a secret, others seemed to think that everyone already knew.. if everyone in j-dub land is already talking about this, how is it not all over this forum??.
anyway, can anyone confirm or deny?.
I believe assemblies/conventions will continue to be shorter in duration as the W/T is running out of things to say and witnesses are tuning-out that which they've already heard 100 times over.
There had been a prior post where it was mentioned that DC's would soon be held at Assembly Halls. I recall that it was over 1 year ago. I searched but cannot find that thread.
Perhaps the SAD will be discontinued?? (speculation)
I too think that the mid-week days might be utilized as DCs had previously been held through the week. As the DCs are generally scheduled during summer months when most people schedule their vacations and children are on school break, W/T would expect JWs to schedule their vacation time when the DC is being held.
I think another component of utilizing Assembly Halls is the ability to accept digital payments through Debit/Credit machines. Debit/Credit payments may be working so well that income brought in through digital access may be greater than the old cash method. I doubt that implimenting this means of payment is easy within a rented venue, especially when utilizing numerous machines which are decentralized throughout the entire facility. One alternative is cellular data access but this is an additional cost and signal coverage may be probelmatic depending on the venue. If the digital payment machines are already set-up at the assembly halls as I understand they now are, they could be utilized more often at little additional cost.
well, i went along to the memorial with mrs cedars.
it was my first since my "awakening" just less than a year ago.
apparently i made a lot of people happy by being there (even if it was only building up false hopes), the most important of which were my family.
On top of the condesending manner, the invite also provides only 3 possible choices but doesn`t identify Jesus as the `Saviour` for mankind as I understand that most if not all Christian religions consider him to be.