I am very angry, pent-up rage call it! So you will understand why and with great ease this subject is able to flow off my tongue onto the keyboard, because this time of the year is worse than your Christmas Time Jitters! Anxiety, Stress, compulsive babbling nuts are invading our Service groups! More freak-shows out in field service, additional mentals violating our car-groups is driving me insane! The low number "poser pioneers" are stacking up like hobos in front of the Salvation Army, and who do you think has to drive the misfits around town? So, please just this once, help me create a half-empty Kingdom Hall instead of packing our Hall like illegal immigrants in a V.W. Bug! I hate having to give up my seat to someone new, possibly old and play the role of the "Good Wife", this sucks!
I am on your side when it come's to complaining about handing out invitations to the Lord's Evening Meal, so let's keep out all the Trolls who visit once a year, if that! The small group of true Witnesses Of Jehovah are invited to my house for "Aunt Connie's Cupcakes and Ice Cream" (free disinfectant sponges, anti-viral soaps with anti-biotic creme will be available to those who touched anyone questionable.) so leave early and get out of the Kingdom Hall a.s.a.p.! I think there's only twenty five or thirty who are truly worthy of attending the Evening Meal, everyone else are just wanna-be-a-christian-Os. I beg you to pass this message on, please stay away from the Kingdom Hall and allow us to have breathing room, a Kingdom Hall that smells clean with truly righteous men and women who serve Jehovah God every day, not Sunday, not one day a year. I would like to share the experience of the unclean and misfits who sat in front of me last year, gross body oder, malt liquor, cigarettes and sex or old person smell (cat urine with b.o.). My husband called in the local witness carpet cleaner to disinfect and fumugate those rows of seats.
Your conversations show you don't want to attend the meeting this year, so do us all a favor and stay home, we don't want you! Why should we have to stuff ourselves like sardines in a can, to accomodate human rejects who have no desire to know the Truth. I wish my parents would stop pretending they are Jehovah's Witnesses and stay at home too, it's all a game with them. You worship Jehovah and miss meetings throughout the year, and pretend to be Christian when your Time Cards and Publisher Cards contain low hours or even worse, being inactive. I am emotionally drained and exhausted from dealing with all the crazy and depressed whackies hanging around our Kingdom Hall. Just once I would love to say "I already gave, please move on to your next Mark!" Pass my message along because I am a done with a helpin you, understand?
John Steinbeck said with grace ""If you're in trouble, or hurt or need - go to the poor people. They're the only ones that'll help - the only ones."
- John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath