When there was discussion in the small town congregation where we previously were located, whether to remodel or tear down and build new, the subject of cost was discussed.
One of the MS made a comment after hearing the exorbitant costs quoted, that "we don't need to COMPETE with the _______'s (affluent congregation)." The affluent congregation he mentioned had just completed a build of a new hall only weeks prior while many in our congregation had participated in that build. Although many R&F congregants agreed, the elders were not so 'joyful' with his comment.
Our congregation typically had issues paying basic monthly operating expenses never mind any additional burden of a major renovation much less a new building.
As the RBC 'recommended' that the existing building be replaced, although it was not very old (ie:< 20 years, IIRC), the controlling elders continued to push to construct a new building even though it appeared the majority of the congregation indicated a preference to renovate. In addition to some age related issues, our existing building had a style not in keeping with the single level 'cookie cutter' design that the WT later adopted. Most issues other than the design were easily correctible at moderate cost.
A female congregate commented that 'we all like nice and new but it just isn't realistic or affordable'. One elder made the statement from the podium that it didn't matter what anyone thought or wanted, a new building was going to proceed as that is what the RBC (= WT = God) had instructed.
In the end, a new building was constructed as per the RBC. The building is now another 'cookie' that appears virtually identical to so many others.
I understand that the elders who had pushed for the new building, all moved away shortly thereafter. I don't know how well the congregation is paying expenses as my family and I have since parted association with that congregation and ultimately, with the religion.