jonza said:
She also said, even when she was 'spiritually strong' (now she claims she's not, I guess because she's about to be DF) that she never did more than 2 hours preaching a month and that she never listened to them when it came to not listening to 'bad' music or watch 'bad' TV etc so she never let them control her life really. So she says even when she gets refellowshipped she will just be like that again.
When we were first starting our relationship the elders found out about me, and they disciplined her, they told her if we got together it would be many many (implied over 10) years before she would be refellowshipped; from that point on she's hid me. So she's not planning on going back to the KH for at least 6 months after she moves, then she will do her 10hours preaching a month to get refellowshipped, then go back to her 2 hours a week preaching that she used to do when 'spiritually strong'
What do you think about her keeping you as her secret lover? What do you think about your woman being disciplined by other men, for only having a normal relationship with you?
She appears to be trying to sell the concept of herself to you by telling you what you want to hear. If she truly does not buy into the whole JW concept and all of their requirements, why does she continue to attend and why is she already planning to do anything they require to 'refellowship'?
It appears the elders have already decided that she will not be worthy of forgiveness for at least 10 years. Ask her, what bible scripture supports that treatment?
BTW: As a disfellowshipped JW, she will not be permitted to 'preach' door-to-door representing herself as a JW as while disfellowshiped, she is not considered a JW but must otherwise do exactly as the elders tell her otherwise, they will not consider her worthy of reinstatement (refellowship).
To requalify, she WILL be shunned while required to attending every meeting for an extended period of time - possibly years. If she misses a few meetings for an unworthy reason (as defined by the elders), the clock will likely reset to zero thereby requiring her to start again.
If you have children and they attend with her, there will be a high probability that they too will be shunned in similar fashion as their mother. Ask yourself: Is this how you want your children treated or to see their mother treated?
Looking at the bigger picture, if you both have children, what will be her expectations with regards to medical treatment (blood transfussion) if that was required?
There are numerous people who have posted here before you, in similar situations and asking similar questions as you. When long term, experienced posters tell them what they don't want to hear, often they respond with "Yes, BUT" as though their situation is different than all the others.
You asked questions. The answers you receive may not be as you had hoped for.