... the worse one (in Canada) is "Coupe" which they pronounce Coup (like "Soup"). How the hell can a country that has French as an official language not know how to pronounce a French word? It's Coup-eh (like toupe).
Although Canada's origins are from England (Great Britain), there are many words & traits that are 'picked-up' from our American neighbors to the South. Although Coupe has an 'e' at the end, it is most often pronounced as 'Coup' in North America.
Although both pronunciations are acceptable, the Beach Boys hit song: 'Little Deuce Coupe' wouldn't be quite the same if sung: 'Little Deuce Coup-eh'.
In computers, there is memory called Cache. How should that be pronounced? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rCcV6MiQZ0