JoinedPosts by Incognito
Jehovah's Witnesses the richest religion in the world..
by wwjdnwt ini don't post here too much..i am more of a lurker.
but, wanted to share recent conversation with jw family member.. one of my jw relatives recently went to visit another jw relative that is "serving where the need is great",.
when my jw relative returned home and i was talking with him, who is an older jw who has been in for over 50 years, was so excited to tell me about the special talk.
If I was still a donating member, that comment would lead me to reconsider any further donations. If they're so rich, they don't need my money. -
I have too much crap!! How to declutter/dehoard.....
by Muddy Waters insome areas of our home are very nice, tidy, clean.
and other rooms are just junk and clutter and clothes and papers.... omg.
and now that we are getting older, we realize that we face a time of transition -- and this is hard to cope with too, as we believed the lie that we would never get old, etc.
While I haven't 'yet' experienced any issues with DVD's, no technology is 100% reliable. Having copies in multiple places ensures at least one copy remains available even if your favourite cloud service should suddenly disappear or be purchased.
File format is a whole other concern. While PDF seems to currently be a universal standard, will it be replaced in 10 years? Who can say. Whatever format is utilized, should be periodically reviewed to ensure the data remains current and accessible.
While paper documents and photos are somewhat fragile, take-up much space, are heavy and are not easily located or searched, they continue to archive fairly well.
I have too much crap!! How to declutter/dehoard.....
by Muddy Waters insome areas of our home are very nice, tidy, clean.
and other rooms are just junk and clutter and clothes and papers.... omg.
and now that we are getting older, we realize that we face a time of transition -- and this is hard to cope with too, as we believed the lie that we would never get old, etc.
Photo prints, slides, negatives, VHS, Super8, Regular8 movies and other outdated formats, can all be transferred to DVD. There are services that perform the format conversions for a fee. While the actual process will not require your time, you still need to accumulate, sort and get the originals to the conversion service.
Since no-one really knows how long a DVD or other media will remain readable or continue as a current technology, it would be best to also obtain a second copy on a flash drive or other alternate media. Make a back-up online also incase of fire, flood, tornado or other tragedy occuring at your home.
While you may continue to want to keep some of the originals, they can be safely stored away somewhere as viewing the digital versions will be more convienient and more likely to be viewed and shared. Old S8 & R8 film becomes brittle over time and who continues to hold onto a VHS player, just because you have stuff recorded to tape?
I have too much crap!! How to declutter/dehoard.....
by Muddy Waters insome areas of our home are very nice, tidy, clean.
and other rooms are just junk and clutter and clothes and papers.... omg.
and now that we are getting older, we realize that we face a time of transition -- and this is hard to cope with too, as we believed the lie that we would never get old, etc.
Papers are a problem.
I purchased a scanner that will scan 25 pages/min, both sides at one time. As most of us have computers, any documents worth keeping, maybe saved as PDF files which can be searchable if optical character recognition is enabled during the file creation process.
Of course, good file habits are needed for digital files also as hard drives can quickly become cluttered. Outdated digital files need to be purged also but disposing of them is not so backbreaking and doesn't require much physical space.
Most utility and other bills may now be obtained over the web thereby reducing the amount of paper entering the home.
Home Depot will e-mail a receipt to your email address before you even leave the store. If you pay by credit card or debit card, your email address will be linked to the card and you will be prompted to accept the email every time the card is used.
Receipts and business cards are easily scanned with a phone camera as there are apps for that purpose which will also create PDF files.
Files maybe stored locally but need to be backed-up as hard drives do fail. DropBox, One-Drive, Google Drive are all also storage options, many of which include some space at no-charge. EverNote and One Note are also options for entering and keeping data directly.
Here's a link to ideas on going paperless:
Just got an apology from an exJW
by Village Idiot inso i'm back from the store walking to my apartment, over a hundred units in the complex - all jws and ex-jws - and i see someone talking to an ex-jw neighbor of mine.
she turns around and says "now there's some else i have to apologize to".. she identified herself as an old neighbor who used to play as a jw child right by my place.
she had told me how she was raised to consider me and all the ex-jws in the apartment complex as evil and thought she had to apologize for that.. made my day.
$10 per pub. Money begging session last night
by StarTrekAngel inlast night, during our "christian life and ministry" meeting, we had a session on local needs.
elder opened the talk with a disclaimer saying that this was a reminder (cited psalms about how david loved jehovahs reminders).
he reminded us of how bless we are of having our own local assembly hall.
Most if not all of the existing AHs were paid for through separate specific donations made by JWs in each circuit, donated before and during the AH construction. If WT had provided any funding, it would have been as a mortgage to make-up for any shortfall in the initial fund raising.
In the past, each circuit maintained its own financial accounts. Often, even after sending a substantial (voluntary) donation to WT, there was surplus which carried over to the next CA and was added to whatever was donated at that assembly. If an assembly received less donations, perhaps due to local economic issues, the carried-over surplus usually made-up for any shortfall.
It was a relatively good system until WT became greedy and demanded all money each circuit held in surplus. Now, a large donation to WT is built into the rate per publisher. If there does happen to be additional funds realized beyond the publisher's daily rate, that too is sent to WT as an additional donation. Calling the expense 'maintenance' or an 'assembly hall expense', is in reality, misrepresentation.
Who did you believe the scriptures were describing when you were a JW?
by James Mixon init never hit me until i was out.
matt:23;4 "they tie up heavy, cumbersome loads and put them.
on other people shoulders".
I recall so often, hearing talks citing scriptures that said NOT to behave in a certain way, only to have that same speaker go on to praise WT & JWs for behaving in the exact manner the scripture said not to.
Just as with the May 2015 JWTV netcast, GB Lett claimed WT does not beg or solicit donations, but then carried on for the next hour doing exactly that.
Either JWs are brainwashed zombies or they have tuned themselves out to what is being said and just don't care.
Are the 2015 Belgium Concert for Delegates and Kingdom Hall Cowboy Footloose Videos on Youtube for real?
by Maryo in
i find these shocking.
We couldn't play anything but Kingdom songs while cleaning the KH.
As related in another thread, during the '70s as a pre-teen/teen, I recall Bros & Sis from Mexico while attending the Int Conv in Toronto, performed native dancing in their native dress, on the stage after the sessions were over. It was done tastefully and modestly with no cat calls and the music was music only, no singing. While most everyone stayed and enjoyed the change of pace, it was soon outlawed as that type of behaviour was not appropriate in Jehovah's house of worship.
With the party atmosphere now evident in these videos, What's next? Beer 'N shooters in the KH?
What are the new songs that people are talking about?
by dogon ini have heard that there are some or at least one new song that is way out there.
what number is it or a link to it on youtube.
While arranged in a similar style as a Broadway show tune, at least the music to 142 is a little more upbeat, unlike some of the dirges they had included in the past. -
It amazes me...
by punkofnice think about how the congregations actually function....even down to the individual level.. the biggest bully on the boe (or his wife), controls the show.. ones within the congregation are treated like they're dirt and still they return.
stockholm syndrome?.
i've heard ones say that 'jehovah(tm) will sort it all out.
It is amazing, though, that you've got 8 million people .... - OEJ
So WT claims.
With declining attendance observed in many developed nations as especially evident in memorial attendance, unless the new converts in third world nations greatly exceed the ones leaving, I suspect the 8+ million members reported, is an exaggerated number.