It's the Arndale Centre. Today. Nothing to do with last night's location.
Thank you!
I wasn't aware of the Arndale Centre evacuation. Even looking at online news, everything was about Manchester Arena until I searched for Arndale specifically.
It's the Arndale Centre. Today. Nothing to do with last night's location.
Thank you!
I wasn't aware of the Arndale Centre evacuation. Even looking at online news, everything was about Manchester Arena until I searched for Arndale specifically.
I understand the explosion occurred at 10:30 pm while attendees were departing from the concert.
Unless Manchester JWs attend late night events with carts which depending on light conditions, likely would not be easily seen, I doubt the cart was present when the explosion occurred.
i looked up that watch and see it for $399. if the original gold cost a lot more or not, but if told somebody that rose watch is 17,000 and they see it's $399, it'll look like an 'apostate lie'.
Although the linked article is talking specifically about the 18 ca Gold edition, it states this: "These types of items are never purchased for practical reasons. They are bought for a very specific purpose: to display the wealth of the owner. It’s all about status."
Even if GJ's watch is the less expensive version, it still portrays an illusion that it is an expensive version and the status elevating device, otherwise, why else would we be discussing this in these threads?
Since WT continually tell JWs to lead a simple and non-materialistic lifestyle, why then is GJ not leading by example but is instead wearing a premium device intended to elevate his status?
is this the reaction you get when you walk into a kingdom hall sporting your new beard 🙄.
I pointed out that Brother Trash Collector, the elder had a mustache, to which they replied that he has always had one, which made it OK. - Stillin
To which my reply would be: So, he was born with it?
or: I now have one too
or: I must have missed where the bible forbids mustaches (or beards). Will you show me the specific scripture?
I was complemented ... By an elder's wife, no less. - vidiot
She may personally like beards, which unfortunately conflicts with the party line. Since it is a conflict, it's surprising she even commented to the positive.
gb member , branch overseers, do ( obsolete ) , co , elder , ms , publisher, unbaptised publisher , school overseers, coordinator of body ect ect ect .
i think jws would win gold on clergy laity class distinctions..
Publisher - Pioneer - Special Pioneer - Vacation Pioneer - Missionary (the only titles extended to females)
COBE/Presiding Overseer - Secretary - Service Overseer - School Overseer (obsolete), Watchtower Study Overseer - "The Committee"
Literature Servant - Magazine Servant - Territory Servant - Audio System Servant - Hall Maintenance Servant - Public Talk Servant - Account Servant
If you possess a penis, there was an expectation for you to 'reach-out' to obtain a title.
In addition, there are other titles including: 'In-Good-Standing' - 'Marked' - 'On Restrictions' - 'On Probation' - 'Reproved' - 'Disassociated' - 'Disfellowshipped'
hey everyone im desperately trying to locate a former elder from ontario, canada who is willing to talk to a journalist about the sex abuse issue in the org.
this would be a major article in a major canadian magazine but without locating an elder to speak to she cannot do the story.
please help ad we need this exposure in canada.
Are you searching for a specific person or any former elder?
If looking for any former elder, why the restriction within Ontario?
What time-frame would be appropriate?
If looking for any former elder, unless he was involved as a judicial committee member dealing with an actual sex abuse incident, it would be unlikely that he would know much about sex abuse in the org to be of assistance.
every time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
I could up until a couple weeks back.
Likely for the same period Simon has been performing updates and revisions to the site. Poster's join dates are no longer showing for me. Whether that is a permanent change has yet to be indicated.
every time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
I use IE11 so that is probably why...
Chrome Browser downloiad
so it's not enough that i'm dealing with post traumatic stress/anxiety and panic attacks all related to my life as a jw (50 years baptized -- i stopped going a couple of months ago) at 3 a.m. i get an email from the other side of the world.
'you have to go to the convention.
bro sanderson says we must watch the news, things are happening.
As far as your panic attacks, as you have been a JW for 50 years, you've had over 50 years of indoctrination and conditioning. You are not going to undue or turn that around immediately or even quickly. For me, even after more than a decade out, the JW conditioning continues to kick-in every so often.
Slow down and Breath and consider the reasons you left and what you have learned since leaving.
Any opposition now being experienced by WT and JWs as a whole, is mainly due to actions they have brought on themselves, not because it's the end of the world. Consider as one example, WT's continued refusal to appropriatly address child abuse within the organisation and the resulting implications with the Australian Royal Commission.
every time i've asked this in an existing thread, i've never gotten an answer, so forgive me for starting a new thread in order to ask again.
i simply cannot figure out how to quote someone with the standard yellow box.
i can copy/paste the quote, sure, but nothing i do makes it appear in a yellow box like everyone else.
I add 3 blank lines (hit Enter 3 times) into the 'Have your say' box, before inserting a quote.
After highlighting and copying the text you want to quote, place the cursor on the first blank line, then click the Quote button to insert a yellow box so as to paste the copied text into the yellow box.
When you want to add your own comments below the yellow quote box, place the cursor onto one of the other blank lines you had already first added. If you added the quote box to the first blank line, the other 2 blank lines will remain below the yellow quote box.