Many JWs have a very pessimistic outlook on life. They seem to only focus on negative events and hardly mention or have enjoyment when things are good. Both my long term JW family and LT JW in-laws display the same views.
When we had announced we are having a baby, my family's reaction was "Oh NO!" This is the typical reaction with any good news.
All the in-laws talk about is how 'bad' everything is. They are terrified of going anywhere much beyond d2d and attempt to transfer that outlook on us. We suggest they stop watching the news since it affects them so negatively.
Being a JW is not about enjoying life now. Life can only truly be enjoyed in the 'New System', after the cleanup work is completed. The time now is more something that must be endured, so they can do what is needed to prove their faith and earn god's favor to make it through into the 'New System'.
When things are going well, it seems they experience too much cognitive dissonance, thereby opening doubt that Armageddon will ever come. They are told the world is a rotten place and will not improve until god takes control. When seeing disasters and negative events, that seems to boost their hope that will be the start to God's rule.
While JWs claim they don't believe in hell after death, their approach to life is somewhat as if hell is what is endured now, with every disaster and negative event only serving to enforce that approach to life.