If she wants to go back thats cool for her.
This statement above makes the question "where can I find a disfellowshipped wife" rather confusing and redundant.
where can i find a disfellowshipped wife ;)
If she wants to go back thats cool for her.
This statement above makes the question "where can I find a disfellowshipped wife" rather confusing and redundant.
i made a couple of comments the other day on this forum and i hadn’t realized it had.
been so long.
my history shows i joined 3 years ago.
In other words don`t offer the cong. healthful words of encouragement in a loving manner but whip them into submission with a big stick.
WT's unwritten moto: The beatings will not stop until morale improves.
someone asked me what does the world have to offer if left the truth?
'coz i'm still in the process of leaving i just said i don't feel i fit in the truth or the world.
she's known me for 12 years and she's the 3rd person recently to say i've changed.
That question is intended to force you to take your mind off leaving and raise doubt that leaving is the correct course of action. Many JWs have an attitude that even if not God's organization, they wouldn't want to go anywhere else.
You have identified for yourself that the religion is flawed and is not 'The Truth' chosen by God. Once those conclusions are reached, there is no longer reason to remain a member, even if you haven't decided what else to do.
If your house was on fire, before leaving you wouldn't stop to question where you and your children would go or what the outside offers, but you would grab your kids and get out to save your lives. Once out and safe, you can then worry about the next steps to take.
hi guys.
just wanted to share this with you as it's kind of got me worried.
my brother who was also raised in "the truth™" met me in town today for a coffee.
To me the elders are essentially telling your brother in a subtle way that due to his Asperger's - he doesn't know what he's doing and they are trying to take his free will away from him. - flipper
They imply this when he indicates he wants no further part in the religion, yet they accept he is capable to fully understand being baptized and they wouldn't hesitate to punish with disfellowshipping if he committed an offense against the religion's requirements.
good afternoon , .
i have been having doubts for many years and as most jw's i have certainly not done myself a favor by suppressing all of my critical thinking.
i am married with 3 kids and my wife and i are inactive, but my wife has made it very clear in speech and action that she wants to go to all meetings, field service, and indoctrinate our kids.
In addition to agreeing with dubstepped's comments on a grieving process, I also believe newly awakened JWs often have feelings of embarrassment and shame for even having considered anything against the JW religion that person may have been born into. They automatically have feelings of doing wrong while the active JW remains on higher moral ground which maybe why JW opinions are often given higher significance initially. These feelings are purposely programmed by WT to prevent JWs from reading, listening, viewing, thinking or speaking anything critical of the religion.
Until an awakened JW comes to accept and become comfortable that he/she hasn't done anything wrong, that sense of shame will often paralyze the person from moving forward in exiting the religion or helping his/her children to consider other views or discuss JW teachings in a critical fashion.
Covert:. While it is natural to feel an initial sense of loss and regret for the time spent within the religion, please remember that you can't undo what has already happened but can only control what you will do today and in the future. By becoming consumed by past regrets, may only paralyze you from enjoying life moving forward. Be relieved that you awakened now as opposed to in another 5, 10, 20 years, or perhaps never. Today is the first day to the rest of your life.
good afternoon , .
i have been having doubts for many years and as most jw's i have certainly not done myself a favor by suppressing all of my critical thinking.
i am married with 3 kids and my wife and i are inactive, but my wife has made it very clear in speech and action that she wants to go to all meetings, field service, and indoctrinate our kids.
Welcome CovertsadJW
I can never tell the kids how I feel. People say slowly introduce idea, etc, but my wife is on to that and wants no part.
Why are her opinions given priority over yours? You are both parents equally and your opinions are just as valid as your wife's, but you need to first believe that.
makes me out to be bad to the kids, her friends, etc.
This is unacceptable, yet, you you seem to be putting-up with it.
It is she that is putting a wedge between you and her and between you and your children. Either you need to put a stop to this, or your marriage and your relationship with your children will be history.
well i thought i had heard it all but, the mercury columns "will christians enjoy sex in heaven" just hurt my brain.
how can god allow sexual relations in heaven without marriage??
in heaven there is no need for anyone to belong exclusively to another(wow!!!
So, the people who write this stuff have first hand knowledge of what goes on in heaven?
i was wondering what people think of leah remini's comments on the paul higgins accusations.
she has said that the 5 women that have accused him of rape and sexual harassment are not to be trusted.
she says that because 3 of them want to stay anonymous that must mean that they are not accurate statements.
Leah Remini is very familiar with the tactics used by Scientology to defame anyone who speak out against the 'church'.
Here's a link to a National Post article regarding the accusations against Paul Haggis:
i have the 2015 watchtower library working fine and have started to enter some book marks.. i have the library program on a flash drive to pass around to some other folks so they can show .
witnesses at their door what they are supposed to believe.
getting the book marks transferred is .
Instead of running the library program from the DVD (or ?), are you able to run it from the flash drive version, and then create new bookmarks to save to a path on the flash drive?
What would happen if you copied the entire bookmark path to the flash drive?
As I was never able to obtain a copy of the WT library when I requested it as an active JW, I cannot verify if these suggestions would work.
did anyone have other jws try to guilt trip them when they were leaving or if you were making a decision which jws felt was wrong but wasn't unscriptural?
i'm getting people guilt tripping me to eventually get back with my emotionally, spiritually and mentally abusive husband who i'm separated from.
i feel sick at the thought of getting back together and putting myself through that nightmare again but i'm being told its what jehovah wants coz he doesn't want families to be apart.
Being a JW is an all or nothing proposition.
If a person attempts to straddle the fence, maintaining JW association but not fulfilling all of the requirements dictated, JWs will usually try to push the person off the fence to one side, and if that fails, they will push in the opposite direction. One side = Fully In, the other side = Fully Out.
As stated previously, since you have no JW family to maintain relationships with, there is little benefit or point to fading. By attempting to keep your Kingdom Hall friends but not fulfilling all of the religion requirements, will result in pressure on you to get off the fence. If you made a decision to leave the religion as you appear to have done, then why subject yourself to needless pressure and stress?
I feel sick at the thought of getting back together and putting myself through that nightmare again
You already know what you want and what is likely best, but are allowing 'strangers' to influence and question your thoughts and beliefs as to what is best for you and your children. Remember, those strangers (including us) will not be dealing with the consequences if you choose to follow their advice, but you will.
"what kind of example are you setting your daughter with regards to the truth and with regards to Jehovah's stance on marriage?"
It sounds to me as setting an example to your daughter that it's proper to stand-up for herself and her children, not accepting being abused or treated badly, regardless of who it is that is inflicting the abuse.
JWs give the reason not to divorce because Jehovah hates divorce, which is the dissolution of a marriage which is a vow between two people. They typically ignore the reasons divorce may be necessary, appropriate or healthy. A person could reason, even if Jehovah hates divorce, that doesn't imply he doesn't understand or agree that it may sometimes be necessary.
JWs routinely disfellowship a JW who is seen smoking a cigarette, or whose car is observed parked overnight outside the residence of a member of the opposite sex, or for not unreservedly accepting the GB are chosen by God. In disfellowshipping and announcing the person as no longer a JW, isn't that forcing the dissolution (divorce) of the person's vow to Jehovah?