I never posted this 2nd post - must be a glitch in this forum!
Seems odd then that this post has a different title than the one referenced by _Morpheus
here's a link to a common form that publishers are required to fill in if they want to participate in city cart witnessing:.
note on the reverse of the form comments that elders write, and a box to rate your "spirituality"!
I never posted this 2nd post - must be a glitch in this forum!
Seems odd then that this post has a different title than the one referenced by _Morpheus
so 9 months before i started pioneering, i had a hot and heavy moment with this player witness who was just trying to string me along and talked to a lot of different girls.
we made out and he grabbed my goodies a few times you know the regular stuff all teens do at least once.
anyways i never saw him again because when i refused to send him nudes he dropped me.
Congratulations! You have now been awakened to the ways of the Watchtower. As has been mentioned, the elders did you a favour.
JW Privilege = spending your time working for free for no personal reward
Why is 'Pioneering' considered a privilege which can be denied to the person willing to do it? As all JWs are expected to preach to others, why then is a title and elders approval required so as to fulfil a personal commitment to spend a specific number of hours preaching each month?
hi - first some context - i have been pimo for about 20 years now and so have been to a lot of assemblies in that time.
last weekend i went to a circuit assembly and for the first time afterwards i was able to talk directly to someone who knows i'm out.
i realised then that although i didn't agree with any teachings (i sat picking holes in the arguements as usual) the experience of being there had affected me - the way of life started feeling normal as did the overall way of viewing the world.
I have come to the realisation that being PIMO and having an open mind is the best way. - Formerbrother
You likely didn't mean it in the manner you did. 'Best way' would be to be POMO and to go off and live a good life.
In continuing to attend and subject oneself to their influence, sets up an internal conflict.
A person portrays an outward appearance, behaviour and speech so as to be accepted, meanwhile, their brain is screaming - 'this is BS', and constantly reminds them how unhappy they are to pretend.
In the long term, with constantly placing their true feelings on the backburner, the 'screaming' in their brain will eventually become a whisper. Although the person may not agree fully with the religion, they will no longer be full PIMO but will have conditioned themselves to be PIMI to a greater degree.
hello everyone, i have an on and off again ex who is a jw.
each time her family gets involved and she's gone again.
i'm debating biting the bullet and doing the work to become baptized, so we can follow through with our engagement.
You have not stated what you or your GF think about the JW religion. Do you still hold that it is 'The Truth'? Does she?
Your GF is old enough to make her own decisions but is choosing to disregard how she wishes to live her life and is disrespecting you as her fiance. You are taken for granted as you continue to be there for her, even after she throws you away and treats you like dirt. She places her family on a higher level than you or even herself, allowing them to dictate her life. If your GF remains content to allow her family to continue to control her, that will continue even if you were to marry.
If you cave-in to comply with her family's demands, you are then allowing them to control you too. Where do you think their control will stop? There will always be something more you and she need to do to keep their favour. Think of the example this sets for both your child and hers.
so many of us have had (perhaps well-meaning) jws ask us questions about our inactivity, or lack of attendance at meetings.
they may pry about why..... how is this for a simple, yet straight to the point response?
to a sincere person, it may play on their mind and make them ask more questions.
"Thanks, but my God-given Bible trained conscience doesn't allow me to associate, now that I know a multitude of disturbing facts" - stuck
I said something similar to two of my JW relatives. Their response, "We haven't heard anything."
That was the end of any further discussion except them demanding that we must put those things out of mind and attend meetings anyway, even as they had not attended in many years but only pretend they do.
As millie210 said: "It will NEVER matter what you say...reason and logic will not penetrate."
a witness can’t celebrate and give gifts on a birthday except on the day they are born.
giving a baby shower is ok as well as gift giving—- but only once!
soooo dumb!.
Similar to a wedding day, the "birthday" is the actual day a child is born. That same calendar day each subsequent year marks the anniversary of the child's birth, but most people commonly accept continuing to call it a 'birthday' whereas subsequent recognition of a wedding day is commonly called an 'anniversary'. Why is that?
If JWs wish to recognize and celebrate their or their children's 'birthday', perhaps they should just call it the anniversary of their birth since in JW land, recognition and celebration of an anniversary remains a matter of conscience.
so, as some of you will know myself and my husband are in the process of fading.
haven't been to a meeting since beginning of 2017. .
we weren't planning on going to the memorial, but last week my mother broke down and said that we have to go to the memorial even if it's the only meeting i go to this year.
I understand WT has recently been teaching active JWs that everyone who attends the memorial, are showing they recognize JWs to be the only true religion. By attending, you are supporting their belief that you continue to consider that religion as 'The Truth', even as you do not participate in any other JW activities throughout the year.
JWs commonly attempt to control any relatives who will submit to their methods, crying being one such method. If you give-in, expect similar behaviour whenever there are other JW events labelled as 'Special'.
While my SO and I had attended the memorial for a few years after fading from being active JWs, we finally asked ourselves why we were doing that and creating unneeded anxiety and stress for ourselves by again potentially placing ourselves under influence and accountability to the local elders.
Although many people consider a KH as a church and therefore open to the public, it is in actuality, private property and only accessible by those the elders allow to attend and who will adhere to dress code, behaviour and other 'rules' the WT and local elders designate and decide to enforce. The elders could ask to meet with you as you are attending their facility by your own choice.
Similar to your mother, our JW relatives make an issue of ensuring we know the memorial date and 'demand' that we attend. Early on, they would argue, induce guilt and put on an emotional display both in their pleas to attend and afterwards, when we admitted to not going. Although they now continue to 'request' we attend, it is no longer so emotional. They also do not always inquire afterwards but if they do, usually nothing further is said when we say we didn't attend.
I expect your mother will also soon learn to accept your choices, once you stop giving in to her emotional attempts to control you.
las vegas man charged with raping teen member of his church.
by blake apgar / las vegas review-journal march 23, 2018 - 5:10 pm .
I seem to recall with the Boer matter, the court found congregation elders had no individual decision making ability whether an abused was to meet with their abuser or whether the matter is to be reported to Child Welfare or Police. As WT sets policy which the elders are required to follow, WT was found liable whereas the elders were not.
my cousin's girlfriend moved from another state and is now living in our home.
they said she lived in a bad situation, but i don't believe them.
my cousin lies.
Welcome to the forum RunAwayDaughter.
I was happy to see Diogenesister mentioned the loss of her father as being related to her actions. That too was my thought when reading your earlier comments.
As your daughter is usually quiet and behaves in a predictable manner, perhaps the loss of your husband affected her more than you or her brothers realized. Since you were all deep in grief (understandable), she may have felt there was no one available to discuss the loss she was feeling.
The boyfriend (you didn't mention his age) likely provided her with attention and a listening ear that she needed. Unfortunately, her mental state would leave her vulnerable to being easily influenced.
While she may eventually recognize she made a mistake in leaving home, as the BF is controlling and without her own money, may feel somewhat trapped and may be reluctant to express that she wants to return home, especially when reflecting on the behaviour she had shown to you and her brothers.
I suspect her desire to want to talk to a counsellor may have been related to discussing the loss of her father, not necessarily about leaving home - not yet. Unfortunately, JWs are taught to believe psychiatry and counselling are wrong and so the JWs she is staying with may have convinced her to not follow through with the appointment you set up.
i found a document that discusses the canadian tax law for religions.. http://www.carters.ca/pub/seminar/church/2010/kjc0824.pdf.
i have long held the view that the org/wts says that it is non-political yet they behave like a political organization.
and it bothers me that religions are restricted from political activity yet the org has always been political.
Opposing the law of foreign countries and challenging court decisions in Russia and elsewhere, trying to change laws.
The initial reference you provide is in regard to changing municipal, Provincial or Canadian Law within Canada. Although W. G. H. & Associates is a Canadian law firm, the Canadian restriction on changing or opposing the law I expect, would not apply to laws in other countries unless that country also has restrictions in place.
That said, WT & JWs (through the law firm) seem to take pride in the changes made to laws within Canada which benefit WT/JWs, much of which is attributed to Glen How himself.
Perhaps WGH was (technically) not retained by WT but acting independently from WT when fighting for laws beneficial to WT/JWs (ie: JW freedom to preach and JW right to refuse blood), thereby not putting WT at risk in acting on those matters.