they all believe falsehood in unison
Or else ...
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
they all believe falsehood in unison
Or else ...
hi,i'm lost and a little sad.
i actually like the jw faith.
some might call this faith cold, strict, dogmatic but they're just trying to follow rules and give back to god.
I'l accept the doctrines if I can prove the Governing Body is being led by God.
I usually agree with the things they explain. I'll accept the understanding if I can prove the Governing body is being led by God.
Welcome Ahava!
As the JW Governing Body are the ones claiming to be led by God, the obligation is on them to offer undeniable evidence God has chosen them otherwise, God would need to make his choice plainly evident through other means.
How will you prove they are led by God when there is no proof to be found?
they're just trying to follow rules and give back to God.
What rules did Jesus tell his Apostles, Christians are to follow?
i searched up jw rules, and things that can get them into trouble with the congregation.
if i remember correctly there is 100 rules.
i already assume these rules are taught regularly or "preached" and stating why they are against god therefore followers obey, or try to obey.
Well, see how you will get varying answers. I never heard of "not favour[ing] any particular team."
Yes OTWO. In addition to nationalism, favouring a team was also considered a form of idolatry. That was taught from the platform a few decades ago - at least in this area. Of course, since JW beliefs are professed to be consistent and united everywhere across the globe, we that were given that info then thought, that was the common teaching everywhere.
They had also proclaimed 'True Christians' are not to get a tattoo or have their ears pierced as that is body mutilation and shows lack of appreciation and respect for God's gift of the body we are each given.
It seems those talks are no longer given as parents of born-in female children commonly have the child's ears pierced while the child is very young. There doesn't seem to be an issue made.
Viewing the FB pages of active JW teens, often reveal tattoos which I suspect, are kept hidden from elders in the congregations they attend. As OTWO implied, some things remain: 'Don't ask, Don't tell'.
i searched up jw rules, and things that can get them into trouble with the congregation.
if i remember correctly there is 100 rules.
i already assume these rules are taught regularly or "preached" and stating why they are against god therefore followers obey, or try to obey.
Disfellowshipping is the extreme punishment. There are other lesser punishments including being 'Marked', 'Private Reproof', 'Public Reproof', loss of 'privileges' and being interrogated by two or more elders in the back room.
To clarify any confusion with regard to the national anthem, a JW may stand in respect if part of the observance involves everyone singing along whereas if everyone is only asked to stand, then a JW is expected to remain sitting. If a JW is already standing, for example when entering a sporting venue when the anthem is being played, the JW may then remain standing respectfully in one location until the anthem concludes.
While attending a sporting event is not forbidden, JWs are told not to favour any particular team as that is considered a form of nationalism.
Although Jesus gave the Lords Prayer as an example of how to pray, JWs typically do not recite the LP or join in when the Lords Prayer is being recited by a group. Reciting the LP in a group is often done by other religions and so a JW would not want to suggest they are supporting or agreeing with any other religion.
the meeting today was quite disturbing as usual and had to endure 2 talks by yet another egotistical, pompous co who gives talks like a hardcore southern baptist, but people adore no matter what crazy shit spews from their mouth.
today, he talked about jesus illustration about how if your eye or hand stumbles you, remove it.
he went into gory detail about how somebodies eye ball is pulled out from their head, and what it takes to cut someone’s hand off...perhaps even with a front of many small children in the audience.
elder saying 'unbaptized publishers are worldly people'.
There was a fuss in the 9o's about calling non baptized ones "Brother" or "Sister".
I recall, tere was a thread some months back regarding active JW's in New Zealand. In that thread, it was established that WT counts everyone who submits a Publisher Report, including non-baptized when stating to the public the number of current JW's. If the population of JW's was limited to only baptized publishers, then it seems, the claimed number would be far less than 8 million worldwide.
i wasn't so sure how to add title in this topic.
i went back to the borg, for family reasons and the concept was after a year or so to fade out.
i m into the fade out process now.
I agree as others, cut all ties.
Parents who have been long-term JW's will often not be as concerned with their adult child's 'official' status as they are with the fact they are not attending meetings. Non-attendance often becomes evident fairly quickly as social visits typically resort to discussions of JW topics and a non-attendee will often not fully understand what is being mentioned or respond as appropriate. This can cause the devout parents to begin to question the adult child and limit association.
If you are adamant to transfer your file to another cong, you could choose a congregation some distance away from where you actually live. Attend only a few times under the premise that you were relocated there by your employer or you obtained a new job in the area. Due to training for your new position, your meeting attendance may not be regular initially, but that will change once training has completed. If asked to provide an address, you could claim you are currently at a temporary location until a suitable permanent residence is found.
Once your records are transferred, ask the new elders to forward your records to a different nearby congregation as you will soon be moving to a permanent address within that congregation's territory. If they do forward your file, those elders will soon forget about you, and the 'new' congregation won't know who you are as they have never even met you. Since both congregations are located a substantial distance from where you actually live and as no members have seen much of you, there is little expectation anyone will remember you even if you ever did run into them elsewhere.
so as you all know, my wife and i are not officially df or da.. a small event happened this week that i have to share!.
a family that we were really close to (dinners and catch ups several times a month , go out socially often, play sport together, helped them through tough times, like uncle and aunty to their kids, etc).
the wife's father died.
Taking an alternate view, maybe the father's death has hit them harder than you recognize. Perhaps they are in shock and consumed with grief and so are not acting as themselves and are not associating their behaviour with acting rudely.
Friendships work in two directions so you may want to give them some benefit of doubt, particularly as they have remained close even after you both stopped attending.
i tried searching for this site by entering "" and this site did not come up on the first page !
it was jw dot org etc all the way down !.
how can we change this ?.
After Stan's most recent reply, I closed down all site pages and tried again. Same results as my prior post.
I then tried the Edge browser (I normally use Chrome) to see if the results were different. Edge by default searches with Bing and in searching this site URL, this site was at the top of the Bing results. When searching 'jehovahs-witness', this site was the third search result.
Performing a G search in Edge, when the URL was searched, G did not take me directly to this site but instead listed search results with this site shown at the top of the 1st page. All other results are as I indicated in my earlier post.
i tried searching for this site by entering "" and this site did not come up on the first page !
it was jw dot org etc all the way down !.
how can we change this ?.
When I search in G for the entire URL you specified, it takes me directly to this site without performing any search.
When searching 'jehovahs-witness', then various Wiki and JW dot org pages and recent news articles are listed on the first search page.
When I perform a G search for 'jehovahs-witness discussion' or 'jehovahs-witness forums', this site is shown at the top of the results.
As there are so many relevant pages, a search needs to be somewhat specific on what it is you are looking for, in this case 'discussion' or 'forums'.
hey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
WT leads JW's to believe they should not respect differing belief's, thereby forcing JWs to attempt to 'save' everyone else by attempting to convert them to become JWs as JWs are told, they would be held bloodguilty by God for not doing such.
It seems many of us when leaving the JW religion, hold a similar belief that it is our obligation to convert JWs from being JWs or at least we must inform them to TTATT. Perhaps we need to stop to consider and respect other people's right to believe as they wish to believe, JWs included.
With regard to the email received, if it had been sent from a different acquaintance that holds other religious beliefs, would you worry about what to do with her email?