Seems to be an issue with the 'Link' function.
a pregnant jehovah's witness rethinks watchtower's transfusion policy .
after one simple question from her hematologist.
read her story in this .
Seems to be an issue with the 'Link' function.
i don't see any way to comment, no matter what thread (topic) i am reading.
Just as you needed to be signed-in to start this topic, once signed-in, there is a comment box at the bottom of each topic page, below the line "Have your say ...". Type your comments in that box.
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I understand anyone can submit a request to Google to have a location or building identified if the map doesn't include one or if the existing one is incorrect.. As such, the addition of a pin for that KH does not signify WT had it added since anyone familiar with that congregation may have submitted a request to Google.
The marker being added within hours of K & M posting their video, may have been a simple coincidence, not proof that WT viewed the video.
here is one thing that really annoys me.. i live opposite a large hospital.
there is a pedestrian crossing connecting the hospital to the other side of the road.
it is at the end of the crossing that the dubs have their literature cart.
From your description, it seems the cart is setup on or beside the public sidewalk. Although it may be close by to the hospital entrance, if the cart is not actually on hospital property, there likely would be little the hospital administration could or would do about it.
Unless the cart is creating a safety concern or obstacle, the town/city will also likely do nothing.
I honestly believe that Watchtower is losing it's very best people.
This goes without saying, after all, they lost us.
Youtube stats for 2018 shown at this link: YouTube Statistics indicate 300 hours of video is uploaded to YT every minute.
How many videos pertaining to JWs and WT are uploaded every week?
If a take-down by the original poster is forced by WT, how many other posters then step-up to re-post that same video on their channel or on an alternate video or download site? One take-down can result in that same video being available at multiple locations, which then will result in WT needing to deal with numerous individual posters.
Will WT ever learn, they can't control what others post online, and once something is placed online, it never really can be taken down?
a basis for taking legal action against the watchtower society's blood transfusion policy.
As a religion, WT and JW's are within their right to state a belief that using blood is not acceptable to God. Any qualifications they might possess is in regards to belief, sin and what is acceptable to god.
Problems arise when WT goes beyond religious matters to teach, advise and counsel on medical matters for which they are not qualified in. As previously stated, to offset liability, WT commonly mention a person may die if they don't follow their Dr's advice regarding treatment which may include blood. They also state acceptance of blood is not a guarantee a person will survive. JW's will often accept WT information as fact without doing further research from other sources.
As JW's believe God requires his people to abstain from blood, they then hope for resurrection if they should die while faithful to God's requirements, which suggests they may not receive resurrection if they are not faithful.
A person's beliefs are emotional and can greatly influence their decisions, often to their own detriment. Even if a JW wishes to accept blood, there is often fear of punishment, if not from God but from the org they and their family are members of.
Ultimately, a person needs to do what they consider to be correct for them and their medical situation at the time. No one else will live (or die) by their decision. If the person requiring treatment is a minor child, and the parents do not consent to the prescribed therapy, the courts will often intervene to make a decision on facts and medical advice for the child's benefit, not on beliefs or emotions.
i found a document that discusses the canadian tax law for religions..
i have long held the view that the org/wts says that it is non-political yet they behave like a political organization.
and it bothers me that religions are restricted from political activity yet the org has always been political.
Vidiot, that is a valid point.
In Leah Remini's series on Scientology, although that org already held billions in assets, it seemed to be important to them to attain tax-exempt status which they eventually were successful in achieving.
If WT was to lose T-E status, I suspect the implications could be significant. Not only could tax be assessed on publications and other items sold (hence the donation arrangement), but also property tax on every property held, and maybe also corporate income tax. Depending on the reasons for a status change, perhaps retroactive assessments for past years could also be demanded.
i found a document that discusses the canadian tax law for religions..
i have long held the view that the org/wts says that it is non-political yet they behave like a political organization.
and it bothers me that religions are restricted from political activity yet the org has always been political.
I can't envisage it being legally relevant whether legal work is done in-house or not. - credulityThe articles within the link provided, summarize some of Glen How's legal accomplishments in Canadian civil liberties and various other Canadian laws involving religious activities.
While it is stated Glen How's work on behalf of JWs benefitted them, it is not clear if he or his firm was retained by WT at the time to represent their interests in those various actions. He may have acted on his own as an independent lawyer. As a practising JW, he had a vested interest in laws which impact a person's freedom to practice their chosen religion.
So too with legal matters in other countries, is the firm retained by WT to represent them, or is the firm 'technically' acting independently from WT, even as their main office is located at the Canadian WT branch?
In law, it comes down to evidence and what may be proven in court.
... to present itself as a neutral and commercial law firm, when it is nothing more than a legal front for WTS, its sole client. - credulity
I don't recall claims of being neutral. There is substantial info on the firm's website to suggest it is not neutral but very biased towards JWs.
Is WT its sole client, or does the firm possibly also represent other JWs that might need representation in religious matters?
Legal representation may include matters such as involving JW parents defending against a court order forcing blood for their child, a child custody action against a non-believing spouse, or congregation elders defending their actions after child sexual assault was reported and they had forced the victim to meet with the accused.
i'm posting this link: you start reading it you won't be able to stop.fascinating and well-documented citations which give credibility to the belief that such a sneaky, underhanded, and often illegal practice has been secretly promoted for decades by watchtower society world headquarters..
I do know for a certainty in the 70's they would follow suspicious activities of members (like going into gay club etc) and definitely watching singles homes to catch them fornicating
I am also aware that certain elders would follow and stake-out cong members if the elders suspected or received reports the person (baptised or not) was behaving in an unapproved manner. Whether that activity was sanctioned by WT can only be speculated on but as I have since read where similar also occurred in other locations, leads me to suspect the elder's behaviour had been sanctioned.
Whether surveillance continues to occur, IDK.
Just because we may not wish to believe something or have witnessed it occurring for ourselves, does not mean it doesn't happen.
they will come back to you and deny your request, ask them to ask the service department to get organizational procedures.
if still denied refuse to attend with out your lawyer present.
and then ask them who has fairer judicial practices satan's world or jehovah's earthly organization.. no recordings allowed, and definitely no lawyers!
with the latest win in Canada
If you are referring to the Df'd real-estate agent who lost his action against WT for effecting his ability to earn a living, that was IMO the correct outcome. A JW real-estate agent should not be relying on JW's as clients to provide his income.
The OP refers to representation or an advisor being present during a JC 'hearing'. As implied in one of the responses, if you don't want to hear the answer, don't ask the question. If asked if a lawyer or other representative may attend, elders will say NO.
As the person on trial and you wish to take some control, you then tell the elders in writing your conditions and requirements for you to attend a JC hearing. It then becomes their decision if they will comply to your requirements. If they do not wish to comply, they may drop the matter or they could proceed to DF you without you being there.
It's WT's club. WT sets the rules and conditions for membership. If you no longer wish to adhere to those requirements, they are within their rights to remove you from membership. To reduce legal action due to defamation or slander, real or implied, any announcement no longer states a person was removed (DF'd) or any reason, but only advises the congregation that the person is no longer a JW.