truly believe that every "charitable scheme" that I have seen done by WT Corp has been for the purpose of making a "profit" on it - DOC
Does WT actually provide charity?
While there are reports of JWs assisting in disaster areas, my understanding is that individual JWs travel and provide that assistance on their own time and at at their own expense. I do not recall hearing WT supplying staff persons (Bethelites) time, travel and accommodations.
Even if WT supply building materials and other supplies to rebuild homes, are those materials only to be used for JWs who are in good standing, or for anyone in-need? If WT requires reimbursement for materials and labor from each homeowner through payment from an insurance claim, can that really be considered charity even if it is referred to as "a donation"?
While JWs around the world are expected to supply donations to build KHs and to support the WW preaching work especially in less affluent regions, are any KHs actually supplied as charity or are JWs using those halls expected to reimburse WT forever as is required in more affluent locations?
Since JWs preach using their own time, fuel, equipment and expense, other than WT literature, what preaching work is actually made possible through WWW donations, especially if missionaries are no longer paid?