Welcome Karly and hope to read more from you soon!
karly, in her first post on the board, replied to one of my topics.
i did not notice any introduction on the board, but if i missed it i apologize.
so, let me please introduce:.
Welcome Karly and hope to read more from you soon!
take cover guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terri: Bryan!!! Thanks for this warning thread.......
Glad it helped. I know many times I can be online with no TV or radio going. It was a massive storm and hit worse I believe in both SE Ft.Worth and SE Dallas. Here in Plano we received a little rain and a great light show.
take cover guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah Bug,
It was great meeting you. That's the problem I suppose, when so many people show up. You do your best just say hello to everyone.
Next Time!
take cover guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8" an hour rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
take cover guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take cover Guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..is notably absent amongst middle-aged dubs.. maybe the joy of sex was forbidden to them?.
take a peek at the nov 1964 wt study: >>the male sex organs and the female sex organs were to cooperate in fulfilling this god-given command.
thus the sex organs are not playthings to have a lot of fun with, for such fun does not serve the divine purpose.
It results in injury not alone to the sex organs...
What kind of crap is this? Having sex for pleasure is hurtfull to your sex organ???!!!
Last week I saw on FOX News that masturbation may prevent prostate cancer. I'm gonna live forever!!!!!
posting with my sex organ...
greetings and welcome to the forum.
nice to have you here and look forward to hearing from you more.. sincerely, .
district overbeer
Glad to have you here Hauki!
2004-05-28 for more info: http://www.fatherstouch.com/q_info.htm.
magazine to tap gay market.
ian gillespie, free press news columnist (column should begin with the words: somebody once told me part of a columnist's
By the way... I made a pre-press order for your book. When do you expect the the ink to dry?
well lets look at the other side.
kerry said he voted for the war just before he voted against it, and acted like this was a smart statment.
Kerry isn't supposed to win... He's going to take the dive to prepare the way for the 2008 Clinton Election!
Bryan (from the "I'm an independent" class)
sorry.. this may be long i have been reading in forums and on other web sites and have some questions that some may think are silly or that the answers are obvious.
i have step sons being raised witness and am just curious.. thank in advance to any answers .
1) what is meant by saying not dressed like a jw.. is there a specific code?.
Welcome North Girl!
I was in the organization for over 25 years and was a ministerial servant. I have been out for close to ten years. I will answer your questions with my own experiences in mind. There are many here who will give you great answers with Watchtower material as reference.
"1) what is meant by saying not dressed like a JW.. is there a specific code?"
The girls must be dresses very conservative. I remember no knees may show. My first wife usually always wore what I call granny dresses, you know, almost to the floor and draped the body so as not to show too many curves. I was counseled when young, for having hair over my ears (My hair covered about 3/4 of my ear), and you certainly didn't grow a beard.
2) are only men allowed to rise in position in the Hall?
Yes. Only the men may hold positions of authority. Though the women may give discussions from the platform, they my not look at the audience. They may only speak to other person on stage. Only the men may address those in attendance.
3) Are young marriages encouraged?
My experience would be YES. My daughter has a cousin who was just married at 17... His wife was 15 and is now finishing high school. I married at 18, and remember my step-mother saying that it was better to marry young that to have sex without a license.
4) are you allowed to associate (as friends or date) non JW's?
At about age 8, I was told I could no longer play with the kids in the neighborhood. The Witnesses feel that all those whom are not Witnesses will soon be dead... destroyed by God! Why would they associate with those whom God hates?
5) are kids discouraged from after school activities and if so why?
I wanted to play sports badly in school, but sport is competition, and competition is bad. Also, it takes away from time you could be reading the Watchtower printed material.
6) are the woman discouraged from working? Most I have met are not employed. just a note that I've noticed that the ones I have met are great with make up and hair (just an observation)
My daughter, who is still a Witness, is 19. I have been trying to get her to go to college to prepare for a good career, but the Watchtower Organization discourages this... it [college] promotes personal thinking, it opens you mind to Satan (Yoga and meditation also clears or opens your mind allowing Satan in your head I was told). She was thinking of becoming a masseuse. She told me the Organization suggests that if you have a skill it is better you follow that than embark on higher education.
7) can anyone attend a convention
As far as I know, anyone can attend, though I have not attended in about 10 years, the rules may have changed... as they usually do.
Hope this helps! Just my own little personal experiences.