This is true bisous, the witnesses would say this.
But I am not in the military lookin out, saying this. I am not in the military nor in the bOrg, therefore, I am comparing both from the outside.
it is a part 2 to my "what makes a cult a 'cult'?
" thread.
so what would it take to trun the marines for example from a military cult to a mainstream religion.
This is true bisous, the witnesses would say this.
But I am not in the military lookin out, saying this. I am not in the military nor in the bOrg, therefore, I am comparing both from the outside.
it is a part 2 to my "what makes a cult a 'cult'?
" thread.
so what would it take to trun the marines for example from a military cult to a mainstream religion.
A cult tears down a person. Takes away personal will.
The military builds up a person. Impowers him/her. Helps the member build selfesteem.
it is a part 2 to my "what makes a cult a 'cult'?
" thread.
so what would it take to trun the marines for example from a military cult to a mainstream religion.
military cult
???? Sorry, don't agree... don't understand... unless you're trying to make some point.
The Marines are not a cult. They are full of brave young men and women.
i love to get into the whole christmas spirit thing, but i never take it to the point of lying to or deceiving children about it.
i try to teach kids that it is the spirit of christmas that matters... then i saw this thing.
parents are actively trying to deceive their kids by offering them "proof" that santa is real.
I have to agree with bisous. A childs life is full of fantasy.
Stories and pretending are the very core of their developement and youthfull being. I have met no one who has been tramatized by finding out there is no Santa to the point that it effected their adult life. My wife told me how she waited for Santa every year and how she was shocked when she was told the truth.
She would not trade her memories of Santa for anything!
threads, posts within events, doctrine, hopes, dreams, drama.....what causes you to post here?
what do you feel you get from it?
or give to others?.
I post because for so long I have been so alone.
threads, posts within events, doctrine, hopes, dreams, drama.....what causes you to post here?
what do you feel you get from it?
or give to others?.
I post because only people like you understand me.
I post because I understand you.
We all come from a small slice of life which no one except for a therapist would undertand.
I post because I hurt and you understand.
I post because you hurt and I understand.
and you make me laugh
threads, posts within events, doctrine, hopes, dreams, drama.....what causes you to post here?
what do you feel you get from it?
or give to others?.
I post... therefore I am.
Bryan,1,3768774.story .,1,3768774.story .
30 f hello, towerwatcher.
He said he's sorry and will be reinstated next Thursday!
That's it little Willy... let Jehovah take care of it.
Now... what if his parents or parent did sexually abuse him? Did the elders know about it and told William to "pray more" or "rely on Jehovah", maybe "put more field service time in"?
This would be very interesting to know.
after reading ray franzs 2 books and much information on this site we did a search comparing wt qoutes and had a local elder soon to be circuit ovsr at our house and the funny thing was he was unaware of much of the early wts.he also expressed some doubts when he applied to be a ministerial servant and they sent him back a letter making him an elder.his wife was here and when we brought coc out she jumped up like a person on fire.
the elder asked where else could we go?so there is doubt amoung the elders for sure.
i have a sense of loss however cannot support a self proclaimed prophet that is contrary to scriptural teaching and associated with falsehood and bloodguilt.
the elder asked where else could we go?
Why do people feel they have to go somewhere? Why do they feel they have to be led? Why do they think God only touches SPECIAL people?
after reading ray franzs 2 books and much information on this site we did a search comparing wt qoutes and had a local elder soon to be circuit ovsr at our house and the funny thing was he was unaware of much of the early wts.he also expressed some doubts when he applied to be a ministerial servant and they sent him back a letter making him an elder.his wife was here and when we brought coc out she jumped up like a person on fire.
the elder asked where else could we go?so there is doubt amoung the elders for sure.
i have a sense of loss however cannot support a self proclaimed prophet that is contrary to scriptural teaching and associated with falsehood and bloodguilt.
Welcome aboard ko38!
Nice story... like to hear more.
I was a wintess for about 25 years and made servant for a time. I never knew any bOrge history. No one really does, because you have to read "other" literature to get it.
How many organizations do you know that hide their past?