after reading ray franzs 2 books and much information on this site we did a search comparing wt qoutes and had a local elder soon to be circuit ovsr at our house and the funny thing was he was unaware of much of the early wts.he also expressed some doubts when he applied to be a ministerial servant and they sent him back a letter making him an elder.his wife was here and when we brought coc out she jumped up like a person on fire. the elder asked where else could we go?so there is doubt amoung the elders for sure. i have a sense of loss however cannot support a self proclaimed prophet that is contrary to scriptural teaching and associated with falsehood and bloodguilt. oh by the way this is my first post. hello to eveyone and thank you for all the information
we just renounced our belief in the wtbts 2 hors ago,but still love jehovah
by ko38 33 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome ko38!
had a local elder soon to be circuit ovsr at our house and the funny thing was he was unaware of much of the early wts
Not surprising. They hide it from everyone they can. But the truth always comes out. Franz's books are great! Really takes you inside to get the full story. Many JW's have left because of them.
"Where would we go?" is a common question asked by JW's. You know, I don't know the answer, but is the answer sticking around an org. that isn't right and converting people to a religion that I don't believe?
Stick around, lots to learn here!
Welcome aboard ko38!
Nice story... like to hear more.
I was a wintess for about 25 years and made servant for a time. I never knew any bOrge history. No one really does, because you have to read "other" literature to get it.
How many organizations do you know that hide their past?
I'm happy for you. I take it to mean that the "we" means husband and wife. Is your counterpart going to join the forum also? Glad you took a stand. I left JWs in 1966, but only recently read Crisis of Conscience by Ray Franz. What a revealing book! (I want to read his other work next.) How I wish I could have come across it before I became a JW in 1958. It would have saved me nearly 8 years of living in a state of confusion and doubt.
Welcome Ko38.
It is interesting in what I have observed when people leave a high control group. There are many stages one goes through while deprogramming. Give yourself time and several years before you can successfully say the JW thing is behind you.
Keep reading, if nothing else to prove to youself the many sides of things out there.
As far as the statement "where else are we to go". I love how the WTBTs states that so that its followers are afraid to look behind the curtain. Actually the quote from Peter was "WHOM else are we to go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life". In leaving the JWs it helps to notice what Jesus was really about and not through an organization that likes to convolute his simple message.
After you are comfortable in exploring other thoughts and ideas, you'll learn there are many thoughts and ideas out there.
Look at some old threads for some good reading material and take it slow. Be humble and learn to love life.
the elder asked where else could we go?
Why do people feel they have to go somewhere? Why do they feel they have to be led? Why do they think God only touches SPECIAL people?
Welcome! We look forward to hearing from you.
Happy Guy :)
the elder asked where else could we go?
Maybe back to worshipping and serving God and not some Organization obsessed with numbers and donations and stifling free thinking?
Congratulations in breaking free. I wish you and the Mrs. all the best.
Welcome ko,
Yes, it is natural for our hearts to love.
In moments of unspeakable awe and wonder at the infinite expression and beauty of nature, silently ask into your heart if a limited male deity of desert tribal origins, is really the Source and Sustenance of all this. Perhaps it will only strengthen and bring closer your love, to not reduce God to such. You are now free to see.