Little Susy sounds exactly like the Baptist preacher who came to see me......guess I'm going to hell because I didn't let him save me.
Little Susy sounds exactly like the Baptist preacher who came to see me......guess I'm going to hell because I didn't let him save me.
took me all night to design it!
Oh, and the crosshairs don't bother me.....I'm used to them from my CAD program.
welcome to pralis from valis!
hey man welcome to our forum!.
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
um, I dunno.....but I'll mention that one, too. I just moved here 6 months ago but my husband has lived here all his life so he should be helpful in finding it. I'll throw out the suggestions and he can tell me where everything is.
Thanks again for helping.
I was thinking if it were a football field then it might be under a bleacher or something. I emailed him about this and he thinks there is an old field not far from the planetarium.....I have a feeling we've got it narrowed down to the right area but it will be tough actually locating it. I'm hoping to talk him into going out to search this evening. There are lots of people looking for it so if we wait too long we will miss out.
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
I don't know that either but will be sure to ask my husband about it....
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
Hmmm, I don't know. I'll have to ask my husband. I really don't know the town that well either yet. I thought maybe a football field because one of the clues refers to tackle.....and green is a hue that would be well known.
Thanks for your help.
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
I've been thinking about this at lunch. I looked up Lowell and found it was an observatory that discovered Pluto. So I've been thinking maybe on Pluto street or still considering a planetarium. There are still parts of it that aren't coming together, though.
No one has any ideas? Doesn't anyone want to help me win $1000? (Asking, sweetly...)
in finding the holiday in dixie treasure.
every year the city i live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city.
i believe it has to be located somewhere on public property.
In finding the Holiday In Dixie Treasure. Every year the city I live in puts out clues to find $1000 prize hidden somewhere in the city. I believe it has to be located somewhere on public property. What I'm asking of you is that you help by trying to figure out the clues with me. I know you don't live here but the clues are often generic and you can help with suggestions of where we can look for it.
Here are our thoughts so far.
Possibly a planetarium. There isn't a street named Lowell so that has to be referring to something else.
Here are the clues. (I'll add the next clue to it each day until the treasure is found).
Sounds like fun...and thanks in advance for your suggestions....
Here are the clues up to today.
Day 1AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clues 1 & 2
Hip, hip hooray - the hunt starts today! A thousand dollars can come your way. An AmSouth stadium cup and account will help you play For an extra thousand, two hundred fifty the bank gives away.
In Caddo or Bossier begin and end On public property the treasure you'll win. Don't shovel or damage, cut or mar And you'll be the treasure's winning star.
Day 2AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clue 3
Get your bearings with forests, water and hills. Know your geography, let clues test your will.
Day 3AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clue 4
Foothill, downhill, anthill, landfill Tackle these clues, are they all overkill?
Day 4AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clue 5
The solar system has clues that attract us and guide us. In either parish it could be beside us.
Day 5AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clue 6
Seen from above you won't find the clue. Look underneath, find the treasure for you.
Day 6AmSouth / Holiday In Dixie Treasure Hunt Clue 7
Dry, deserted, connected to Lowell. The clue is a hue, something you might know well.
i have done enough damage here this morning... in a few hrs i get on a plane for las vegas & taking in some sin city!
pray for me so that i dont loose my soul gambling.... .
.....oh wait... nevermind... i might need to hock it if i run outta cash & need to hit the craps table again!
Vegas is soooo much fun! Have a great trip!!!!
do you find that you have a fantastic memory when it comes to useless info?.
what is one fact you know that is totally stupid and pointless?.
mine is: cow's can't vomit.
The width of railroad tracks is 4' 8-1/2", the width of two horses butts......(stems from the horse and buggy days)