Topics Started by Mark
Details on "Advance Health Care Directive"
by ezekiel3 inthe ?blood card?
and dpa have been combined into one document that folds into a business card size.
(unfolded it measures 6.75 x 8.5 inches / 17 x 21.5 cm.
WTS to go back on use of blood fractions?
by Mark in(i'm sorry i originally posted this topic in the friends forum... i don't know how to delete the one there.
in my opinion, there is definitely a new trend in the way the wts
the medical use of blood fractions?
WTS to go back on medical use of blood fractions?
by Mark inin my opinion, there is definitely a new trend in the way the wts
deals with the medical use of blood fractions.
the most recent publication on this topic (e.g.
41 New Watchtower Website for Online Donations
by Mark inhere's the latest effort of the wt in the uk to collect donations..
i was thinking of posting some comments, but the website really speaks for itself.
Preaching Doom and Gloom in October?
by Sassy inmy ex husband (who is dfd but not a professsed apostate) told me yesterday that in october there is going to be a big push for preaching doom in service.. like the last chance to get people in before the end.. .
has anyone else heard this?.
i assume either his brother who is a dub or his mother have passed this on to him, in order to scare him to come back quick before everyone dies.. .
On the fading of 1914 ............
by TheOldHippie inforgetful as i am, i just forgot the title of the new brochure issued at this summer's conventions, but it is something like "keep on the watch", and it deals with the imminent return of christ, the signs of our times, and the need for being on the watch, being prepared for the "any day now" return.. the signs of our times are mentioned, but not earthquakes, so they are "out" again, it seems.
but, the first pages make out the basis for the belief in our days being the last ones, the final ones, and 607 is mentioned, 539 and 537 - but not 1914, not the "seven times" or "2520 years".. do you remember 1995, when the "generation change" came?
in summer, the "knowledge" book was issued, and it also dealt with the signs etc., but for the first time, there was no mention of the then "present truth" that some alive in 1914 would still be alive and witness the return.
A new type of shunning?
by Mark ina baptized brother in a local congregation stopped attending meetings months ago.
he hasn't been disfellowshipped, nor has he taken any steps to disassociate himself from the congregation.
he hasn't even been marked or privately reproved - god, i hate this type of cultish lingo, he just stopped attending meetings.
Where is the MONEY REALLY GOING? -- Special Assembly Days, etc
by EyeDrEvil ini have always wondered why it cost so much to "rent" the space used for local special assembly days and circuit assemblies.... in our case, the society built a large assembly hall, on donated farm land (= free), in the middle of some corn fields 20 miles outside of columbus, ohio... the property has a couple of apartments where some of the travelling overseers live, who help with the upkeep of the building.
cleaning the building was taken care of because of our "privilege" to go out the day before the assembly to get it in good shape (free housekeeping and maintenance work).. so, the society owns the building.
it was built on free land.
So what exactly IS an apostate?
by somebodylovesme ini was under the impression that an apostate was anyone who left the witnesses, was df'ed/da'ed, or was just actively opposed to them.
but i was reading in my hubby's old "reasoning book" that an apostate is one who professes to believe in christ (but not the jws), claims to serve god (but is not a jw), tries to pull away current jws or attack them.
so, by that definition, would someone who fades away and professes no religion still be considered an apostate if he or she didn't try to take anyone with them and did not attack the religion?.