Thanks for all the input! I have picked up some additional info that I thought should be posted.
First, let me say in answer to Joker: Bill Bowen is taking off 4 days from his secular work (no pay) to come to Rock Hill and hold this candlelight vigil. I don't see any other elders across the country willing to step down from their "Elder" positions and put themselves out there like he is doing for these abuse victims. His only gain is a "good conscience" knowing he is doing the right thing in trying to get changes made within the JW's, and in doing so, is helping victims, no matter what religion or background they come from. So maybe you would like to donate to him for his loss of time, especially in view of the comment you made!
Secondly, only 1 couple (Spanish Hall) showed up for the service. When first contacted the local KH said they would pay for the funeral. All of a sudden, no one could contact them. When the paper reached the PO he said "No Comment". 5 members of your congregation die in the worse Child Abuse/Murder/Suicide ever recorded in York County, and you have NO COMMENT!!!!!!? Then you treat them like you never knew them, even though they had been ACTIVE members and up until May (?) held the congregation Book Study in their home?
The English teacher did the eulogy!!! I know that people wanted this to be performed a minister and wanted and needed some comfort from the scriptures! They got none. And what would have happened if no one had come forward? Would their bodies have just been tossed in the ditch? They would have been laid to rest with not one word said. Even if no one wanted to say anything for the father, THE REST OF THE FAMILY WERE VICTIMS! Those children deserved better than this from the local KH. Everyone at the school knew that Denia was a JW...think how hard that is in itself. But according to her classmates they say she was very well liked. They are having a hard time dealing with this.
Third, I find it strange that the local KH could make arrangements for the father to stay with a Witness family in the Charlotte, N.C. area when he was banned from his home by DSS, but then couldn't help with the funeral arrangements. (He was probably sent there, and told to just read his Bible and go to meetings.) I don't know if he was receiving professional counseling or not...but apparently it wasn't enough. From all that I have read, most professionals agree that it is very difficult to reform a child molester, if not impossible. This case proves that point yet again.
I don't have all the organizations together yet, but I do know that the following groups basically paid for the funeral:
Red Cross, Victim's Abuse, Greene's Funeral Home, Pentecostal Church, Moonlight and Magnolia's (provided the casket spreads)...and there are a few others that aren't published yet. This doesn't even mention all the time spent by locals to make these arrangements, and this was all done by Volunteers! NOT one penny from the JW's. There is still a need for a few more funeral expenses to be paid. Silentlambs is raising money for this, and for a Memorial to be set up in the children's names. What is left will be donated to local child abuse organizations.
Any one who would care to donate can do so through Silentlambs and indicate what it is for. Anyone in the Charlotte, Rock Hill area who may know other details on the inside are encouraged to come forward. They can do so anonymously, through Dan Huntley at the Charlotte Observer. Other contact numbers are given in the local papers.
We encourage all to support and attend if possible. If not, then please pause for a moment and remember the wife and children on September 9.