RR---do you mean Native American Indians? Cause the rest of us Carolina natives are watching the game!!!! Where you from white boy???
mmmmmm good!!!!
they are still division leaders by 1 game..... swalker
RR---do you mean Native American Indians? Cause the rest of us Carolina natives are watching the game!!!! Where you from white boy???
this is a continuation of the thread started under "just had some fun with dubs at my door" and i thought that because the subject was more regarding the issue of mediator, i'd just start a new thread.. i hope that posters can tell in their own words how they understand this subject and not cut and post from the watchtower.
we are all well aware of their views on the subject.
i for one, studying several years ago, came to the conclusion that i didn't agree with their explanation, that christ was the mediator only for the 144,000. here are a few of my thoughts on it:.
Having a mediator is a simple logical way to explain bridgeing the gulf between God an humanity. When the striking impoverished union and the greedy capitalist owners can't come to an agreeement you bring in a mediator to resolve the problem. Same idea. The WTBS can't have it simple because they have to impose their idea of two levels of salvation on it.
Nicely worded Jeff...They make everything so complicated. Again, I think it has to do with CONTROL, as if THEY know more than the average person. After reading COC, it really hit home that they don't have any more insight than the average individual, perhaps even less. What's interesting to me is that I have an older brother, graduated Valedictorian of a large graduating class, gave up a full college scholarship, went to Bethel for 4 years, special pioneered for 10+, proofed articles for Watchtower, etc., etc., etc. We started comparing notes a few years ago...he has faded also, and we both were coming from the same point of view on the above. The more we studied the more we uncovered!!! Opened up a whole new way of thinking for both of us and extended members of our family. There is just so many statements that the Watchtower issues as facts and JW's assume they are. Too bad more don't do the research...
Recently, I had a neice, (with whom I have never discussed any dissenting issues) approach me and ask if I had noticed that the Watchtower wasn't backing up their statements with scriptures. She had also noted that the verses cited in some cases did not have anything to do with the point they were making. For the last 6 months, she has been working 2nd shift...meaning she hasn't been attending meetings! (She has 3 1/2 years of college under her belt and is used to researching/comparing...hope she continues!)
mmmmmm good!!!!
they are still division leaders by 1 game..... swalker
CRR--They got the right man to do that commercial!!!
IMO Michael Vick is one of the greatest quarterbacks in the NFL...he said recently that he wouldn't mind getting T.O. Can you picture that match-up? I hope the Panthers make it to the SB this year, because they may not have another chance for a while!!! Too bad we're in the same division...someone has to bow out of the play-offs. Personally, I'd rather see Atlanta and the Panthers...hope we beat Tampa on Sunday!!! Also, I'm glad to see the Seahawks come alive for once...it's nice to mix it up a bit. Wonder who, if anyone, can beat the Colts?
this is a continuation of the thread started under "just had some fun with dubs at my door" and i thought that because the subject was more regarding the issue of mediator, i'd just start a new thread.. i hope that posters can tell in their own words how they understand this subject and not cut and post from the watchtower.
we are all well aware of their views on the subject.
i for one, studying several years ago, came to the conclusion that i didn't agree with their explanation, that christ was the mediator only for the 144,000. here are a few of my thoughts on it:.
This is a continuation of the thread started under "Just had some fun with dubs at my door" and I thought that because the subject was more regarding the issue of Mediator, I'd just start a new thread.
I hope that posters can tell in their own words how they understand this subject and not cut and post from the Watchtower. We are all well aware of their views on the subject. I for one, studying several years ago, came to the conclusion that I didn't agree with their explanation, that Christ was the Mediator only for the 144,000. Here are a few of my thoughts on it:
Different Thoughts Regarding New Covenant
Starting with the prophesy in Jeremiah 31: 31-34 it states that their would be a “new covenant” (one to replace the old covenant made with Moses) and through this they would have forgiveness for their sins. Fast forward to Luke 22:20 where Jesus said that “this cup means the New Covenant by virtue of my blood, which is to be poured out in your behalf.” He said “keep doing this in remembrance of me”. Did you read anywhere that they were not to participate? He is activating (mediating) the new covenant and everyone that gets forgiveness of sins has to be included in the new covenant. If anyone is not in the new covenant there can be no basis for forgiveness of sins…so they are still living in sin and therefore can’t approach God. End of Memorial celebration.
On down in verses 28-30 is where he instituted a covenant for a Kingdom…for some to sit on thrones and judge the twelve tribes of Israel. Still part of the new covenant arrangement just an added feature. There was no special classification…only that of accepting the value of the ransom sacrifice/pouring out of his blood made by Christ, recognizing it as our only means to approach God. All of us. The only way we can approach God through prayer is by accepting him as the mediator/ransomer between us and God. All that believe that he died for us have the obligation to keep the Memorial he instituted and take part in eating the bread and wine showing we are his disciples. It is the basis for everlasting last…wherever HE decides to put us. According to Eph.4:4, there is only 1 body, 1 faith.
when i opened the door i was expecting the apartment maintance guy.
instead there were two guys with watchtowers.
one starts in on whatever his presentation was going to be and i stop him and say that i'm familiar with jehovah's witnesses, my wife has some witness relatives (true).
No, you didn't offend me. Yes, I would like to discuss it, because I believed for 40+ years that it was the way you stated, and then it was like when I was reading one day (I decided to read the Bible and try to not make it fit into any certain ideas that I already had) this particular issue regarding the Memorial/Covenant/Annointing took on a different meaning. It's late and I need to get to bed, but I will find my notes and post them tomorrow and see what you think. I may just start a new thread....
and that christmas trees were pagan sticks.
she really did it this time.
he does not understand what a pagan stick is but he sure understands about santa not being real.
Kids live in a make believe world. They have vivid imaginations and I don't think it hurts at all. The Santa issue has been tossed back and forth for decades. Reading Christmas stories to children in my opinion is no different than reading fairy tales. When I was small and a witness I so wanted there to be a real Santa and that he would bring me some presents! Of course that never happened and I grew up knowing he was just another fairy tale. It didn't seem to do any permanent damage or any damage to my friends at school when they finally realized it was their parents leaving the presents. Most kids do come to that realization around 6 or 7, but it was not up to the Grandmother to reveal that info!
As a witness, I always played the tooth fairy and my kids loved it. They knew I was it, but it was fun to play!!! Do you think God is going to kill me for that??? Having fun and pretending is entertaining...we all watch movies and don't say anything about that make believe world! Heaven forbid what the world would be like without imagination!!!
when i opened the door i was expecting the apartment maintance guy.
instead there were two guys with watchtowers.
one starts in on whatever his presentation was going to be and i stop him and say that i'm familiar with jehovah's witnesses, my wife has some witness relatives (true).
What I am trying to get you to do is give an explanation of the new covenant. Jesus at Matt. 22:14-19 describes the memorial celebration. It was in verse 29 that he clearly stated another covenant in which they would sit on thrones in his kingdom. These 2 events were not the same. See where I'm coming from? Hun?
when i opened the door i was expecting the apartment maintance guy.
instead there were two guys with watchtowers.
one starts in on whatever his presentation was going to be and i stop him and say that i'm familiar with jehovah's witnesses, my wife has some witness relatives (true).
Def'd...what is the "new covenant?" What is the "Kingdom Covenant?"
How can you possibly take Christ out of the picture of Mediator and be satisfied to put imperfect men in his place? (There is no basis for the forgiveness of sins aside from the ransom sacrifice and Chist's mediation of that sacrifice...The GB did not lay down there life for all of mankind and they will never fill that position.) THEY chose themselves to lead this organization. Look how they still choose people to be on the GB. It's not like anyone professing to be of the annointed can write in and say that holy spirit has directed them to be in a certain position....where does the Bible give them the authority to make these appointments? (Maybe it has nothing to do with HS)
You spout off all this information that is in the Watchtower and not from the scriptures. My challenge to you is to study this without the aid of the literature and research these scriptures and surrounding verses without the WTS slant on the subject. That's what I did and it was amazing what the verses actually say as compared to what they say it says!
They (GB) claim themselves that their writings are not inspired and yet you take everything they say as gospel. Read the gospels with an open mind, forgetting everything that you have been taught, and see if you still feel the same.
P.S. This was an inside secret with the GB for many years and they did not want this info out because they knew that most would not accept it. Ray Franz chose to write about it in COC if you care to read it.
mmmmmm good!!!!
they are still division leaders by 1 game..... swalker
Here is a pic of Charlotte NC---Home of Carolina Panthers!
Charlotte NC Pictures | ||
hi all, this post comes from the e-watchman site, when i get the mags, i will post further.. http://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=433.
the following is taken from the watchtower of january 15, 2006, page 23 under the heading 'resist the foremost apostate': .
'because of listening to the devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized.
I recently saw a news program aimed at giving parents useful information to help their children with regards to the Internet. It wasn't to stop them from using it, but rather to help them make informed decisions to keep them safe. They understand that kids are going to get on the Net...there is no stopping it!!! What I found interesting was that they encouraged parents to lovingly and kindly give helpful advice, not bark out orders! Guess no one at Headquarters saw that one! The harder stance they take on it will only make people rebel more. The more they push their insane directives down the R&F's throats the more they are going to meet with resistance. I can't see the young people or the business people go for this at all. If I was there listening to that, my ears would perk up, and I would just have to check and see what the big deal was about. The internet is a part of everyday lives, just as TV or radio...it is not going to go away. Doesn't this show, once again, how out of touch the GB really is???