For all of you who still attend meetings, have any of you actually heard about a big announcement coming up, or is this just something somebody here made up??
JoinedPosts by annalice
Info on "big" announcement from those who still attend.
by annalice infor all of you who still attend meetings, have any of you actually heard about a big announcement coming up, or is this just something somebody here made up?
HELP ,need advice about wacko sis-in-law
by annalice ini have posted a topic on this before back on march 21,06 .i wrote about how she had made up her own disasociation cards for us and had sent us some disturbing letters.
well now we have a new letter from her ,it was addressed to our 11 month old son, care of his father.
in the envelope she has actually taken the time to photo copy the exodus account of the of the first born sons of all egyptions being killed by gods angel.
I have posted a topic on this before back on March 21,06 .I wrote about how she had made up her own disasociation cards for us and had sent us some disturbing letters. WELL now we have a new letter from her ,it was addressed to our 11 month old son, care of his father. in the envelope she has actually taken the time to photo copy the Exodus account of the of the first born sons of all Egyptions being killed by Gods angel. AND she took the time to laminate the five pages and make holes and turn it into a little book for him.and on the very back of the book is a photo copied image of the cat in the hat reading to a little cat in the hat from a Dr.Suess book. she also included in the book a picture from the My Book of Bible Stories of the Egyptian mother holding her dead son in her arms while the father sits and hangs his head down in sorrow and regret. She asks my husband if he can please read this story to our son. So what the heck do I do now??? MY sons birthday is in a week ,I said we should send her a birthday invitation.,my husband said "no dont stir the pot" I'm sorry but I think that pot has been stirred for some time now ,and not by me. I think that from now on when something from her comes in the mail I should just put RETURN TO SENDER on the item and send it back unopened. My friend suggested that instead I should place the item in another envelope and send it back to her parents whom she still lives with at the age of 32. (YIKES). I dont believe that they know she is doing these things and maybe they would say something to her , I don't know. Another suggestion I recieved was to send all of these items, because I have saved them all and have photo copies of them, but instead send them all to the Elders of her congregation asking them to please speak with her. I don't think the Elders would be very happy that a sister of their congregation is making up her own Disasociation cards and sending them out . Apparently my husband does not want to confront her on this and put a stop to it. She has basically dismissed me as a waste of time and is only interested in saving my husband and child. Thats just great, now I am going to have another baby this coming April what will she send that one to read? I might just have to take these items to the local police station if know one stops this and get an order of protection to stop this harrasment. Any suggestions ??
Can the women wear pants YET?
by annalice ini have not been an active witness active for several years now.
so are the women still being forced to wear skirts and dresses still?
i really think that the whole dress thing has been for some time now very outdated.
I have not been an active witness active for several years now. So are the women still being forced to wear skirts and dresses still?
I really think that the whole dress thing has been for some time now very outdated. Womens pant suits are very dressy looking and if a woman came to my door wearing one I would see her as a very professionally dressed woman. I mean PLEASE do they still really think they look professional wearing their K-mart Jacklyn Smith collection rayon blouses with those ugly no shape skirts? Or how about the ones who wear the jumper dresses? Oh thats real professional looking. What about the classy way they look in the middle of winter in those horrible long skirts and big old nasty boots just trying to keep themselves warm while and nice freezing cold wind blows rigth up your skirt. So has there been any talk of changing that policy? Or are the brothers still wearing the pants? And I'm sorry to say but have any of you ever seen how short some of the sisters wear their skirts! including the Elders wives and their daughters. And they say nice pair of pants is not for a woman to wear? OH PLEASE!
Anyone in Upstate NY?
by What-A-Coincidence indue to a new business venture ... the family is relocating.
hopefully this will help our fade.
gonna be nice to leave this congregation.
I live in the Saratoga county region.
Skin care for the maturing lady (fluff)
by Crumpet ini have been using the same facial moisturiser loyally for the last 17 years - but i'm thinking what was great for me at 14 might not be so effective at 31. what most irks me when i look in the mirror (neck up early - we simply don't have long enough for what irks me below the neck) is that my pores seem really big and the overall effect is to make me look tired as the security guard at work pointed out when i left work last night!.
my question is to you ladies (and cosmetically aware gents) is what is your skin care regime and do i have to switch to a really expensive brand sponsored by nazi sympathisers and advertised by supermodels to spruce up my skin?
what do you swear by?.
I have just gotten this new book from called The Skin Type Solution by Leslie S. baumann . She is a skin care specialist who has found that there are more like 16 different skin types instead of the old standard of 4 types. This book has a ton of questions for you answer and then narrow down to what your type of skin is. The problem we have when buying skin care products is that we have our skin type wrong and are purchasing the wrong products. This book gives you your proper skin type and then it lists off all different products that she recomends for your skin. She says you don't have to spend alot to get good skin care products you just have to know the right ones to get. I use products like doctor haushka and another good company is They use only natural products for your skin and they have a page on their site that tells you what the different chemicals are on the back of you skin care products and why many of them are not good for your skin. Like did you ever look at all the products that contain propylne gylcol? did you know that that is the main ing in windshield washer fluid also? Thats just an example. I would say save your money until you read this book and find out what your skin really needs first.
upstate NewYork, anyone?
by annalice inhey everyone .
just wondering , anyone here from upstate new york?
I was born and raised in the Saratoga area. I have been out of the org for about ten years now. My husband has not attened meetings for the last few years also. I have two very good friends who have also left the org. They are both disfellowshipped , I have just faded out. One of my friends now posts on this site also, after I told her about it.
What is the Society's view and sayings on the Gnosticsand their beliefs??
by annalice ini have read about the gnostics since getting out of the org.
after i deprogramed myself so that i wasn't paranoid about looking into these other religions,, i found them very interesting.
i have since read alot about their beliefs.
I have read about the Gnostics since getting out of the Org. After I deprogramed myself so that I wasn't paranoid about looking into these other religions,, I found them very interesting. I have since read alot about their beliefs. But I can not remember? Did the society have a opinion about this group? I have been out for so long my memory is fading on this . Does anyone know? What are their views on the gospels that the Gnostics use?
anyone here watch "LOST" ?
by blsrose ini am so hooked on this show!!
when i work til 8 i try to get out early!!
last nites show was great!
Hey what ever happened to the guy that was living in the hatch? He ran off after they got in but what happened to him ? did I miss something?
What's the funniest/strangest name you ever gave a pet?
by JH in.
i was given a cat whose name was "piti".
i found it strange, but i kept it.
I had two cats when I was younger I named one Mr. Picklepuss. and the other Kingcool
upstate NewYork, anyone?
by annalice inhey everyone .
just wondering , anyone here from upstate new york?
I am from the saratoga county region.