I have not been to a meeting for some years now so I would not know if it has been said ,but have the witnesses actually been told straight out NOT to read the Harry Potter books? I ask this because my in-laws have seen me reading them and now think I am into evil stuff because I have them . So is it just them or is this what is now taught in the orginization? And if so are they also not allowed to read or watch the Wizard of Oz? since this has witches and magic in it also and so does almost every fairy tale and Disney movie. so are all of these banned? I mean if Harry Potter is banned should not all of these other stories be also? How do they argue on this point?
JoinedPosts by annalice
Harry Potter? Are witnesses told not to read it????
by annalice ini have not been to a meeting for some years now so i would not know if it has been said ,but have the witnesses actually been told straight out not to read the harry potter books?
i ask this because my in-laws have seen me reading them and now think i am into evil stuff because i have them .
so is it just them or is this what is now taught in the orginization?
Noah's Ark ....How did Noah......................
by KAYTEE inhow did noah put bitumen on the underside of the ark, did he get his family to lift it up allowing him to slide under and paint this on?
the underside being the most important face to be treated needed to be waterproof to make sure it did not allow leaks to occur, and had to stand up to extreme conditions for a whole year.
My husband just last week asked his brother who is still a witness if the flood happened how did all of the animals get back to their country of origin? for example the buffallo is only found in north america so how did they get back? His answer? Well maybe they just floated back over on some wood or stuff? HA HA HA !!! oh yeah and next week I'm going to take some wood and float over to England for a nice vacation. LOL! They could not answer it so it was said if we came back to the truth our questions could ALLLL be answered. LOL. Many animal such as koalas only eat a certain type of food how did all of the different foods that these animals eat get over to the ark to supply them with enough food not only for their time in the ark but for there journey to it and back? There's more holes on this story than swiss cheese.
Baptism and At What Age?
by karnage ini have seen and noticed that most people who are raised as jw's get baptized at a young age.
ages like 14-19. how is it that someone can dedicate their life to jehovah at these ages, when maturity is still in development?
this seems to be something that jw's push and practice on a regular basis.
I was baptized at 16. i noe consider that null and void. If I legally was not able to get married at that age how could they baptize me that young?
I have always wondered why if we are always told that the things mentioned in the bible are there for us to follow and live our lives by, WHY do we not follow the example set by Jesus and wait until our thirties to get baptized? Why is his age specifically mentioned if not for an example for us to follow? If Jesus had been baptized at 16 and that was mentioned in the bible you sure as hell can believe that that would be the age EVERYONE would be baptized by. Are they scared that with out that control over us that even more of us would leave the org? And so what if more did leave why would they want them around any way if there were not right for their organization. Shouldnt they be concerned with the quality of each witness rather thatn the quantity? If Jesus felt comfortable going around and preaching and teaching to others through his teens and twenties and not making that public declaration of water batism until his thirties why is that not good enough for us to follow?
What state are you from?
by Junction-Guy inthis is for the us crowd, what state do you live in?
or from?----i live in tennessee, but from ohio and kentucky.
upstate New York, Saratoga County
would you all consider this a serious threat????
by annalice inlet me start by saying that i have posted here before about my wacko sister -in-law.
this time it is bad.
we recieved a phone call from my husbands father on friday night asking about how we were and what we were up to ,no biggie just odd since its only maybe the second time in over a year that he has called.
I will be calling my lawyer today to ask about how to proceed with this and my husband has written a letter to his sister telling her how it is and to stop at once with sending us things. I would have prefered that he go down to their home and let her have it but the thing is with that whole family they are VERY nonconfrontational. That is why she never calls here or actually stops by to talk to us . My husband is trying to hang on to the last thread of his entire familys conection with him. However I dont see that happening. I am fortunate in that the rest of my extended family are all non witnesses but he will have no one from his extended family after this. For that I am truely sorry for him. He feels that he will be starting a war with them . I Feel that the war has already been started and that we are the ones on the defense now . All we want is to be left alone and allowed to live our lives the way that we want and that includes celebrating holidays and letting our children think for themselves. The thing is , is that they treat us like we are disfellowshipped. We are still the same people we have not turned to a life of drugs and drinking and satan worship. But I guess when you are as brainwashed as they are you just cant believe that people who leave the orginization are still just good nice people who only want to live a life different from the witnesses. So I guess we wait and see what is going to happen now. I am just trying to keep calm, My doctor told me yesterday that my blood pressure was way up there, so I am keeping as calm as I can. I dont need any pregnancy complications right now to add to these other problems. Thank you all for your advice. I'll keep you all posted on what happens. I have to go pack away my christmas ornaments now . We really had a wonderful Christmas with our son.
would you all consider this a serious threat????
by annalice inlet me start by saying that i have posted here before about my wacko sister -in-law.
this time it is bad.
we recieved a phone call from my husbands father on friday night asking about how we were and what we were up to ,no biggie just odd since its only maybe the second time in over a year that he has called.
Let me start by saying that i have posted here before about my wacko sister -in-law. This time it is bad. We recieved a phone call from my husbands father on Friday night asking about how we were and what we were up to ,no biggie just odd since its only maybe the second time in over a year that he has called. My husband told him that we wernt up to much yada yada end of discussion. It was short and ended. We had my family over at the time and my sister staying with us for the Christmas weekend. So next day after being out shoping all day I come home grab the mail and see a card addressed to my husband in it is a very belated anniversary card with a whole bunch of scriptures all pertaining to Lot. only she left out lots name and put in my husbands name and anywhere it said wife she left that out and put in Son. So it read that Lot was to get out with his Son and leave all others behind because they were beyond help meaning ME. Then at the end of the anniversays card she said to my husband that he had her deepest sympathy.REal nice right? Wait there'more. So when looking at the envcelope we see that it was never postmarked that means she came by and put it in our mailbox. So yesterday I go out to get the mail and there is a card in there postmarked and the envelope has christmas decorations drawn all over it so I just figures it was late getting here so I open it and it is a Christmas card but it starts out inside by saying. " I WILL BURY YOUR CHILDREN AT ARMAGEDDON BUT YOUR WIFES BODY CAN ROT!! YOU LIED TO DAD THE OTHER NIGHT YOU HAD CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS UP AND PEOPLE OVER AT YOUR HOUSE. YOU ARE LYING TO YOUR SON!!! STOP LYING TO YOURSELF. YOU NEED TO TAKE YOUR SON TO THE MEETINGS AND IF YOUR WIFE WANTS TO BE LIKE THAT AND CHEAT!!! ON YOU YOU NEED TO LEAVE HER BEHIND!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Ok so that shows that she drove by our house and spied on us on friday night. But where the whole cheating thing came from i have no fraking idea. I am 6 months pregnant and have a 1year old at home and i totaly love my husband .so is she making up lies now to get him to leave or is there some rumor going around i dont know about. I am still trying to get ahold of a friend who is still a witness to find out the latest gossip on that one. So my course that i feel i should follow is photo copy all of this material and all the other things she has sent in the past and send them along with a letter to her elders of her congregation asking them to deal with her and that if they do not i will be conntacting the courts to file an order of protection against her and I will have it servedto her when she is there at a sunday meeting. Would you all consider something like this a serious enuogh threat? Do you think the elders would help on this or ignore it since we are fade aways and dont count anymore. I think also maybe i should let them know that i will make this a public as possible will that get them moving on this ? I know the witnesses dont like bad publicity. I am definatly locking my doors she is totally gone off the deep end.
Who is DF/DA or Fader???
by mama1119 ini was just wondering, how many dfed to we have on here compared to da or faders??
My husband and I are Faders. I would love to DA myself but do not do so only because I know it would only cause alot more problems for my husband who is already getting treated like dirt from his family. They are all BIG time witnesses , in my family however only my mother is a JW and she barely goes anymore herself ,but she's still a true beliver of all witness things. However if his wacko sister continues to send us threatening letters in the mail I feel that I will DA myself so she will maybe stop her nonsense.
Do you get stressed talking to JWs?
by jwfacts ini am a salesman, so will talk to anyone, anytime without fear.
but for some reason, everytime i need to speak to a jw i get a huge rush of nerves.. i also am an accountant and do tax returns, and this year lost most of my jw clients.
some went to another accountant in the congregation.
You know its funny that you bring this up. Just last night my friend and I were talking about this same thing. She posts on this site also. I have been out for eight or nine years now and we were saying how its almost like stages you go through when leaving. For a long time I would get knots in my stomach whenever I ran into a witness but the longer that I've been out the stronger I have gotten. Those people are just that ,PEOPLE. They should not make us feel that way . I now see that they should be nervous of seeing me. I am the stronger one not them ,I can now think for myself ,all I feel now when I see any of them is pity ,for them and their sad little narrow world that they will always live in. They are no different from you or I, they still sit on a toilet and take a crap just like the rest of us. Only for them ,when they do, they see it as a blessing from Jehovah. We just see it as plain CRAP.
No Tag At My Son's School....
by Why Georgia inperhaps some of you have seen this on the news.
my son's school has gotten national attention because the ban on tag.
i went to the pto meeting and spoke with the principal.
WOW that is so stupid, why don't we just send our children to school in plastic bubbles? I had not heard of these childrens games being banned . It is all so stupid. I have read some articles on teachers no longer being able to use red ink to mark papers, they feel that the color red represents violence and anger so they are telling teachers in some schools to switch to "nice" "happy" colors. How stupid is that?
In-laws getting in the way...
by roflcopter inmy marriage has been hitting rocky roads lately because the in-laws know my stand as far as what i feel about jehovah's witnesses.
every 3 days or so they send my wife a letter full of propoganda and how she needs to come back home, yadda yadda.
it truly is recking my marriage.
I am sorry that you are having to go through this . I am in a similar situation. My in laws and physco sister in law are doing this to my husband . They believe that I have forced him to leave the "truth" and that the whole reason he has left is because of me. He is constantly being sent letters addressed only to him about coming back and they want him to bring our 12 month old son along also. I geuss I'm just considered a lost hope ,so toss her aside and save yourself they feel. When these letters come in the mail now I just write on them "return to sender- we do not accept cult related letters". Keep strong in your beliefs that you are doing the right thing for yourself. Sometimes I think its the only way these people can deal with a loved one leaving is to point the blame on another person. They just can't accept the fact that someone they love actually wants to leave and has made this decission all on their own. That is what I am trying to get my husband to say to his family ,but as of right now He is still just letting the blame fall on me. But I am happier now than I've ever been , I enjoy the freedom of being able to think for myself. All of us who have left are the truely the strong ones, we all tower over the witnesses with the strentgh we now have . Enjoy your freedom and tell your inlaws to go to hell.