Yeah it is a monotheistic clone of the egyptian cosmos with the names of the dieties removed.
JoinedPosts by XQsThaiPoes
The Global Flood
by coldfish ini've just read an intersting article on the flood to do with dates and whether is was truly global or a regional flood..
my father used to be an elder for many years and the flood was one of the things that made him walk away not just from the jw but also belief in the bible.
he was hung up on issues like the flood taking place about 3500 bc and how that fit in with the pyramids.. i don't know much about egyptian history or the ages of the big pyramids, but his reasoning was if the flood wiped out every human on earth except noah etc then at 3500 bc there were only 8 people on earth.
Does the averageJW really believe it is the truth?
by whatistruth ini ask this question because the average jw does not show true love though they are commanded to do so.
the average jw often confesses that the meetings are quite boring.
the average jw complains about almost everything within the org.
Pin um in all reality there net has lil to do with disproving the wts. It has always been critically examined and many of its expousings proved false. The thing is the information age basically allows people who normally would never bother to do something on their own to have instant access to it privately. Look what the net has done with the porn industry.
I am sure you know that, but the impression that the wts was "hidding" things sucessfully before the net is not exactly true. You can go to your local library 30 years ago and disprove many of the the teachings, or find as much of the dirt as you wanted. And hence the "apostates" were born and using the tech of the time they printed their lil fliers.
I think if anything the info age has made the jws trust the media, and science. So if you show them a new clipping or a national geographic they mostly agree with the findings, but still give excuses. Look at how the theory of evolution has progressed.Now most rational people wont disputed it, just cloud the issue with "what ifs". I remember when JWs believed dinosaurs were basically the bones of large contemporary mammals, and reptiles that were jumbled up at the flood and wrongly put back together by scientist. Then it progressed to dinos living at the flood. Now a dinosaur is a dinosaur and It lived 65 million years ago. -
The Global Flood
by coldfish ini've just read an intersting article on the flood to do with dates and whether is was truly global or a regional flood..
my father used to be an elder for many years and the flood was one of the things that made him walk away not just from the jw but also belief in the bible.
he was hung up on issues like the flood taking place about 3500 bc and how that fit in with the pyramids.. i don't know much about egyptian history or the ages of the big pyramids, but his reasoning was if the flood wiped out every human on earth except noah etc then at 3500 bc there were only 8 people on earth.
That is a nice insight AC, but the problem is that it is unimpressive. You are basically saying that the story of noah was an exageration of a historical event. THe problem is there is nothing supernatural about that.
You also are mistaken about noah preachin to people. God says that only the great 8 will survive regardless of if it is local or global. So that means even if people wanted to be saved they would still be killed. Remember the sentance was that people were so evil that go issued the land a death sentance man and beast. As you know God does feel guilty every now and again for slaying scores of people so maybe he would have "cut short" his wrath if he thought to many innocent people were dying, but your explaination eliminates the need for God because it was just a flood covering the hills. That is quite routine geologically. We have them today.
anouther thing is that God tell noah to take every thing that is eaten into the ark. THe tree of Good/Bad and the Tree of life were supernaturally gaurded so Noah could not done so. The Noah account does not even acknolowelge the rest of the genesis account nor the rest of the bible.
So basically the biblical flood never happend even if it did happen. It is sorta like joan of arc. Yeah it really happend, but really it did not. -
Does the averageJW really believe it is the truth?
by whatistruth ini ask this question because the average jw does not show true love though they are commanded to do so.
the average jw often confesses that the meetings are quite boring.
the average jw complains about almost everything within the org.
I think you guys are all saying the same thing. Basically a large group of JWs don't believe most of what the watchtower says but feel that via osmosis God will basically let them in the VIP. It is like knowing a famous person getting complementary tickets to their events, speacial passes maybe a few photos, but at the end of the day you go back to your every day life, and they go back to their realm of stardom.
So many JWs are living their life cussing, giving oral sex, doubting that they or anyone they know will see the end, but because they are a groupie they will be ressurected regardless in to a perfect world by those hip annointed chaps.
As time goes on the number of JWs that are JWs by association will, and are taking over. THe elder body is collapsing because there is no male clean enough or expericence enough to replace the baby boomers. THey are to the point of asking any young male that regularly attends the congregation do they want to be an elder, and if they do immediately deputized MS. If you attend and are unbaptized they really grease the wheels to let you in. Unless they change to female overseers the core will and is rotting out of the church.
I told my mother this and she swore it is not true. Then I asked her name the new adult male JWs at the hall that ARE NOT my childhood play mates, their fathers, or JWs we already know, but were relocated (begged) by the co to replace the elders that are too old, or infirmed to serve. There is only one and he basically spilt from his wife and kids back east, and is try figure how to work on a wife number 2 out west.
Even thought they have different theologies JWs is becoming the catholic church. -
Would you continue to be a JW if?
by XQsThaiPoes inyou knew what things the jws are wrong about, and did not praticipate in them, or propagate them (there would be no reprisal from the boe or other jws if you did this).
your family and friends would treat you the same if you were a jw or not.
i am wondering who would be compelled by some inner flame to leave jws even if you could stay and believe or behave how you wanted.
You knew what things the JWs are wrong about, and did not praticipate in them, or propagate them (there would be no reprisal from the BOE or other JWs if you did this). Your family and friends would treat you the same if you were a JW or not.
I am wondering who would be compelled by some inner flame to leave JWs even if you could stay and believe or behave how you wanted. Basically living life as Johnny out of step while ocasionally being vindicated by policy change. Such as those that did not believe in 1975 back in the day, and actually bought houses or cars they could afford, or got jobs that could actually provide for their retirement 30 years later. -
The Global Flood
by coldfish ini've just read an intersting article on the flood to do with dates and whether is was truly global or a regional flood..
my father used to be an elder for many years and the flood was one of the things that made him walk away not just from the jw but also belief in the bible.
he was hung up on issues like the flood taking place about 3500 bc and how that fit in with the pyramids.. i don't know much about egyptian history or the ages of the big pyramids, but his reasoning was if the flood wiped out every human on earth except noah etc then at 3500 bc there were only 8 people on earth.
I am confused about the global flood as well. According to the most of the bible the global flood never happend and it was plot hole (it directly conflicts the Adam and Eve story). Meaning that the Global flood is a parabel, exageration (like the number of jews in the exodus and how much money solomon had), or some alternate continutity (like dream time).
the concept of a global flood during noahs time shuld totally be cast out. Also notice how in genesis records a good and evil version of the same person leading up to noah. I think an example is Tubal-Cain. This reflects some weird mixing of something. -
JW Says:--JWs Are "Not Required" To Go Door To Door!
by Voyager in . .
overcast 29. .
Thats the thread I started when the article came out there are quotes from it enjoy. I Know I'll still be a liar in the minds of many but aleast you can know I not like I pull this stuff out my butt on a whimsy. -
JW Says:--JWs Are "Not Required" To Go Door To Door!
by Voyager in . .
overcast 29. .
Why do most disussions around here look like this?
JW Says:--JWs Are "Not Required" To Go Door To Door!
by Voyager in . .
overcast 29. .
EW I agree with you the WTS has always liked to promote activities that can get you DFed if you actually stand your ground. Allows the rest to huddle together for warmth sorta speak.
But I notice that the elders seam to use "You mean you did not talk to ANYONE about Jehovah this month? Not even 15 minutes?" Usuually every JWs can fudge yes. The elders then ask for you to record that time (to keep you in the active slot) and try to work you up to a full hour even if it mean talking or reading to impressionable children. THe thing is truely if you are a remotely practicing JW now days it is hard for them to claim d2d is a requirement.
And to be fair yes if you show that you don't like d2d they try to nudge you into more obscure witnessing including spamming,, junk mail, and telemarketing (its fun having double standards ). You know if you wanted to you could just lie and write a modest 5 hours on the time slip the elders will never ask why only 5 ir check to see if you actually do it. -
Does the averageJW really believe it is the truth?
by whatistruth ini ask this question because the average jw does not show true love though they are commanded to do so.
the average jw often confesses that the meetings are quite boring.
the average jw complains about almost everything within the org.
THe truth about what? Thats the kicker. JWs seem to well... "if someone gave you a new rolls royce, and it had no wheels, the emblem was gone, and it had a few dents in it would you refuse it? Well we may not have everything right, nor be the doing everything we should, you can't deny this is the truth." So basically they play bookie for God. THe thing is the things JWs promote as "the truth" are pretty good considering it is a religion and with all religions buyer beware. It is the human interactions that piss people off. 700 years ago I bet many people would prefer the JW truth to the Catholic truth back then.