I am so very sorry........
my heart goes out to you and those 4 precious kids and his wife..........
a couple of weeks ago, one of the nicest men in the world passed out at work at one of our other stores.
his airway was blocked by cartilege (sp?
) build-up in his trachea.
I am so very sorry........
my heart goes out to you and those 4 precious kids and his wife..........
i know i'm way behind on the personal development thing, here, but do you stick up for certain people no matter what?
i had always thought that standing up for "righteousness" was all that mattered.
now i think its more important to back up loved ones even if they are in the wrong.
I absolutely do...............
and if it happens over an issue that I just cannot let slide, I tell them........privately of course.
I think that if you can't depend on your friends to back you up, then who CAN you depend on to do it?
(especially when your entire family is in the Borg)...........
okay, i know it is corny, but my daughter graduates college tomorrow, may 29th with a bachelor of arts degree, major fine arts.
she is an accomplished student and painter.
she took an extra year because while a full-time student she also worked 20-25 hours a week.. .
How exciting!!
Congratulations to you both...........
and I hope y'all have a HUGE celebration!!!
for me it was the slow, purposeful fade....and you?
No, Scotsman.........I have NOT forgotten............
and I never will......good God I never will....................
But there DOES come a point when everyone is responsible for his or her own actions.......
And if anyone CHOOSES, that's right....CHOOSES to be a coward and not face up to what they TRULY believe...........well,,,,,then.........
I have no sympathy............
Again I say..........If you DO NOT stand up for yourself.........
then who do you think WILL???..........
What's up, hun??
Tell us so we can help.........
I'm tellin' ya.........we really can help..........
Trust us.........OK??
for me it was the slow, purposeful fade....and you?
And yet.....you refuse to believe that leaving can be quite simple..............
It is only complicated IF you MAKE it..........
So,,,, don't make it........
for me it was the slow, purposeful fade....and you?
Hey.......if a "slow, quiet fade" can work for someone.........then all I can say is......
More Power To Ya............
I know what it's like...........
my dad is an Elder......
Mom.....Regular pioneer.......
Other Brother..........MS
Sister..........Former Regular Pioneer.........
The whole freakin' family is in..........
But, you know what?........There comes a point where PERSONAL responsibility comes in..........
If you CANNOT stand up for yourself AND your beliefs..............
Who do you think will do it FOR you???????
for me it was the slow, purposeful fade....and you?
you know, caspian, PROBLEMS are always complex.............
But the solutions are always simple..........
You KNOW what you have to do......and yet seem too afraid to do it............
Ergo........the solutions are NOT the problem........
It is having enough COURAGE to carry out the solution, that so many have a problem with..........
It really is that simple........but too many CHOOSE to make it complicated............
for me it was the slow, purposeful fade....and you?
well, caspian, if this elder has taken you on as a pet project, it must be because you have not made your stance clear.........
I get soooo friggin' aggravated when people complain that the Witnesses won't "leave them alone"..........
Here's an idea.....
Grow a spine and STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!!
How about telling them to NEVER come back to your house?
I have been here and done this and have the lousy t-shirt............
No one would tolerate a complete STRANGER constantly bothering them at their home.............
why are the Witnesses treated differently?
"if you stand for nothing, you will fall for ANYTHING..............."
pc games from the adventure company?.
i recently played "post mortem"............loved it!!
i hope they come out with a sequel..... dark fall - the journal............too easy.
Thanks for the tip, Dan....I'll check it out........
Badger.......I just can't get into the strategy, warfare, alien, Sci-Fi, fantasy stuff.......
I just absolutely love anything that involves solving mysteries, though..
I played CSI.......but it was way too easy...
I am really looking forward to the "Dark Fall" sequel coming out in the fall...
The Adventure Company can't make 'em fast enough for me!!