Topics Started by Dunk
This is where Mary Rutherford lived.
by VM44 inthis is the address where mary rutherford lived up to 1962, the year she died.. what i want to know is who paid for this upscale residence?.
or was it her son malcolm?
or did the watchtower?.
To SO CAL: What CO's and DO's do we all know?
by IreallydidwalkoutofaKH inokay, in order it goes like this for peace 1980-83, brother rose 1984-86, brother yasko 1986-88, brother sekella 1988-91, brother billy ford 1992-95, brother davis 1996-99, brother irskin 2000-03 and then it gets kinda burge and another, brother hairston.
okay, that just about does it.
i have this topic becauce i tried reading the favorite co and do thread, but did not recognize any names......
What is real?
by John Doe inthe only thing that's real is this, and i focus on it.
tearing holes with needles, letting down.
away, sweet friend.
As A Former JW, Do You Feel You Should "Apologize" For Past Actions?
by minimus indo you believe that you should now apologize for whatever actions you made when you were a witness?.
do you think that if you were an elder that you should contact those that might've felt oppressed by you and your "theocratic" actions?.
if you were a zealous preacher, do you now feel you should go back to your former bible students and tell them the error of your ways?.
Why to people give thanks (prayer) to god for their food?
by sinis ini find it completely ironic that people thank god for food and clothing, when if you look at the ot in genesis you see how yahweh curses the ground and tells man that he will work his ass off for food, shelter, daily life.
why are people giving thanks to a god who knowingly made life hell to begin with?
couldn't it be said that man works for his own food and that he should be thanking himself?
Effects of the changes if the book study is amalgamated with the TMS
by truthseeker inwe're pretty sure what will happen next week but not why.. this thread is just for a list of changes that will affect those who still go.. .
1) no more private book study arrangements.
the book study host will ask themselves "why?".
How the new "generation" study went down in the meeting today
by slimboyfat ini made a big effort to get to the watchtower study today.
i have not been to the meetings much for months, but i figured this was a pretty historic "study" and i wanted to see reactions and how it would go down locally.
well a few things struck me as a bit odd in the study itself, and in the audience response as well.
Follow the Christ DC 2007 Audio
by FadingAway ini have made some of the talks available from the follow the christ dc.
i had some problems on day 1 with reception, so i was only able to get one talk and day 3 we were late getting there.
also, i didn't include the drama as there is another thread on that hopefully some will be able to provide transcripts like live life did with the education talk to promote discussion of the material (again, thanks live life).
Why does the great crowd go to memorial?
by *jeremiah* in"do this in remembrance of me"...... ...those words jesus utters,..according to the wt, specifically for "the annointed",...right?.
if jesus at the last supper is speaking directly to "the annointed class",...that they should parttake and "do this in remembrance",...then why do the r & f even go to the memorial?.
looking at it through jw eyes,...jesus didn't invite members of "great crowd" to the last supper,...right?
S.E.C. Sues Jehovah's Witnesses For Investment Frauds
by West70 inu.s. securities and exchange commission .
washington, d.c. .
litigation release no.